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Histology 1: cellular organelles


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-Double Membrane-bound large structure containing chromatin

-chromosomes (DNA) contain the genetic blueprint for every protein in the body
Nuclear envelope/membrane
-double lipid bilater with nuclear pore complexes

-seperates and mediates transport between nucleus and cytoplasm
-Dense non-membrane-bound structure in the nucleus

-ribosomal RNA synthesis and ribosome assembly
-small structures free in cytoplasm or ound to endoplasmic retiulum. consist of two subunits of ribosomal RNA

-protein synthesis, formation of peptid bonds between amino acids to make polypeptide chains using messenger RNA as template
endoplasmic reticulum
-extensive membrane system within the cell; may be rough with associated ribosomes or smooth

-modification an dfolding of proteins synthesized on ribosomes (rER), or synthesis of some lipids (sER)
golgi apparatus/stack
-stacks of flattened membrane-bound cisternae

-final assembly an dglycosylation of proteins and dispatch to thier ultimate destination
-double membrane-bound organelles with folded inner membrane
-energy production mainly in the form of ATP
plasma membrane
-lipid bilayer containing intrinsic proteins an dwith an external coat of carbohydrate
-divides cell from external environment and mediates interactions with external environment
-microfilaments, intermediate filaments and microtubules
-maintain cell shape and orientation, cell movement, movement of orhanelles around the cell, movement of chromosomes during cell division
transport-secretory vesicles
-membrane-bound vesicles often with a protein coat (eg- COP I, clathrin)
-Transport materials between different cell compartments and to plasma membrane for export
membrane-bound vesicles containing material imported into cell
-phagocytosis/endocytosis and transport of cargo to intracellulat destinations (eg-lysosomes)
-membrane-bound vesicles containing hydrolytic enzymes
-killing of pathogenic organisms (in phagocytic cells) and degradation of waste products
-membrane-bound vesicles containing oxidases and catalase
-production of hydrogen peroxide for killing pathogens, detoxificatoin of certain toxic materials
lipid droplets
non-membrane-bound spherical aggregates of lipid of variable size
-energy storage
glycogen granules
-non-membrane-bound granules and aggregates of granules (rosettes)
-energy storage
-brown pigment in cytoplasm
-waste product
-brown pigment in cytoplasm
-skin pigment

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