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Period 6 A Long Way Gone Vocabulary Part 2


undefined, object
copy deck
Gyrate (73) (verb)
to move in a circle or spiral
Elaborate (86) (verb)
to add details in writing, speaking
Somber (159) (adjective)
gloomily dark, shadowy, dimly lighted
Festoon (187) (noun)
A string or garland, as of leaves or flowers, suspended in a loop or curve between two points
Burdensome (165) (adjective)
Chisel (157) (noun or adjective)
to cut, shape
Enunciate (196) (verb)
to utter or pronounce
Delve (104) (verb)
to carry on intensive and thorough research for data
Conjure (72) (verb)
to call or bring into existence
Lorry (176) (noun)
motor truck
Repatriate (179) (verb)
to return to one's own country
Ablution (182) (noun)
a cleansing with water or other liquid
Mercenary (66) (noun)
a professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army
Indelible (51) (adjcetive)
that cannot be eliminated
Turmoil (217) (noun)
a state of great commotion, confusion, or disturbance
Auspices (215) (noun)
support; sponsorship
Reconcile (205) (verb)
to restore
Residue (211) (noun)
something that remains after a part is removed
Tributary (101) (noun)
of a stream, flowing into a larger stream
Mimic (73) (verb)
to imitate or copy in action
Sporadic (149) (adjective)
appearing in scattered or isolated instances
Jubilation (102) (noun)
a joyful or festive celebration
Rarity (181) (adjective)
rare occurence
Scuttle (116) (verb)
to run with quick, hasty steps, scurry
Latrine (146) (noun)
something used as a toilet

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