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PEDS test 3 Resp Chapter

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T cell and macrophages limit spread of infection; cannot transmit in this stage (TB)
absence of respirations for longer than 20 seconds
CROUP syndromes
broad classification of upper airway illness invloving swelling of epiglottis and laynx, intintal symptoms include stridor- high pitched, musical sound created by narrowing of airway; a seal like barking cough, and hoarseness
apnea of prematurely
apena at <37 weeks, no clear cause, one or more episodes >20 seconds, treatment includes stimulation of feet or back, O2, monitor; CPAP, methylxanthines
difficulty breathing
annual epidemic, contagious, peak age 6 months, must have dirct contact with resp secretions or contaminated surfaces. Nasal stuffiness, sneezing, fever, anorexia for a few days, thick secretions, tachypenia, rhinitis, wheezing, crackles, rhonchi, fever.
foreign body aspiration
inhalation of object into resp tract; more common if younger than age 12; S/S include cough, gag, nasla flaring.
latent TB
intact cell mediated immunity (TB)
bacterial infection causing inflmmation of epiglottis--long narrowing structre that closes off the glottis during swallowing. sudden onset of high fever, sever sore throat' 4 D's sysphonia, dysphagia, drooling, distressed respitory effort
viral infection of laynx; traches and bronchi. gradual onset of fever, hoarseness, runny nose, and progresses to resp difficulty
viral pneumonia
vius invades cells, replicate, kill cells sendinng out debris causing obstruction. smaller airway puts child at risk. S/S include sudden onset, fever, cough, crackles, wheeze, chills.
leading cause of death b/t 1 month to 1 year, risk factors include sleeping prone; pillows, low birth weight, toung moms, low SES, prior history, prenatal smokinng, drinking, or drugs
inflammation or infection of bronchiles and alveolar spaces
RSVIG (respigam) IV and synagis IV
prevention of RSV
increased resp rate
Acute Respitory Distress
inlammatory/immune response and alveolar capillary memebrane damage due to acute lung injury can cause fluid build up. mainly related to lung maturity.
causes include sepsis, pneumonia, meconium aspiration, gastric content aspiration, smoke inhalation, near drowning,
diaphoresis, tachypenia, retractions, nasal flaring, grunting, cyanosis
thick sticky secretions; obstruction and stasis-medium for bacterial chronic infecion; inflammation: airtrapping with impaired O2/CO2 exchange/ wheezing with moist productive cough, bronchitis and pneumonia, fromtal headaches; Chronic sinus infection, digital clubbing r/t fibritic changes in lungs
apparent life threating event
sudden apnea episode in otherwise health infant >37 weeks gestation; color changes; limp; choking; or gagging; can occur anytime; physical stimulationr or CPR is usually required
what alteration in respirtory function includes the 4 Ds
inflammation of trachea and brinchi, usually viral, more common in young children and boys; rhinitis; hacking cough that worsens at night; crackles, rhonchi, fever, mucus increase malaise
inhalation of droplets, bacillus reaches alveoli and multiplies with in macrophages, most ofte converts form latent to active during first 2 years
type of apnea where central respiration pause that either preceded or follows airway obstruction
bacterial pneumonia
bactera enter the lung through bloodstream inflammatroy response cause dead cell debries to obstruct airway. whinitis, coough, high fever, chills, chest pain, nasal flaring, retratctions
Cistic Fibrosis
disorder of exocrine glands causing alteration in respitory, GI, and reproductive. Autosolam recessive disorder; defective chloride ion transport resulting in increased NA+ absorption, decreased water flow across cells.
type of apnea that is the absence of nasal airflow when efforts are present nasal breathers
psyciologic mechanism slows ezpiritory flow to increase lung volume and alveolar pressure
insoiration, visiable drawing in of skin of neck and bewteen ribs of the chest
neonatal respitory distress syndrome
AKA hyaline membrane distress. Decrease surfactant causing increased atelectasis and work of breathing. S/S include tachypena >60, nasal flaring, retraction, grunting, crackles, slow cap refill, paradoxical breathing
type of apnea that is the complete cessation of breathing effort
digestive problems with CF
blocked pancreatic ducts, bowel obstruction, Type 1 DM, chronic constipation, rectal prolapse, stool: fatty and greasy; bulky; foul smelling and floating.

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