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History 7th Chapter 11


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internal improvements
imporvements to roads, bridges, and canals
Henry Clay
"Gallant Harry of the West"; spoke for the West; favored stron central govt
loyalty to a state or a section of a country rather than to the whole country
American System
Henry Clay's plan for economic growth: establish a protective tariff , establish a national bank, and improve the country's transporation system
John Calhoun
"Young Hercules"; Southener; supported slavery; opposed strong federal govt
Negro Fort
settlement of escaped African American slaves in the Spanish colony of Florida
Portuguese colony which won their independence peacefully
Tariff of 1816
This protective tariff helped American industry by raising the prices of British manufactured goods, which were often cheaper and of higher quality than those produced in the U.S.
interstate commerce
trade between different states
strong navy could help stop Europeans
Why was British support of Monroe DOctrine important to its success?
person born, person born in Spain's A`merican colonies to Spanish parents
McCulloch vs Maryland
Supreme Court ruling: states had no right to interfere with federal institutions within their borders; strengthened federal power
Father Miguel Hidalgo
led the first march for Mexican Independence in 1810; Grito de Dolores; "Father of Mexican Independence"
Simon Bolivar
a Creole from Venezuela; revolutionary leader known as "The Liberator" because of his role in the Latin American wars of independence
United Provinces of Central America
present day nations of Nicaragua, COsta RIca, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala
Monroe Doctrine
President Monroe's foreign policy statement warning European nations not to interfere in Latin Amreica
Daniel Webster
"great cannon loaded to the lips"; Northener; skilled speaker; opposed slavery; supported strong federal govt
Republic of Great Columbia
present day nations of Venezula, Colombia, Ecuador and Panama
direct involvement
Gibbons vs. Ogden
Supreme Court ruling: upheld power of federal govt to regulate trade between states

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