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Intro to Sociology Final


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What are the 3 Perspectives of Sociology?
Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interactionalism
What is Structural Functionalism?
Focuses on group not the individual. Looks for patterns in social behavior. When Status-Quo is not maintained, social change results.
Who founded Structural Functionalism?
Emile Durkheim
What perspective did Emile Durkheim found?
Structural Functionalism
What is Conflict Theory?
Focuses on Social Friction. Competition for resources influence society. Consensus through domination. Important role of social classes.
Who founded Conflict theory?
Karl Marx & Max Weber
What did Karl Marx co-found and what did he believe?
Conflict theory; Believed society competed for economics.
What did Max Weber co-found and what did he believe?
Conflict Theory; Believed society competed for wealth, power and status.
What is Symbolic Interactionalism?
Focused on the inter-relationship of individual and society. Society exist because it is percieved. We look at what others think about us.
Who founded Symbolic Interactionalism?
The Chicago School; George Herbert Mead & Charles Horton Cooley
What did the Chicago School found?
Symbolic Interactionalism
Who made up the Chicago School?
George Herbert Mead and Charles Horton Cooley
What is a Social Institution?
A group or organization with a purpose that is viewed as fundamental by society, thus becoming a building block of society.
What are the 5 main examples of Social Institutions?
Family; Education; Religion; Health Care; Government/Economics
What are the 3 Economic Stages?
Agricultural Stage-Manufacturing Stage-Service Stage
What is Fordism?
Pay employees more money to get more money into circulation.
What is Welfare State?
Roll of government in taking care of citizens.
What is Post-Fordism?
The way to get money into circulation is through the shareholders. The Elite.
What are Microeconomics?
Economics inside one country.
What is Macroeconomics?
Economics on worldwide level.
What is Modernization?
The use of technolgy and modern cultural prospectives.
Which perspective focuses on the group not the individual and looks at patterns in social behavior?
Structural Functionalism
Which perspective focuses on social friction and the idea that competition for resources influences society?
Conflict Theory
Which perspective is focused on the inter-relationship of the individual and society and believes that society exists because it is perceived?
Symbolic Interactionalism

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