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Polynomial And Rational Functions


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What is the form of a quadratic function?
f(x)=ax^2+bx+c, a cannot = 0
**What is the standard form of a quadratic function?
f(x)= a(x-h)^2+k, a cannot equal 0
What is the vertex of a parabola in the standard function?
What is the procedure for graphing a quadratic function?
1. Determine if parabola opens upward or downward.
2. Determine the vertex of te parabola. The vertex is (h,k)
3. Find x intercepts by replacing f(x) with 0. Solve te quadratic equation.
4. Find the y intercept by replacing x with 0.
5. Plot the intercepts and the vertex an connect the dots.
Describe the graphs of polynomial functions.
They are smooth and continuous.
What does a>0 mean?
The parabola opens upward.
How do you find the x,y coordinates of the vertex of a parabola when the form of the quadratic function is in f(x)=ax^2+bx+c
Substitute the numbers from the equation into x= -(b/2a) and solve for x.
What is the quadratic formula?
x= -b plus or minus the square root of b^2-4ac/ 2a
If the degree is odd and the leading coefficieat is positive, describe the graph.
The graph falls to the left and rises to the right.
If the degree is odd and the leading coefficent is negative, describe the graph.
The graph rises to the left and falls to the right.
If the degree is odd and the leading coeffiecient is positive, describe the graph.
The graph rises to the left and right.
If the degree is even and the leading coefficient is negative, describe the graph.
The graph falls to left and right.
How do you find the zeros of f in a polynomial function?
Set f(x) equal to zero and solve the resultant equation. The result will equal the x intercepts of the function at y=0.
How many turning points will a polynomial function have?
The number of the greatest exponent minus one turning points.
What are the steps of graphing a polynomial fuction?
1. Use the leading coefficent test to determine end behaviour.
2. Find the x-intercepts by setting f(x)=0
3. Find the y-intercept by computing f(0)
4. Use symmetry to help draw graph.
5. Check graph to determine if maximum number of turning points equals n-1.

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