SAT Vocab Prep 12
undefined, object
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- loch
- noun: A lake.
- intrinsic
- adjective: Inherent.
- debase
- verb: To lower in character or virtue.
- irritate
- verb: To excite ill temper or impatience in.
- authentic
- adjective: Of undisputed origin.
- invalid
- noun: One who is disabled by illness or injury.
- contradictory
- adjective: Inconsistent with itself.
- redemption
- noun: The recovery of what is mortgaged or pledged, by paying the debt.
- transitory
- adjective: Existing for a short time only.
- finite
- adjective: Limited.
- witchcraft
- noun: Sorcery.
- literacy
- noun: The state or condition of knowing how to read and write.
- academician
- noun: A member of an academy of literature, art, or science.
- didactic
- adjective: Pertaining to teaching.
- bulrush
- noun: Any one of various tall rush-like plants growing in damp ground or water.
- eloquent
- adjective: Having the ability to express emotion or feeling in lofty and impassioned speech.
- thermoelectricity
- noun: Electricity generated by differences of temperature,
- parable
- noun: A brief narrative founded on real scenes or events usually with a moral.
- landmark
- noun: A familiar object in the landscape serving as a guide to an area otherwise easily lost track
- assess
- verb: To determine the amount of (a tax or other sum to be paid).
- sequel
- noun: That which follows in consequence of what has previously happened.
- inimical
- adjective: Adverse.
- exposition
- noun: Formal presentation.
- huckster
- noun: One who retails small wares.
- antitoxin
- noun: A substance which neutralizes the poisonous products of micro-organisms.
- commission
- verb: To empower.
- duration
- noun: The period of time during which anything lasts.
- abscess
- noun: A Collection of pus in a cavity formed within some tissue of the body.
- ruth
- noun: Sorrow for another's misery.
- intercession
- noun: Entreaty in behalf of others.
- script
- noun: Writing or handwriting of the ordinary cursive form.
- progression
- noun: A moving forward or proceeding in course.
- convolution
- noun: A winding motion.
- manifesto
- noun: A public declaration, making announcement, explanation or defense of intentions, or
- substantive
- adjective: Solid.
- exclude
- verb: To shut out purposely or forcibly.
- trenchant
- adjective: Cutting deeply and quickly.
- disciplinary
- adjective: Having the nature of systematic training or subjection to authority.
- annuity
- noun: An annual allowance, payment, or income.
- rancor
- noun: Malice.
- alley
- noun: A narrow street, garden path, walk, or the like.
- version
- noun: A description or report of something as modified by one's character or opinion.
- diabolic
- adjective: Characteristic of the devil.
- revere
- verb: To regard with worshipful veneration.
- weal
- noun: Well-being.
- epitome
- noun: A simplified representation.
- oratorio
- noun: A composition for solo voices, chorus, and orchestra, generally taken from the Scriptures.
- resistant
- adjective: Offering or tending to produce resistance.
- clearance
- noun: A certificate from the proper authorities that a vessel has complied with the law and may sail.
- reorganize
- verb: To change to a more satisfactory form of organization.
- corroborate
- verb: To strengthen, as proof or conviction.
- carouse
- verb: To drink deeply and in boisterous or jovial manner.
- darkling
- aderb: Blindly.
- persecution
- noun: Harsh or malignant oppression.
- evoke
- verb: To call or summon forth.
- misty
- adjective: Lacking clearness
- beset
- verb: To attack on all sides.
- persevere
- verb: To continue striving in spite of discouragements.
- depress
- verb: To press down.
- complicate
- verb: To make complex, difficult, or hard to deal with.
- circumlocution
- noun: Indirect or roundabout expression.
- arboriculture
- noun: The cultivation of trees or shrubs.
- equitable
- adjective: Characterized by fairness.
- skiff
- noun: Usually, a small light boat propelled by oars.
- preordain
- verb: To foreordain.
- kinsfolk
- noun: pl. Relatives.
- soprano
- noun: A woman's or boy's voice of high range.
- corruptible
- adjective: Open to bribery.
- menagerie
- noun: A collection of wild animals, especially when kept for exhibition.
- impulsive
- adjective: Unpremeditated.
- inkling
- noun: A hint.
- proviso
- noun: A clause in a contract, will, etc., by which its operation is rendered conditional.
- emergent
- adjective: Coming into view.
- overhang
- noun: A portion of a structure which projects or hangs over.
- abridgment
- noun: A condensed form as of a book or play.
- uproarious
- adjective: Noisy.
- reticence
- noun: The quality of habitually keeping silent or being reserved in utterance.
- avarice
- noun: Passion for getting and keeping riches.
- misuse
- verb: To maltreat.
- transfer
- verb: To convey, remove, or cause to pass from one person or place to another.
- diffusion
- noun: Dispersion.
- forecourt
- noun: A court opening directly from the street.
- specious
- adjective: Plausible.
- profuse
- adjective: Produced or displayed in overabundance.
- administrator
- noun: One who manages affairs of any kind.
- incoercible
- adjective: Incapable of being forced, constrained, or compelled.
- diagnosis
- noun: Determination of the distinctive nature of a disease.
- accommodate
- verb: To furnish something as a kindness or favor.
- bibulous
- adjective: Fond of drinking.
- officious
- adjective: Intermeddling with what is not one's concern.
- tact
- noun: Fine or ready mental discernment shown in saying or doing the proper thing.
- truism
- noun: A statement so plainly true as hardly to require statement or proof.
- globular
- adjective: Spherical.
- rife
- adjective: Abundant.
- altruism
- noun: Benevolence to others on subordination to self-interest.
- expectorate
- verb: To cough up and spit forth.
- divagation
- noun: Digression.
- requite
- verb: To repay either good or evil to, as to a person.
- voluble
- adjective: Having great fluency in speaking.
- adumbrate
- verb: To represent beforehand in outline or by emblem.
- betroth
- verb: To engage to marry.
- retract
- verb: To recall or take back (something that one has said).
- equilibrium
- noun: A state of balance.
- clarify
- verb: To render intelligible.
- timorous
- adjective: Lacking courage.
- braggart
- noun: A vain boaster.
- deluge
- verb: To overwhelm with a flood of water.
- crustacean
- adjective: Pertaining to a division of arthropods, containing lobsters, crabs, crawfish, etc.
- misnomer
- noun: A name wrongly or mistakenly applied.
- coercion
- noun: Forcible constraint or restraint, moral or physical.
- conduit
- noun: A means for conducting something, particularly a tube, pipe, or passageway for a fluid.
- multiform
- adjective: Having many shapes, or appearances.
- conveyance
- noun: That by which anything is transported.
- differential
- adjective: Distinctive.
- affectation
- noun: A studied or ostentatious pretense or attempt.
- sheer
- adjective: Absolute.
- biology
- noun: The science of life or living organisms.
- circumnavigate
- verb: To sail quite around.
- magnificent
- adjective: Grand or majestic in appearance, quality, or action.
- alternate
- noun: One chosen to act in place of another, in case of the absence or incapacity of that other.
- projection
- noun: A prominence.
- Christ
- noun: A title of Jesus
- effectual
- adjective: Efficient.
- Catholicism
- noun: The system, doctrine, and practice of the Roman Catholic Church.
- Arthurian
- adjective: Pertaining to King Arthur, the real or legendary hero of British poetic story.
- egoist
- noun: One who advocates or practices egoism.
- supplicate
- verb: To beg.
- moderator
- noun: The presiding officer of a meeting.
- Briticism
- noun: A word, idiom, or phrase characteristic of Great Britain or the British.
- unconscious
- adjective: Not cognizant of objects, actions, etc.
- subservient
- adjective: Servilely following another's behests.
- lingua
- noun: The tongue.
- blaze
- noun: A vivid glowing flame.
- frugal
- adjective: Economical.
- left-handed
- adjective: Using the left hand or arm more dexterously than the right.
- consort
- noun: A companion or associate.
- elasticity
- noun: That property of matter by which a body tends to return to a former shape after being changed.
- abdicate
- verb: To give up (royal power or the like).
- addle
- verb: To make inefficient or worthless; muddle.
- ravage
- verb: To lay waste by pillage, rapine, devouring, or other destructive methods.
- underworld
- noun: Hades.
- dispossess
- verb: To deprive of actual occupancy, especially of real estate.
- prediction
- noun: A prophecy.
- induct
- verb: To bring in.
- motto
- noun: An expressive word or pithy sentence enunciating some guiding rule of life, or faith.
- theorist
- noun: One given to speculating.
- extrude
- verb: To drive out or away.
- botany
- noun: The science that treats of plants.
- variegate
- verb: To mark with different shades or colors.
- crustaceous
- adjective: Having a crust-like shell.
- turpitude
- noun: Depravity.
- perspicacity
- noun: Acuteness or discernment.
- cajole
- verb: To impose on or dupe by flattering speech.
- grapple
- verb: To take hold of.
- memento
- noun: A souvenir.
- circumscribe
- verb: To confine within bounds.
- claimant
- noun: One who makes a claim or demand, as of right.
- premature
- adjective: Coming too soon.
- convertible
- adjective: Interchangeable.
- exclamation
- noun: An abrupt or emphatic expression of thought or of feeling.
- brazier
- noun: An open pan or basin for holding live coals.
- microphone
- noun: An apparatus for magnifying faint sounds.
- rigmarole
- noun: Nonsense.
- inexpressible
- adjective: Unutterable.
- waive
- verb: To relinquish, especially temporarily, as a right or claim.
- blockade
- noun: The shutting up of a town, a frontier, or a line of coast by hostile forces.
- laudable
- adjective: Praiseworthy.
- convalescence
- noun: The state of progressive restoration to health and strength after the cessation of disease.
- demonstrable
- adjective: Capable of positive proof.
- superfluous
- adjective: Being more than is needed.
- concurrent
- adjective: Occurring or acting together.
- copious
- adjective: Plenteous.
- degrade
- verb: To take away honors or position from.
- alleviate
- verb: To make less burdensome or less hard to bear.
- ogre
- noun: A demon or monster that was supposed to devour human beings.
- venom
- noun: The poisonous fluid that certain animals secrete.
- delirious
- adjective: Raving.
- secretary
- noun: One who attends to correspondence, keeps records. or does other writing for others.
- pacify
- verb: To bring into a peaceful state.
- assailant
- noun: One who attacks.
- enact
- verb: To make into law, as by legislative act.
- intangible
- adjective: Not perceptible to the touch.
- demobilize
- verb: To disband, as troops.
- retroactive
- adjective: Operative on, affecting, or having reference to past events, transactions, responsibilities.
- gynecocracy
- noun: Female supremacy.
- injunction
- noun: Mandate.
- abject
- adjective: Sunk to a low condition.
- affluence
- noun: A profuse or abundant supply of riches.
- horde
- noun: A gathered multitude of human beings.
- legible
- adjective: That may be read with ease.
- overpower
- verb: To gain supremacy or victory over by superior power.
- irritancy
- noun: The quality of producing vexation.
- octogenarian
- adjective: A person of between eighty and ninety years.
- involve
- verb: To draw into entanglement, literally or figuratively.
- facet
- noun: One of the small triangular plane surfaces of a diamond or other gem.
- tendency
- noun: Direction or inclination, as toward some objector end.
- witless
- adjective: Foolish, indiscreet, or silly.
- magnificence
- noun: The exhibition of greatness of action, character, intellect, wealth, or power.
- remission
- noun: Temporary diminution of a disease.
- coronet
- noun: Inferior crown denoting, according to its form, various degrees of noble rank less than sovereign.
- transpire
- verb: To come to pass.
- inedible
- adjective: Not good for food.
- knighthood
- noun: Chivalry.
- vacuous
- adjective: Empty.
- recrudescence
- noun: The state of becoming raw or sore again.
- avert
- verb: To turn away or aside.
- panel
- noun: A rectangular piece set in or as in a frame.
- obligate
- verb: To hold to the fulfillment of duty.
- cohesion
- noun: Consistency.
- optometry
- noun: Measurement of the powers of vision.
- disservice
- noun: An ill turn.
- alter
- verb: To make change in.
- nocturnal
- adjective: Of or pertaining to the night.
- conformance
- noun: The act or state or conforming.
- mete
- verb: To apportion.
- fervid
- adjective: Intense.
- lunar
- adjective: Pertaining to the moon.
- convalesce
- verb: To recover after a sickness.
- solvent
- adjective: Having sufficient funds to pay all debts.
- decagon
- noun: A figure with ten sides and ten angles.
- unwise
- adjective: Foolish.
- agrarian
- adjective: Pertaining to land, especially agricultural land.
- mead
- noun: A meadow.
- venial
- adjective: That may be pardoned or forgiven, a forgivable sin.
- proscenium
- noun: That part of the stage between the curtain and the orchestra.
- egregious
- adjective: Extreme.
- slothful
- adjective: Lazy.
- miscreant
- noun: A villain.
- homologous
- adjective: Identical in nature, make-up, or relation.
- staid
- adjective: Of a steady and sober character.
- felony
- noun: One of the highest class of offenses, and punishable with death or imprisonment.
- delicacy
- noun: That which is agreeable to a fine taste.
- financial
- adjective: Monetary.
- gauge
- noun: An instrument for measuring.
- jargon
- noun: Confused, unintelligible speech or highly technical speech.
- exhilarate
- verb: To fill with high or cheerful spirits.
- happy-go-lucky
- adjective: Improvident.
- Neolithic
- adjective: Pertaining to the later stone age.
- deportment
- noun: Demeanor.
- sextuple
- adjective: Multiplied by six.
- menace
- noun: A threat.
- inquisitor
- noun: One who makes an investigation.
- disillusion
- verb: To disenchant.
- guile
- noun: Duplicity.
- likelihood
- noun: A probability.
- laudation
- noun: High praise.
- penance
- noun: Punishment to which one voluntarily submits or subjects himself as an expression of
- kilometer
- noun: A length of 1,000 meters.
- possessive
- adjective: Pertaining to the having, holding, or detention of property in one's power or command.
- aspiration
- noun: An earnest wish for that which is above one's present reach.