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Weather Report


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Relative humidity
The amount of water vapor that is currently in the air compared to how much the air can hold at a specific temperature.
Air Pressure
The weight of air above a given point. Changes in the air pressure or barometric pressure mean a change in weather.
The amount of heat (hotness or coldness) of an object or substance.It can also be thought of as a measure of the speed of atoms and molecules.
Cold Front
An area in which cold, dry air from the poles is replacing warm, moist tropical air. A cold front is shown on a weather map as a solid blue line with triangles showing the direction the front is moving. Cold fronts typically move twice as fast as warm fronts.
The amount of water vapor in the air.
The motion of air upward, caused by heating.
Lower Air Pressure
Usually mean bad weather because air is rising.
An instrument used to measure air pressure.
The transition zone between two different air masses with different temperatures and humidity levels.
Warm Front
An area in which warm, moist air from tropical areas is replacing colder, dryer air from the poles. Warm fronts are drawn on a weather map as a solid red line with half circles indicating the direction the front is moving. Warm fronts typically move at about half the speed of cold fronts.
Higher Air Pressure
Usually means clear weather because air is sinking toward the earth.
An instrument used to measure temperature. Units of temperature are usually given as degrees Fahrenheit or degrees Celsius
Any form of water that comes out of the atmosphere and hits the ground.
The transfer of heat from an area of warmer temperature to an area of colder temperature.

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