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spanish final interview


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I am going to ask if you or anyone in your family has had any of the following illnesses.
Le voy a preguntar si Ud o alguien en su familia tiene alguna estas enfermedades.
Has anyone had any type of cancer?
Alguien ha tenido algun tipo de cancer?
Problems with high blood pressure?
Problemas de alta presion?
Has anyone had diabetes in your family?
Alguien tiene diabetes en su familia?
Has anyone had gout?
Alguien ha tenido gota?
Do you drink alcohol?
Ud toma bebidas alcoholicas?
Do you regularly take medication like vitamins?
Ud toma alguna medicina con regularidad, como vitaminas?
What is you reason for visiting the hospital?
Cual es el motivo de su visita al hospital?
What symptoms do you have?
Que sintomas tiene Ud?
How is the pain? Is it constant or does it come and go?
Como es el dolor? Es constante o va y viene?
What type of pain is it? Crushing or squeezing?
Que clase de dolor es? Aplastante o apretador?
It it dull or sharp?
Es sordo o agudo?
Does it feel like something heavy is on your chest?
Siente algo pesado en el pecho?
On a scale of 1 to 10, and 0 is no pain and 10 is the worst possible pain, what is the level of your pain?
En una escala de cero hasta diez, y cero es no dolor y diez es mucho dolor, Cual es el nivel de su dolor?
How long has it been that you have had...chest pain, a sore throat, the flu, stomach pain, the broken/sprained arm/leg?
Cuanto tiempo have que Ud tiene...el dolor de pecho, el dolor de garganta, la gripe, el dolor de estomogo, el brazo quebrado/la pierna rota/el tobillo torcido?
How long does the pain last?
Cuanto tiempo dura el dolor?
When does the pain occur?
Cuando ocurre el dolor?
Do you have any pain?
Tiene algun dolor?
Where are the cramps?
Donde estan los retorcijones?
Do you suffer from heartburn?
Padece Ud de acidez?
Do you suffer from indigestion?
Padece Ud de indigestion?
For how long?
Por cuanto tiempo?
How often do you have diarrea/constipation?
Con que frequencia tiene diarrea/estrenimiento?
Do you have diffuculty defecating?
Tiene difucultad en defecar?
What color is your defecation?
De que color es su defecacion?
Is there food that makes the cramps or diarrea worse?
Hay comidas que empeoran los retorcijones o la diarrea?
Is there anything that makes the cramps or diarrea better?
Hay algo que mejora los retorcijones o la diarrea?
It is possible that you have irritable bowel syndrome.
Es posible que tenga el sindrome de intestino irritable.
Do you have pain?
Tiene dolor?
Where is the pain?
Donde esta el dolor?
Does your throat hurt?
Le duele la garganta?
Do you have a fever?
Tiene Ud una fiebre?
How long does (the pain) last?
Cuanto tiempo dura (el dolor)?
What makes it worse?
Hay algo que lo empeoran?
What makes it better?
Hay algo que lo mejora?
Do you have...?
I am going to take your temperature.
Voy a tomarle la temperatura.
I am going to take your BP.
Voy a tomarle la presion de la sangre.
I am going to listen to your lungs.
Voy a escucharle los pulmones.
I am going to listed to your heart.
Voy a escucharle el corazon.
I am going to look at your throat.
Voy a mirarle la garganta.
I am going to take an xray of your arm/leg.
Voy a tomarle la radiografia del brazo/de la pierna.
I am going to write a prescription.
Voy a recetarle un medicamento.
I am going to palpate your abdomen.
Voy a palpar el abdomen.
Is that alright?
Esta bien?
You must take 2 pills every 4 hours. (for 10 days)
Hay que tomar dos pastillas cada cuatro horas. (por diez dias)
You must take an antibiotic.
Hay que tomar un antibiotico.
el analgesico
cold reliever
el antigripal
el antidiarreico
el laxante
el antihipertensivo
cough suppressant
el antitusigeno
el decongestionante
el estornudo
quebrado/a, roto/a

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