Chapter 18: Blood (continued)
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- 20-25% of co2 is transported by...
- Carbaminohemoglobin
- If co2 is not transported by carbaminohemoglobin, what does it do?
- Dissolves in plasma as bicarbonate.
- Bicarbonate converts co2 and h20 into what?
- H and HCO3
- The average lifespan of a RBC is...
- 100 to 120 days
- Old RBC's are broken down where?
- Spleen and liver
- RBC's are broken down by
- Macrophages
- Macrophages seperate...
- heme from globin
- Globin is broken down into
- Amino acids to be released and reused
- Iron is split from the heme to...
- be bound to proteins, and stored for reuse.
- Unbound iron is..
- toxic
- If heme doesn't become iron, it is broken into
- bilirubin
- The liver used bilirubin to..
- Make bile and digest fats
- Bilirubin is converted to what in the intestine?
- urobiligen
- In the intesting, Urobiligen is converted into..
- Stercobilin
- What is stercobilin?
- Brown pigment of feces
- Urobiligen is converted to what in blood?
- Urobilin
- What is urobilin?
- Yellow pigment of urine
- What can urobilin cause?
- Jaundice
- How many RBC's per cubic millimeter?
- 4.3-5.8
- How many RBC's total?
- 25 trillion
- Who has more RBC's, males or females?
- Males
- What is hematopoiesis
- Blood cell production
- What is erythropoeisis?
- RBC production
- Where does erythropoeisis occur?
- Red bone warrow
- What is a hemocytoblast?
- Stem cell
- What do erythroblasts do?
- Produce ribosomes, starte hemoglobin production
- Normoblast--
- Most organelles and nuclues are ejected
- Reiculocyte...
- enters blood stream
- Stimulus fro increased blood cell production is
- Low o2 levels
- Why does low 02 levels increase blood cell production?
- Hemorrage, high altitude, increased physical activity
- Hematopoesis stimulates the kidneys to release...
- Erythropoeiten (EPO)
- EPO stimulates the...
- red marrow
- Testosteron enhances or worsens EPO production?
- Enhances
- Viscous blood can lead to...
- Clotting, storke, heart failure.
- How many RBC's are produced per second?
- 2 million