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Earth Science - UNIT V: Weather & Climate


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Possible factors for climate change
Milankovich cycle, plate tectonics, sunspots, volcanoes, and human impact
Warm Front (characteristics)
temp rises, cirrus-cirrostratus-altostratus-nimbostratus (rain), steady rain, slower, long duration, huge large area affected
Ozone (major sources)
Reactions of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons in the presence of sunlight
mT (character of air-temp and humidity)
warm and moist
Storms - Warning issued (what does it mean?)
storm located and approaching
Sulfur Dioxide (major sources)
Burning fossil fuels in power plants, oil refineries, paper mills, volcanoes
How can seasons affect insolation?
Northern hemisphere tilted toward sun in summer, greater direct sun. Tilted away in winter, less direct sun
How can sunspots change climate?
More sunspots = more solar energy = rise in earth's temperature
Topography (affect on precipitation)
Windward side may be wetter than leeward side. Mountains act as barrier to air mass
Particulate Matter: Dust, smoke, soot, ash (major sources)
Factories, power plants, oil refineries, paper mills, volcanoes
Storms - Watch issued (what does it mean?)
conditions ripe in area
Ocean Currents - el nino (affect on temperature)
Warm currents = warm coasts, cold currents = cold coasts
cP (air mass type)
continental polar
How can latitude affect insolation?
greater insolation around equator, less around poles - based on sun angle
Factors affecting insolation
Time of day, Latitude, Season, Cloud cover
Nearby water (affect on precipitation)
greater precipitation downwind
Where are the horse latitudes located?
North and south of the equator
Nitrogen Dioxide (effects)
irritates lungs and lowers resistance to respiratory infections, contribute to acid rain and smog
Altitude/elevation (affect on temperature)
Temps colder at higher elevations
How can Plate tectonics change climate?
continents in different locations receive different amounts of insolation
Ozone (effects)
Reduces lung function and causes inflammation
What wind speed must tropical storms reach in order to be considered a hurricane?
What is air pressure measured with?
Barometer (mercury and aneroid) in units of inches, milimeters, or millibars
cA (character of air - temp and humidity)
very cold, dry
What measures wind speed?
How can human impact change climate?
Increases fossil fuel use and deforestation, increases global warming
How does low pressure move?
What influences winds?
Coriolis effect, Friction, and pressure gradients - jet stream
How do tornadoes move?
Counterclockwise & low pressure
Prevailing winds (affect on temperature)
Blowing hot air masses or cool air masses
Ozone (what is it?)
located in the stratosphere and protects us from UV rays
Give the three criteria needed for a winter storm to be classed as a billzard
Winds must be greater than 56km/hr (35mi/hr), temperature must be less than or equal to -7 degrees celcius (19.4 degrees farenheight), and visibility must decrease
Thunderstorm typical characteristics
Cumulus in warm and humid afternoon air grow into cumulonimbus aided by condensation, uplift aided by front or mountain, squall line - line ahead of front often consisting of strong winds caused by strong downdrafts in front
cP (character of air - temp and humidity)
cold and dry
mT (air mass type)
maritime tropical
How are hurricanes classified?
Saffir or Simpson scale
How are tornadoes predicted?
By conventional radar and Doppler radar
Global Warming (what does it do?)
Increases fossil fuel use and deforestation enhances effect
mP (character of air - temp and humidity)
cool and moist
Possible impacts of global warming
rising sea levels, greater storm severity, greater heat waves and droughts, and crop locations change
cA (air mass type)
continental arctic
What is the Milankovich cycle?
changes in earth motions may affect ice ages due to orbit shape changes, tilt of axis changes, earth axis wobbles.
What causes acid rain?
Pollution (sulfur) mixing with water vapor
cT (air mass type)
What are fronts?
boundaries separating two different air masses, generally a part of mid-latitude low-pressure system.
What is a barometer that looks like a clock?
What direction does the low pressure winds spin?
What are two types of satellites used to forecast weather?
Visible images and infrared images
How do winds move?
From high to low pressure
How are monsoons formed?
Low developing over land in summer moves humid air from ocean toward land bringing heavy rain.
What is tornado alley?
Key area of birth in spring and early summer
How can tree rings calculate climate change?
Thickness depends upon temperature and precipitation
How can volcanoes change climate?
Eject dust and chemicals reduces sunlight reaching earth and lowers temperatures; longer periods of eruption may increase CO2 and greenhouse effect, and increases earth temperatures
Altitude/elevation (affect on precipitation)
Air at higher elevations generally contains less moisture, higher the elevation the lower the precipitation
What is Meterology?
The study of weather variables and enables us to make weather forecasts
Nitrogen Dioxide (major sources)
Burning of fossil fuels in power plants and automobiles
How are hurricanes tracked?
By satellites, warning issued within 24 hours or less
Is cool or warm air denser?
Cool air (closer molecules) is denser than warm air. Humid air is less dense than dry air
What is climate?
Weather over a long period of time
High Pressure (northern hemisphere)
air descends spinning clockwise, fair weather
How can the time of day affect insolation?
Greater insolation at noon; more direct sun rays per area
When is tornado season?
Spring and early summer
Lead (effects)
Damages nervous and digestive systems
mP (air mass type)
maritime polar
Air Pressure (what is it?)
Atmospheric weight (force/area) on Earth's surface, decreases with elevation.
How are winds named?
Winds are named from where they come from
Acid Rain (what does it do?)
Lowers rain pH, affects life, damages building structures
Occluded (characteristics)
rain for long periods
What are radiosondes?
attached to a balloon, measures upper atmospheric conditions
How much air pressure per square inch
14.7lbs/in squared or 15lbs/inch squared
Smog (what is it?)
Smoke + Fog, automobile exhaust
What is the wind belt we live in between 30 and 60 degrees north called?
Prevailing southwesterlies
Rain last longer in what kind of front?
Warm fronts
What is Oxygen isotope analysis?
Ratio of heavy to light oxygen found in microorganisms - the greater the heavy oxygen the colder the climate; the greater the amount of heavy oxygen found in glacial ice indicates warmer climate.
What are isobars?
Lines of equal pressure on a weather map
Low Pressure (northern hemisphere)
air ascends spinning counterclockwise, weather often cloudy with precipitation
What directions does high pressure spin?
What is the last cloud in a warm front?
Vegetation (affect on temperature)
Greater vegetation, moderate or cool temperature
What are hurricanes?
Very large, very low pressure, winds at least 199km/hr (74mph), lasting long periods
Latitude (affect on precipitation)
Greater at ITCZ & Mid latitudes, less at poles and horse latitudes
What are the prevailing northeasterlies?
Low pressure zones located bewtween 60 and 90 degrees north, 30 degrees and the equator and 30 degrees and 60 degrees south
What part of a hurricane does the most damage?
What are monsoons?
Winds controlled by the seasons
Acid Rain (what is it?)
Pollutant + Water Vapor
List three land instruments
Barometer, Thermometer, Anemometers
How can sea floor sediment calculate climate change?
Temperature determines type of surface microorganizms
Lead (major sources)
Smelters, batter plants
Incoming solar radiation
Particulate Matter: Dust, smoke, soot, ash (effects)
Contributes to respiratory problems; linked to some cancers
How do tornadoes develop?
from supercell, a large thunderstorm cell containing a mesocyclone (spinning updraft)
How can cloud cover affect insolation?
Less insolation during day, less radiation loss at night
Carbon Monoxide (major sources)
Automobile Exhaust
What is a barometer used to measure long periods of time?
Sulfur Dioxide (effects)
Irritates respiratory system; contributes to acid rain
When do hurricanes form?
Usually late summer through early fall
Who is Roy C. Sullivan?
Former park ranger who was struck 7 times
What are winds caused by?
Unequal heat
Ozone (what does it do?)
Promoted by CFC's, increases problems with skin cancer, cataracts, crop productivity
Ocean Currents - el nino (affect on precipitation)
Possibly fog
Stationary (characteristics)
rain for long periods
cT (character of air - temp and humidity)
hot and dry
What part of a hurricane does the most damage?
Flooding does the most damage; storm surge produced by approaching eye wall toward land
Carbon Monoxide (effects)
Reduces delivery of oxygen to body tissues; impairs vision and reflexes
How do hurricanes form?
From a tropical storm over oceans near equator where warm moist air rises and condenses
Nearby water (affect on temperature)
Large water bodies moderate coastal areas
Prevailing winds (affect on precipitation)
May control air mass type (moisture)
Latitude (affect on temperature)
Closer to poles cooler temperature
What are tornadoes classified by?
Fujita scale (F0 - weakest, F5- most violent)
How is wind created?
Air moving from high to low pressure caused by unequal heating of the earth
What kind of pressure is associated with the ITCZ or the doldrums?
Low pressure
Smog (what does it do?)
promotes ozone production; increases temperature inversion problem
Cold Front (characteristics)
temp drop, cumulonimbus - (thunder storms), heavy rain, may get hail, moves fast, short narrow band of ground
Topography (affect on temperature)
Greater leeward side (backside), less on windward side

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