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History Test #2


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Neo Classicism
A return to the styles of Rome & Classical art

Ex: Jacques Louis David
The focus of emotion over reason. Gathering inspiration from mythical heroes and breaking apart from typical late 18th century rules.

Used nature, beauty, lighter colors
The idea that paintings and writings should reflect reality rather than imagination

Ex: Dickens, Tolstoy
The focus on colors, lighting, and overall human emotion.

Ex: Monet (repeated paintings just so he would get different perspectives in terms of light and color)
Degas (less definition natural light, layers, light colors, capturing moments)
Post impressionism
Depict chao and complexity

Ex: Van Gogh (misery, intense colors, distorted)
Charles Darwin
Darwin's theory of evolution started that certain animals are extinct because the growth of the animals are faster than the growth of resources
Gregor Mendel
Introduced the world to genetics by determinging that tiny particles pass on characterisitcs to the next generation and those particles are called genes.
Edward Jenner
Jenner found out that dairy workers that caught cowpox never received smallpox, and based on that theory, he gave the world's first vaccination.
Louis Pasteur
Obtained advanced knowledge on bacteria and germs, determined that bacteria are living organisms and capable of reproducing.
John Dalton
Discovered that atoms are the basic unit of matter and elements are made up of atms. All atoms are identical within an element and original compared to all other elements.
Marie Curie
Worked with Pierre Curie to discover radium, a radioactive element that produces electricity.
Pierre Curie
Worked with Marie Curie to discover radium, a radioactive element that produces electricity.
Ivan Pavlov
Discovered that human actions are natural and prompted by stimuli but could be altered after training.
Sigmund Freud
Claims that actions are controlled by other forces and led to the advance of psychoanalysis.

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