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hshu 203 midterm


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studia humanitatis
Very strict set of teachings.  More based on human's capacity to build things and work with language.  Man seperate from animal not just because man is able to reason, but also because man has language capcities (based on idea by Marcus Tull
In classical philosophy, dialectic (Greek: διαλεκτική) is controversy, Viz., the exchange of arguments and counter-arguments respectively advocating propositions (theses) and counter-propositions (
Francesco Petrarca
(1304-1374)  Earliest major figure of Renaissance.  He was born in Tuscany but spent most of his life at the Papal court in Avignon, France.  Known as a major poet.  Popularized the form of the sonnet.  One of the first Renaissanc
Giorgio Vasari
Wrote The Lives of Painters (first reading done in class).
  • roman virtue
  • connection between church and barbarians
  • distinction between old and ancient
  • Gothic stigmatized as old in sense of decay
  • an
Renaissance man; jack-of-all trades.  More focus was on the individual rather than society.  Also more focus on man in a secular way.  Concentration on dignity and compassion of man.
Imitatin allows for internalization.  Have to add an element of originality in imitation.  The classics were widely imitated by Humanists during the Renaissance.
Jules Michelet
Wrote Historie de France.  Spoke of the Renaissance as a broader period.
Mount Ventoux
Petrarca wrote "The ascent of Mount Ventoux".  Mountain takes on different meanings during the essay:
  • Adolescent challenge
  • Struggle to attain blessed life
  • metaphor for his life (meaning of life changes as
Greek god of change.  He had the ability to determine his own form.  Theme during the Renaissance is of man having the ability to shape his fate and his own form.
Opposed to dialectic in that the arguments and counter-arguments are written (often in letters) and therefore may be thought out, articulated, and debated over time.
Walter Burckhardt
Wrote Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy.  Spoke of the Renaissance as a broader period.

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