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Industrial Revolution


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What is the Second Industrial Revolution?
The Second Industrial Revolution is a period of explosive growth in manufacturing and an industry in the late 1800s
What was the Bessemer Process?
The Bessemer Process was a less expensice easier way to make steel.
What is a patent?
A patent is an exclusive right to manufacture or sell and invention.
When did Alex Graham Bell invent the telephone?
He invented the telephone on March 1876.
When did Tomas Edison invent the lightbulb?
He invented the lightbulb in 1879.
Who was Oliver and Wilber Wright?
Oliver and Wilber Wright were bicycle makers who began experimenting with airplane designs in the 1890s.
What is free enterprise?
Free enterprise is a system in which businesses operate free from government involvement.
What are entrepreneurs?
Entrepreneurs are people who organize new businesses.
What are corporations?
Corporations are companies that sell shares of ownership, called stocks, to investers in order to raise money.
What is Vertical Integration?
Vertical Integration is the ownership of businesses involved in each step of a manufacturing process.
What is Horizontal Integration?
Horizontal Integration is the ownership of all businesses in a particular field.
What is a Trust?
A trust is a legal arrangemant grouping several companies under one board of directors who eliminate competion and regulate production.
What is Shermans Antitrust Act?
Shermans Antitrust Act is a Law that made it illegal to create monopolies or trust that restrained trade.
What is collective bargaining?
Collective bargaining is the process in which union leaders negociate with factory owners on behalf of workers in a particular business or industry for better wages and working conditions.
What is Kingts of Labor?
Nights of Labor is the first national labor union in the United States; organized in 1869 and included workers of different races, gender, and skills.
What is the Haymarket Riot?
The Haymarket Riot is an incident in which a bomb exploded during a labor protest held in Haymarket Square in Chicago, killing several police officers.
What is the American Federation of Labor?
The American Federation of Labor is one of the first large labor unions in the United States; organized in the 1880s by Samuel Gompers as an association of individual skill craft unions.
What is the Homestead Strike?
THe Homestead Strike is a strike at Andrew Carnegie's Homestead Steel factory in Pennsylvania that arrupted in violence between strikers and private dectectives.
What is the Pullman Strike?
The Pullman Strike is a Railroad strike by workers at Pullman's Palace Car Company that stopped trafic on many railroad lines until federal courts ordered the workers to return to their jobs.
What is the National Grange?
The National Grange is a social and educational organization founded in 1867 to gain more political representation for farmers and to improve their living standards.
What is the Interstate Commerce Act?
The Interstate Comerce Act is a law that provided uniform national regulations for trade between the states.
What is the Interstate Commerce Commission?
The Interstate Commerce Commision is a commission created by the Interstate Commerce Act to insure that railroads charged fair rates and treated all shipping customers fairly.
What is Free coinage?
Free coinage is a type of monetary system in which both gold and silver were coined; the value of paper money was worth a specific amount of gold or silver.
What is a gold standard?
A gold standard is a type of monatary system in which money in worth a specific amount in gold.
What is the Sherman Silver Purchace Act?
The Sherman Silver Purchase Act is a law that increased the amount of silver purchased by the U.S. government for coinage.
What is the Farmer's Alliances?
The Farmer's Alliances are political groups formed by farmers that worked to ellect candidates favorable to farmers.
What is the Populist Party?
The populist party is a national political party formed in 1891 that supported free coinage of silver, labor reforms, immigration restriction, and government ownership of railroads and the telegraph and telephone systems.
Who is Jonh D. Rockefeller?
John D. Rockefeller founded several philanthropic organizations.
What did Mary Harris Jones do?
She organized many strikes among workers.
What did William Jennings Bryan claim?
He claimed that with the free coinage of silver all necessary reforms will be possible.

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