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Vet Nursing Review


undefined, object
copy deck
opening from the cloaca out of the body in birds
degloving injuries
a wound in which the flesh is peeled off
Keratoconjuctivitis Sicca (KCS)
is a condition in which tear production levels are subnormal
components of a bandage
1. contact/ primary layer 2. intermediate/ secondary layer 3. outer/ tertiary layer
examples of metabolic disorders
renal disease; diabetes; thyroid disorders; liver disorders; adrenal disease
aseptic technique
all steps taken to prevent contamination of a surgical site by infectiou agents
fresh, tropical water fish
guppy; tetra; catfish
3rd intention wound healing
used when the wound is sutured after granulation tissue forms
robert jones bandage
1.Create "stirrup" with tape & tongue depressor 2.If there is an open wound, place dressing on wound (primary layer) 3. Wrap limb with roll cotton from toes to point of attachment of limb (secondary layer) 4.Wrap with roll gauze (tertiary layer) 5.Remove tape from tongue depressor & stick to gauze 6.Wrap with elastic such as Vet wrap or with adhesive tape (second part of tertiary layer) 7.Percuss (Tap; it should sound like a watermelon)
dry, hard stool that is difficult to pass stool; dyschezia may be present. Treatment: temporary/permanent dietary changes: addition of fiber, soft/canned food, dairy products like milk/ cream; laxatives of stool softeners (petroleum jelly); enemas for severe cases
a condition of sterility in which no living organisms are present
when penicillin/ penicillin derivatives kill normal gram + bacteria in the gut of rabbits allowing gram - bacteria to over grow; can result in severe hemorrhagic diarrhea, anemia, and death (if not treated); also may occur spontaneously due to dietary changes, stress, ect
Femoral Vein:
Extends from stifle to groin on medial aspect of thigh; Used for blood collection in cats; Usually NOT used for indwelling IV catheters due to potential for dislodging catheter
Procedure for heartworm treatment
Locate the last rib. Count 3 to 5 vertebrae caudal to the last rib (L3 to L5). Place the fingers of your non-dominant hand over L3 to L5. Insert the needle at a 90 degree angle, from a dorsal direction. Aspirate and look for blood in the hub. If no blood, inject
formation of skin across a wound occurs in the 3rd stage of wound healing (the Repair Phase)
life span of guinea pigs
4-6 years
cliping procedure for spay and other sugery involving the uterus/ovaries
clip from the xiphoid to the pubis; laterally to the edge of the ribs on each side
shedding of the tail
true glandular stomach of birds
cliping procedure for urinary bladder & caudal abdominal surgery
clip umbilicus to the caudal pelvis; laterally to the edge of the ribs on each side
signs of vulvar fold dermatitis
licking; foul odor; pain; erythema. Treatment: surgery/ antibiotics
forms fibrin, which stretches across wound
indications of infection
redness of skin around wound; pus; warm to the touch; firm swelling deep to wound; fever; depression; loss of appetite
cat estrous cycle
heavily influenced by the photoperiod; come into heat at any time of year, especially if kept in artificial light as in a home, but usually do not come into heat from mid-fall to mid-winter (about October to January), when the days are shortest; As the days lengthen toward mid-January, begin to come into heat, and they will continue to cycle until mid-fall; Estrus lasts 8 to 10 days; induced ovulators; If they do not mate (and do not ovulate), they will usually come into estrus again in 2 to 14 (average 7) days; If they mate and ovulate but do not become pregnant, they usually come into estrus again in approx. 45 days. Thus, free-roaming queens may have 2-4 litters per year.
Holding off" a vein proximal to the venous access site. The vein is blocked so that the blood cannot travel back to the heart; the vein fills with blood, which can then be collected.
inflammation /infection of the prepuce; yellowish-greenish discharge (yellowish discharge is normal in intact young males); may clear up on its own/ require antibiiotic treatment
intra-ocular pressure (IOP)
amount of pressure within the globe
free catch (urine sample collection)
catching the urine in a receptacle as it is being voided; avoid beginning and end of stream
male ferret
Debridment Phase
2nd stage of wound healing, that extend for a long period of time; where debridement occurs; Neutrophils & macrophages debride wound by phagocytosis (engulfing) of organisms, dead tissue, & debris
handling & restraining fish
don't touch w/ dry hands; may damage the mucus coat; remove & transfer using a net; the gills should be kept free of mud & other debris, as this is where oxygen exchange occurs; most fish should not be kept out of water for more than a few seconds; fish may be placed into plastic bags/ styrofoam boxes filled w/ water for transport; the transport water should resemble the water from which the fish were taken in temp, pH, & oxygen level; placement of fish into a container of water for longer then 3 hours may require the use of a water oxygenation system; anesthetics may be placed into the water for long-distance transport
saltwater (marine) fish
anemones; tangs & surgeons; trigger fish
To cover granulation tissue, e.g. Telfa pad
ventral scent gland
ventral gland, near the navel found on gerbils; may become a reddish tumor
systemic antibiotics
(oral or injectable) clindamycin; cephalosporins
Protocols for distemper/ Parvo (in puppies) & Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis- Calicovirus- Panleukopenia (FVRCP)
vaccination given at 6 weeks of age & angain 3-4 weeks, until over 16 weeks of age; then given every 1-3 years
eyes of neonates open at
5-14 days of age (usually 10-14)
"scrapes"- superficial wound
undescended testicles, latten for hidden testicle. Normal development: At or near birth, the testicles descend through the inguinal canal from the abdominal cavity into the inguinal (groin) area beneath the skin; Over the next several weeks, they gradually migrate under the skin into the scrotum, usually felt in the scrotum by 6 weeks of age; If not descended by this time, testicles may still descend until approx. 4-5 months of age; may be retained in the abdominal cavity or the inguinal (groin) region; Unilateral or bilateral; unilateral is more common; Cannot produce viable sperm; infertile in the retained testicle; Do produce testosterone, so will still exhibit male behavior; Much more likely to develop testicular neoplasia; Most commonly seen in toy and miniature breed dogs and Persian cats; Testicles retained in the abdominal cavity are usually removed in a procedure similar to ovariohysterectomy (spay surgery). Testicles retained in the inguinal area are removed through a simple skin incision
fecal loop
used for fecal sample collection; used to retrieve a sample from the animal in the following manner. Procedure: lubrucate the distal portion of the loop; insert the loop into the rectum & gently direct it craniodorsally over the ischiatic arch. depth of insertion depends upon the size of the animal; pull the loop out & deposit the specimen in a specimen collection cup
Estrus in dogs
bloody vaginal discharge, vulvar edema, mammary development, & standing heat occur
slip lock
needle slides on & off syringe; drawback: needle may slide off during injection
raptors/birds of prey
inflamation/infection of the vagina; yellowish-greenish vaginal discharge; may clear up on its own or require antibiotic treatment
cold blooded; lack ability to thermoregulate
vaccine-associated sarcomas (VAS)
tumors of the connective tissue, should they occur following vaccinations; common for cats; when they occur between the shoulder blades/ over the ribs, these aggressive tumors would invade the connective tissue surrounding the spine/ ribcage, making them difficult/ impossible to remove completely; by vaccinating over the limbs, the affected limb can be amputates to save the cat's life.
signs of Keratoconjuctivitis Sicca
seen in dogs (cocker spaniels & brachycephalics); thick green, ropy discharge; scleral injection; conjuctivitis; corneal edema; due to insuddicient tear prouction may be caused by immune-mediated destruction of tear-producing glandular tissue; may result in vision loss
reopening of the wound
bilateral cryptorchidism
both testicles undescended
psuedopregnancy in dogs
false pregnancy; Non-pregnant ***** exhibits maternal signs when pups would have been born if ***** had been bred; Mammary development; Lactation; Maternal behavior
age 3rd pair of adult incisors erupt
5 months of age
dry adherent
a primary layer of a bandage that is used when large amount low-viscosity exudates
signs of an ill bird
fluffed-up apperance; Loss of appetite; Change in the appearance or number of droppings; Drooping wings; Partially eaten food stuck to the bird's face; A lack of talking or singing
fresh, coldwater fish
goldfish & Koi
medication for fish absorbed through the skin; placed in the water
sexually dimorphic
external characteristics, distinguishing male from female
cognitive dysfunction
D- disorientation; I- interaction changes; S- sleep patterns; H- house-soiling
dewclaw removal
digit one of the the forelimb and hindlimb, located on the medial aspect of the paws, are cut from their attachment to the metatarsal bone.
when females have a pouch that neonated crawl into after birth, to nurse and keep warm
musculoskeletal disorders
arthritis/ degenrative joint disease; muscle atrophy; loss of strength & athletic ability; may need to take shorter and/ or fewer walks
pregnant dam
mothers which eat twice their normal amount;should have access to high-quality, high energy food in quantities of up to twice their normal amount. Kitten food for cats and puppy food for dogs is usually adequate; Juvenile queens may double their body weight during pregnancy; The body condition of dams should be monitored and mammary development should be observed.
dog proestrus cycle
pre-estrus period; lasts 9-10 days; Uterine lining becomes highly vascular and bloody discharge will be shed from the vagina. Do not confuse this with menstruation in humans, which occurs after ovulation when fertilization has not occurred and the uterine lining is shed. In dogs, bleeding occurs prior to ovulation, when the uterus is preparing for conception. NON-receptive to males, but males will be attracted
surgical nurse (assistant)
scrubbed-in; available to assist surgeon, touching only steril items/ parts; pulls out & prepares equipment & supplies that are needed for procedure; assists the nurse anesthetist w/ prior & during surgery; draping; position the surgery light if there is a sterile hadle; organize instrument tables; receive supplies from circulation nurse; place scalpel blade on handle & pass it to surgeon; pass loaded scapel handle to surgeon; load needle holders w/ suture; hold tissues; hold stay sutures/any other instruments/supplies/ hemostasis/ moisten laparotomy (lap) pads-to moisten organs
cliping procedure for sugery in the ventral neck
clip mid-mandible to thoracic inlet; laterally to the commissure of the lips
when a salamander does'nt undergo metamorphosis & remains in the larval stage throughout life
steril person, who work w/in steril feild & reached over steril field; touch steril items & prep area on patient. (surgical assistant)
very common in puppies/ kittens; diagnosed by: observing adukt worms in stool/ vomitus or preforming fecal flotation
anal glands
secretory tissue in the lining of the anal sacs; secrete oily, yellowish to pale brown foul-smelling fluid that is stored in anal sacs
>7-8 years old
when cats are considered geriatric
urinary incontinence
inability to control the flow the flow of urine; most common in spayed females and geriatric animals
testicular neoplasia
size difference between testes; bumpy surface to testis; may be ulcerated through the scrotum
age adult canines erupt
6 months or later for small breeds
non-steril person; not able to work w/ in sterile feild. (circulating nurse)
perianal fistula
draining tract through the skin from anal gland abscess; drainage of pus; severe paon; fever; very foul odor. Treatment: hot-packing; flushing & antibiotic infusion; oral antibiotic therapy; anal sacculectomy
the deciduous incisors erupt
at 2-4 weeks of age ; followed by canines and the premolars; all should be erupted by 8 weeks of age
intact (unspayed) female dog
occurs in intact animals; distended abdomen; mammary development; form about two week onward, fetuses ,ay be palpated through the abdominal wall
female guinea pig
adrenal hyperplasia
overgrowth/overactivity of adrenal glands, resulting in hair loss vulvar swelling
nuclear sclerosis
haziness of the eyes
mammary neoplasi
tumors of the mammary glands; occurs in dogs and cats; very common in intact females & females that experienced multiple heats before spaying; may ulcerate through the skin. Prevention: spaying. Treatment: surgical removal; spaying
functional oviduct
the left ovary and oviduct are the only functional
quadriceps muscles
consists of 4 muscles; 3 of the 4 muscles are located on the cranial & craniolateral aspects of the thigh( cranial & lateral to the femur)
cancer of the lymphatic system
area between the anus and genitalia, where the mother will lick the neonates to stimulate urinationand defecation
rabbits; distinguishe by presence of peg teeth behind their upper incisorrs
urinary incontinence
most common in spayed female dogs; decreased urethral sphincter tone; decreased mobility; accidents may occur while animal is sleeping/ lying down
Unilateral Cryptorchidism
one testicle undescended
goals of managing wounds
hemostasis; clean wound and prevent further contamination; promote a healthy wound bed; close wound if possible
urethral obstruction
(due to calculi) most common in male cats; may occur in male dogs (dalmatians)
age 1st pair of adult incisors erupt
4 months of age
age all primary teeth should be exfoliated
6 months
lavage (flushing) of wound
using a 35cc syringe w/ 19G needle, sterile normal (0.9%) or dilute chlorhexadine solution (0.5%) (24mL into 1L of (0.9%) saline); 3-way stop cock; flushing at high pressure
epaxial muscles
muscles that run craniocaudally lateral to the lumbar spine; Can be used for any IM injection, but must be used for IM injections that are given for heartworm treatment; Procedure for generic IM injections:Place the thumb and forefinger of your non-dominant hand on the spine and the wing of the ileum. With your dominant hand, palpate the musculature just cranial to the wing of the ileum and lateral to the spine. Insert the needle at a 90 degree angle, from a dorsal direction. Aspirate and look for blood in the hub. If no blood, inject
sciatic groove
groove throuh which the sciatic nerve passes, along the caudal midline of the thigh; avoid when administering intramuscular injections
Contact or primary layer of a bandage
the part of a bandage that touches the wound
castrated male dog
age to start large breed puppis on adult food
4-6 months of age
triceps muscle
Located caudal to the humerus
chinchilla life span
10-20 years
shell gland
uterus; secretes shell & pigment
Fertilization of ova in the same litter by separate acts of coitus; thus, kittens/puppies in the same litter may have different fathers.
blood in stool
metabolic disorders
hormonal imbalances; electrolyte imbalances; enzymatic deficiencies/ imbalances (these are all a type of geriatric disease)
loss of ability to hold urine or feces
lifespan of rabbits
5-7 years old
a young rabbit
medical conditions of ferrets
distemper, ear mites, estrogen toxicity, insulinoma, adrenal hyperplasia, lymphosarcoma
estrogen toxicity
prolonged estrus of ferrets, resulting in bone marrow suppression & fatal anemia
an oral "worm killer"; treats roundworms
intact male cat
parturition in queen
how is the egg laid
the egg is laid from cloaca through the vent (24 hour transit time)
blood feathers
Feathers that are growing back in; will bleed if broken or cut
an indoor enclosure for keeping & observing animals
modified robert jones bandage
most common used bandage for soft tissue injuries only
looks like a URI in rabbits, caused by Pasteurella mulyocida (bacteria), results in severe nasal congestion (nose running) & sometimes death
External expression
pressure is placed upon the anal sacs from the outside while a piece of gauze or paper towel is held over the duct openings to catch the seretions
straining to defecate (the actual act); associated w/ dyschezia, often painful
cliping procedure for abdominal & eploatory surgery
clip mid-sternum to pubis; laterally to the edge of the ribs on each side
factors affecting the healing process
age and overall health; wound characteristics; blood supply to the tissue
spayed female ferret
expanded area of teh esophagus used for food storage in birds
2nd intention wound healing
used for contaminated/infected wounds; wound is left open after debriding; a drain may be placed in the wound
cut a hole, in the large drap, lagre enough for the incision
topical antibiotics
triple antibiotics; penicillins/ cephalosporins;gentamicin sulfate
gestation period for rabbits
29-35 days
cliping procedure for orthopedic procedure
clip entire periphery of the limb; from below the joint distal to the procedure site to above the joint proximal to the site; if working on the humerus/ femur, shoulder or hip, clip the trunk to the midline
parturition in *****
distention of the uterus w/ pus; occurs in intact female dogs & cats. Signs: distened abdomen; foul-smelling yellowish vaginal discharge; lethargy; anorexia; fever. Treatment: spay/ antibiotics
steril field
area in which the scrubbed-in surgical team can work
grinds food, very muscular in birds
female rabbit; when young have a short slitlike opening; as mature female- may have a dulap
1st intention wound healing
used for cleam wounds less than 8 hours old; after lavaging wound, veterinarian closesit with sutures
ability to regulate own body temperature
MS 222- most common medication for fish; Isoflurane
post partum
after parturition; lochia; mastitis; inadequate milk supply/ failure to mother; lactation all may occur
most popular fish in the world can be kept in aquaria/ ponds; come in many shapes & colors; watch for swim bladder disorder
esophageal pouches
neck pouches, on the side of the neck where amounts of food/ young are placed in hamsters
induced ovulators
female doesn't ovulate until copulation; example; rabbits, cats, ferrets
anal sacs
paired pouches located at the 4 & 8 o'clock positions beneath the skin & muscle ventrolateral to anus; upon defecation or stress, muscles around anal sacs contract & express secretions through ducts that lead to openings on the anus; dogs & cats use the odor of these secretions to identify one another; this is why they sniff one another's rectal area upon greeting
stool-eating; rabbits do this to their night pellets because they contain B vitamins
semitendinosus muscle
located in the caudomedial aspect of the thigh muscle; the muscle lateral to the semimembranosus muscle
age 2nd pair of adult incisors erupt
41/2 months of age
repair phase
3rd stage of wound healing, occurs day 3 to week 4; Fibroblast proliferation; capillary formation; collagen synthesis; granulation tissue formation; epithelialization
Cephalic Vein
Extends from dorsomedial foreleg proximally along foreleg; Used for collection of large volumes of blood in larger dogs, smaller volumes of blood in most dogs and adult cats; Used for indwelling IV catheters in both cats and dogs
to give birth; Signs that it is approaching: Approx. 24 hours prior to Stage II: Anorexia; In dogs, body temperature may drop to 99 F and shivering may occur. Stage I - Begins approx. 12 hours prior to Stage II: Restlessness; Vocalization; Nesting behavior; Tachypnea; At end of Stage I, cats will lie down and purr loudly; Stage II: When puppies/kittens are expelledo Strong uterine and abdominal contractions become evident; It takes 20-60 minutes to push out each puppy and up to 20 minutes per kitten; Up to 2 hours between puppies; Up to 24 hours total for dogs; Approximately 5 to 15 minutes after delivery of each puppy or kitten, its corresponding placenta is delivered.
insert a needle through the abdominal wall into the bladder & withdraw urine into a syringe
obstruction of the small intestine/ colon, which makes it impossible for the animal to pass stool. Caused by: ingestion of a foreign body (especiallyin dogs) which may need to be surgically removed, accumulation of hairballs (in cats); severe constipation. Treatment: sometimes enamas when itinvolves severe constipation/ surgical removal
internal expression
The gloved, lubricated index finger is placed just inside the rectum to place pressure on each sac from the inside while the thumb is used to place pressure on the anal sac from the outside. This is generally the accepted method to use in veterinary medicine.
impacted anal sacs
anal sacs- packed w/ secretions; inspissation; secretions may become thick & dark brown, gray, or black; usually occurs in dogs, occasionally in obese cats. Signs: "scooting" along the floor; tail-chasing; excessive licking of the perianal area; persistent anal gland odor about the animal; mild pain when the area is touched. Treatment: usually manual expression of anal sacs
dogs estrous cycle
1st heat occurs 6-8 months of age; every 6 months (2 heat cycles per year); Lasts 9-10 days; Some bloody discharge may occur, but usually less or not at all; Female is receptive to the male
area dorsal to bill, where nares are located (may contain scaly face mites)
Schirmer Tear Test (STT)
used to test for (KCS) Keratoconjuctivits Sicca
rectal prolapse
exteriorization of the rectum; may become severely inflamed, necessitating that the fluid be drawn out of the tissue before it can be replaced into the animal
bandage application
Apply primary layer directly to wound; If wound is on an extremity, expose toes, wrap secondary layer, not too tight; Tertiary layer - Wrap to secure; Change daily or when strike-through occurs
The raising of a vein that occurs when it fills with blood.
need to be vaccinated with ferret canine distemper (100% fatal) & rabies annually
estrus in cats
"treading" with hind feet, lordosis, deviated tail, vocalization, & thick mucus discharge
(most commonly used tonometer)gently tap center of cornea w/ tip; repeat until 4 valid readings (tonopen will average them)
wet adherent
a primary layer of a badage that is used when there is smaller amounts of viscous exudates
when female inact cats ventrally curves their spine, crouched in front, with hindquarters raised during estus
slit un the roof of the mouth which cleans & warms air of birds
zoonotic disease of birds; caused by Chlamydia psittaci; signs: chronic URI w/ exudates; fever; green watery diarrhea; may be asymptomatic
robert jones bandages
most common used bandage for temporary support fractures & ligament tears prior to surgical repair, and only for fractures distal to knee/elbow
hair- pulling done by dominant mice
procedure for fluorescein staining
raise dorsal palpebra & lightly touch scleral conjuctiva w/ moistened tip of test strip; gently move lids to distribute stain across cornea; place cotton ball below the medial canthus of eye; gently irrigate the eye dorsally to ventrally using steril water, until clear
Medial Saphenous Vein:
Extends from hock to stifle on medial aspect of calf; becomes the femoral vein at the stifle; Used for blood collection in cats; Usually NOT used for indwelling IV catheters due to potential for dislodging catheter
fading puppy/ kitten syndrome
Signs: Failure to thrive; Listlessness; Loss of appetite; hypothermia; death; may occur rapidly (in less than a day). Causes: Herpesvirus infection or other viral infections; Inadequate nutrition, hydration, or warmth. Treatment: Keep the neonates warm, dry, and well hydrated; If the mother is present, ensure that she is producing milk; No cure for these viruses but supportive care can sometimes save neonates' lives
modified robert jones bandage
same as robert jones bandage except cast padding/ cotton gauze is used instead of roll cotton; it's also less supportive and for soft tissue injuries only
born fully furred, ambulatory, with eyes open, eating solid food; guinea pigs, chinchillas
vaginal or uterine prolapse
protrusin of the vagina/ uterus through the vulva; most common postpartum; red inflamed mass is usually evident; fluid may need to be drawn out of the tissue before it can be replaced into the animal
"cuts"- tears
drainage or discharge form a wound
geriatric diseases
metabolic disorders; cancer; loss of function
circulating nurse
scrubbed-out; available to provide supplies & assistance to surgeon, touching only non-steril items/parts; monitors anesthesia; assist scrubbed-in personnel w/ gowning; retrieve & open supplies while maintaining the sterile field; pours lavage fluids into bowls; properly package samples; waste disposal
inflammation/infection of the prostate
anal sacculectomy
surgical removal of anal saca; remove both
Inflamitory phase
1st stage of wound healing, occurs days 1-5; phase that vasodilation occurs; Leakage of fibrinogen & clotting elements into wound; Formation of blood clots which dry to form scabs; Leakage of inflammatory mediators & white blood cells into wound
pet birds
perputial orifice
a small circular opening just venral to the anus, where the testicles of a male will become evident as kitten matures
pancreatic tummors resulting in overproductin of insulin, which results in hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
clear; eliminated through the vent (25-50 daily)
anal neoplasia
primarily in dogs; rare in cats; most common type is perianal adenoma (intact male dogs are most predisposed); may be confused w/ perianal fistulas, but neoplasia tends to also involve the growth of masses/ nodules. Treatment: surgical resection; castration; sometimes chemotherapy
splint or cast
used as support for fractures and ligament tears; may be incorporated into Robert Jones bandage
digestive tract, urinary tract, & reproductive tract end here in birds
clip and prep wound
may require general/local anesthesia; protect wound from contamination by filling w/ KY jelly; Clip hair several inches around wound; Prep intact skin with iodine scrub, chlorhexidine scrub, or Hibiclens; Remove debris
a prominent skin fold below neck; may be found on some female rabbits
difficulty defecating
A swelling that contains blood that has leaked from vessels. This can occur as a result of injury or venipuncture.
anal sacculitis
inflammation/infection of the anal sacs. Signs: swelling; erythema; moderate to severe pain; yellowish/ blood-tinged drainage from the anal ducts. Treatment: hot packing; flushing the sacs w/ antiseptic solutions such as povidone iodine/ chlorhexidine solution; infuing the sacs w/ an antibiotic using a syringe tipped w/ a teat cannula; flushing anal sacs
loose stool; wide variety of causes; Treatment: depends on the cause
signs of urethral obstruction
frequent trips to litterbox; straining to urinate; hard round mass (distended bladded) palpable in caudoventral abdomen; lethargy & death if not treated. Treatment: urinary catheterization; flush urethra & bladder to remove crystals & stones; IV fluids; special diets depending on the type of crystals & the species
stopping the bleeding of a wound
procedure for male abdominal sugery
Flush the prepuce to prevent contaminants from the prepuce from entering the surgical site: Clip all the hair from the prepuce, Fill a syringe with 10 mL dilute antiseptic solution, Insert the syringe tip into the prepuce and pinch off the prepuce around it, Inject 5 cc of the solution and withdraw the syringe while still pinching off the prepuce, Massage the solution in the closed prepuce to loosen discharge, Place a towel under the prepuce to catch the solution and release the prepuce to allow the solution to flow out, Repeat; Urinary catheterization to prevent urination into the surgery site; Secure prepuce to the side
egg white; is secreted as yolk travel through the oviduct in birds
Schiotz tonometer
(old fashioned tonometer) use ophthalmic anesthetic; direct nose upward (cornea horistontal); hold eye open; tometer perpendicular to cornea, placing footplate on cornea; read scale; repeat 2 times and average readings and convert into mmHg
indications of an older wound
a wound w/ hard, dry, dark-colored scab; granulation tisse; pus; scarring
Dilation of blood vessels; Brings inflammatory mediators to the site; occurs in the inflammatory phase
improperly aligned teeth
Tail dock
Distal portion of the tail is cut. Length remaining depends on the breed. In most cases, veterinarians suture the skin at the tip of the tail.
needle screws onto syringe; prevents needle from slipping off
Lateral Saphenous Vein
Extends from dorsal metatarsal area proximocaudally to the stifle, where it is continuous with the femoral vein; Used for blood collection in dogs; Used for indwelling IV catheters in both cats and dogs
gauge (G)
diameter of needle; the larger the needle the smaller the diameter
anal gland abscess
sequestered pus; may be severe pain; fever
vulvar fold dermatitis
inflammation/infection in folds of skin surrounding vulva. Due to accumulation of urine & vaginal secretions in the folds; warm, moist environment for growth of bacteria & yeast; common in overweight dogs and rare in cats
post-Sx tasks for technicians
monitor patient recovery & preform follow-up care; clean Sx room; dispose of used supplies/ replenish them; care of Sx pack & cold tray
Hemorrhagic vulvar discharge (Normal!); 8-10 weeks postpartum in dogs; 3 weeks postpartum in cats; Should be non-odorous; if foul-smelling, suspect metritis
neonate's eyes are what color
at birth bluish gray; dult color comes at 4-6 weeks of age
used to test for glaucoma(increased IOP); to measure IOP in mmHg (Schiotz tonometer, tonopen, & air-puff tonometer)
Pasty white, waste from kidneys, eliminated through the vent(25-50 daily)
signs of stress/ disease in fish
food refusal/ spitting out food; abnormal posture; erratic movements; gulping air at the water surface; scraping against objects in the tank; jumping out of the water; listlessness; overcrowding of territorial fish can cause stress & injury. Overcrowding can also cause excessive waste buildup & oxygen depletion
renal failure
kidney failure; Signs: frequent urination, large volume of dilute urine, wieght loss, oral ulcers, halitosis. Diagnosis: bloodwork; extensive treatment regimen
Normal STT results for cats and dogs
14-24mm; less than this indicates insufficient tear production; less than 10mm indicates KCS; in a case of false negative apply topical ophthalmic anesthetic wait 30secs-3min and preform STT
inguinal cryptorchidism
testicles undescened (subcutaneous in the groin)
puncture wounds
deep and narrow wounds
male rabbit; when young have a pointed protruding genital opening; as mature males- testicles are lateral/ craniolateral to penis in seperate inguinal pouches
abdominal cryptorchidism
testicles undescened (within the abdomen)
biceps femoris muscle
muscle located on the caudolateral aspect of the thigh, immediately caudal to the femur
female ferret
ovulated in the ovary of birds
purpose of bandaging
keep wounds clean; reduce edema and hemorrhage; eliminate dead space (space created by healing around a bandage); absorb exudate; debride wounds; deliver medication; keep wounds warm (improves healing); stabilize fractures
eats insects
STT procedure
(no topical ophthalmic anesthetics, preform before any other procedures on the eye; package contents: 2 test strips, notched at one end, line of dye below notch, 1mm demarcations; bend at notch w/out touching notched end /or dye) pull lower eyelid down slightly, place notched end between eyelid and sclera near lateral canthus; hold strip there for 1 min; measure in mms
feces of birds
Worm-like, dark green, eliminated through the vent(25-50 daily)
hook worms
may be found in puppies/ kittens, more common in puppies; May result in severe anemia (check mucous membrane color and if pale, assess red blood cell count). Usually treated with oral vermicide
# 40 blade
blade used for surgical clipping
indications of a fresh wound (less than 6-8 hours old)
bleeding w/ fresh edges ; a wound covered by a moist clot or moist scab
rendering a fluid dry or thick by evaporation/ absorption
prostatic neoplasia
cancer of the prostate (common in intact male dogs; rare in cats)
procedure for prepping before surgery
Use the rinsing agent to moisten and flatten down the hair around the periphery of the surgery site, in the direction of hair growth. Using the antiseptic scrub, scrub the immediate incision site for approx. 15 seconds. Do not apply excessive pressure as you may abrade or irritate the skin, inhibiting healing later. After 15 seconds, scrub outward from the incision site in a spiraling circular pattern all the way to the intact hair. Repeat the scrub pattern two more times. Use the rinsing solution in the same spiral pattern as the scrub, repeating until little to no scrub remains. Use the rinsing solution in the same spiral pattern as the scrub, repeating until little to no scrub remains.
air sacs
thin-walled balloon-like O2 storage areas throughout the body, including w/ some bones of birds
umbilical hernia
failure of teh abdominal wall to close in the fetus;In the young fetus, the abdominal wall is open at the ventral midline and the abdominal organs float outside the body within a membrane. During fetal development, the abdominal organs are drawn into the abdominal cavity and the abdominal wall closes. Sometimes, the abdominal wall does not close completely or it closes around portions of the abdominal organs (usually intestine) that have not been completely drawn into the abdomen. This can obstruct the intestine. Pediatric exams should always include palpation of the umbilicus (navel) for a hernia. Hernias are usually corrected at the time of spaying or neutering.
pregnancy period; lasts 63-65 days for cats & dogs; 63 day (guinea pigs); 29-35 days (rabbits); 16 weeks (chinchillas)
Fluorescein staining
used to detect coneal ulcers & scratches and to assess the patency of nasolacrimal ducts (orange to florescent green)
signs of disorders of the prostate
dyschezia; fever with prostatitis; severe pain
common diseases of rabbits
ear mites (reddish brown), fur mites, lice, coccida, snuffles, dysbiosis
flank glands
hip spots in mature males (glands darker w/ black, bristly hairs) hamsters; used for territorial marking
caused by protozoan in intestinal tract. Signs: diarrhea; dehydration; death in the very young; treated w/ oral antibiotics
Maturation Phase
the 4th stage of wound healing; occurs day 17 and onward; wound strength increases due to cross-linking of collagen; number of capillaries in wound decreases; and scar formation occurs
cage furniture
rocks, artificial plants, tree branches
cognitive dysfunction
a change in perception, thinking, learning, and/or reasoning ability caused by changes in the brain; may cause behavior changes
intact male dog
increased lens opacity
removal of necrotic (dead) tissue
disorder in fish common in goldfish ( the fish swims lopsided)
male guinea pig
semimembranosus muscle
located in the caudomedial aspect of the thigh muscle; the furthest medial muscle
cleft palate
Hole in the hard palate which makes it difficult to impossible for neonate to form suction for nursing. May see bubbles coming from the nose of neonates trying to nurse, milk exuding from their noses while nursing, or gagging while nursing
rabies vaccination protocol (dogs & cats)
1st given at 12 weeks/ 3months of age, but no later than 4 months of age (NYS); then given 1 year later; then every 1-3 years later
urinary tract infection (UTI)
signs: frequent urination; may be little output each time; pain upon urination; blood in urine; foul odor to urine. Diagnosis: collect a urine sample & testing with a urine dipstick; urine culture. Treatment: antibiotics/ may require flushing to remove crystals &/or stones
greater then 7 years old
when dogs are considered geriatric
wounds that create skin flaps
intact female cat
eamples of loss of function
cognitive dysfunction; incontinence; musculoskeletal disorders; organ failure
external ear canals open at
between 6 & 14 days of age; adult hearing levels are achieved at 4 weeks of age
openness or lack of obstruction
ornamental carp; have barbells; usually kept in outdoor ponds

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