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Hematology Adult Med


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Define Anemia
Low amount of Hgb carrying ability
Define Creatinen
Crit is % of Hgb in blood
Define Anisocytosis
different sizes - still round, not different shape but size
Define Poikilocytosis
Different or a variety of different shaped cells
Define Schistocytes
fragmented cells on peripheral specimen; Found in hemolytic anemia
Define target cells
abnormal RBC with ring appearance. Low hypochromic anemia; thalessemia, splenectomy etc.
Define reticulocytecound
amount of immature RBC's in blood
Define MCV
Mean corpuscular volume: size: either Normocytic, microcytic or macrocytic
Define MCHC
mean corpuscular Hgb concentration: either normochromic or hypochromic
Define Pica
craving non foods; clay, dirt, etc. Indication of iron deficiency anemia
Classify the following by cell size and color and indicate whether it is decreased or increased production: Iron deficiency:
microcytic, hypochromic decreased production
Classify the following by cell size and color and indicate whether it is decreased or increased production: Folic acid deficiency
Macrocytic, normochromic and reduced RBC production
Classify the following by cell size and color and indicate whether it is decreased or increased production: Pernicious anemia / vit. B12
Lack of intrinsic factor; macrocytic, normochromic, reduced RBC production
Classify the following by cell size and color and indicate whether it is decreased or increased production: Anemia of chronic disease
slightly microcytic or normocytic, normochromic, possible decreased crit or normal crit
Classify the following by cell size and color and indicate whether it is decreased or increased production: Aplastic anemia
Bone marrow failure, reduced RBC production, normal looking cells
Classify the following by cell size and color and indicate whether it is decreased or increased production: Hemolytic anemia (extrinsic and intrinsic)
normal blastic, normocytic or microcytic, normochromic; schistocytosis, sickle cell, etc.
Define extrinsic anemia
from external factors like valvular implantation or splenectomy, etc.
Define intrinsic anemia
stemming from inside the cell like sickle cell or schistocytosis, etc.
For the following anemia, give 1. signs and symptoms, 2. causes, 3. common lab findings and 4. treatment that is mostly associated with this disorder: iron deficiency
1.Pica, muscle spasms. 2. blood loss. 3. serum ferritin and total binding, to confirm. 4. iron supplements
For the following anemia, give 1. signs and symptoms, 2. causes, 3. common lab findings and 4. treatment that is mostly associated with this disorder: Folic acid deficiency
1. GI, glossitis. 2. Dietary deficiency (chronic alcoholism) 3. folate levels 4. folic acid: Complications - neurotube defects in pregnancy
For the following anemia, give 1. signs and symptoms, 2. causes, 3. common lab findings and 4. treatment that is mostly associated with this disorder: Pernicious anemia / vitamin B12
1. GI, Neuropathy 2. lack of intrinsic - surgeries 3. ? 4. B12 injections
For the following anemia, give 1. signs and symptoms, 2. causes, 3. common lab findings and 4. treatment that is mostly associated with this disorder: Anemia of chronic diseas
1. ? 2. Autoimmune, Liver, CA, infection, RA. 3. ? 4. none, maybe erythropoiten
For the following anemia, give 1. signs and symptoms, 2. causes, 3. common lab findings and 4. treatment that is mostly associated with this disorder: Aplastic anemia
1. gingival bleeding, purpura, petechiae 2. Chemo, congenital, idiopathic 3. All lab values LOW, bone marrow aspiration to confirm 4. Bone marrow transplant
For the following anemia, give 1. signs and symptoms, 2. causes, 3. common lab findings and 4. treatment that is mostly associated with this disorder: Hymolytic anemia
1. Anemic sx 2. intrinsic: G6PD, spherocytosis, sickle cell, thalesemia's. extrinsic: burns, hypersplnia, auto-immune
Give some basic anemic symptoms typical for all anemias
fatigue, tachycardia, tychpnea, pallor, pale conjunctiva
What is the most likely cause of iron deficiency anemia in infants
lack of iron in diet - formula or breast fed
What is the most likely cause of iron deficiency anemia in teens and menstruating women
diet, blood loss
What is the most likely cause of iron deficiency anemia in adult men and postmenopausal women
diet, bleeding - GI
What is the difference between pernicious anemia and other causes of B12 deficiency?
Pernicious anemia is lack of intrinsic factor. Other causes; inability to absorb; gastric bypass, obstructions, surgeries, crohns, etc.
What re the neurological complications of vit. B12 deficiency anemia?
neuropathy, parasthesia, dementia, pyschosis.
Describe 1. history 2. cinical findings 3. labs 4. complications for: spherocytosis
1. hemolytic 2. increased destruction of cells 3. spherocytes 4. aplastic crises: autosomal dominant
Describe 1. history 2. cinical findings 3. labs 4. complications for: sickle cell
1. painful, blacks, hispanics 2. hypoxia, 3. crescent shape RBC 4. surval past 20's rare. autosomal recessive
Describe 1. history 2. cinical findings 3. labs 4. complications for: Thalessemia
1. mediterranean, asia 2. microcytic, iron supp doesn't help. 3. MCV is low, doesn't make Hgb correctly, missing a chain 4. ?

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