SAT Vocab Prep 16
undefined, object
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- synod
- noun: An ecclesiastical council.
- audacious
- adjective: Fearless.
- paralysis
- noun: Loss of the power of contractility in the voluntary or involuntary muscles.
- fortitude
- noun: Patient courage.
- harbinger
- noun: One who or that which foreruns and announces the coming of any person or thing.
- blithesome
- adjective: Cheerful.
- mannerism
- noun: Constant or excessive adherence to one manner, style, or peculiarity, as of action or
- variant
- noun: A thing that differs from another in form only, being the same in essence or substance.
- allotment
- noun: Portion.
- allegory
- noun: The setting forth of a subject under the guise of another subject of aptly suggestive likeness.
- preclude
- verb: To prevent.
- pique
- verb: To excite a slight degree of anger in.
- vista
- noun: A view or prospect.
- fluential
- adjective: Pertaining to streams.
- possession
- noun: The having, holding, or detention of property in one's power or command.
- donor
- noun: One who makes a donation or present.
- ordination
- noun: A consecration to the ministry.
- imbroglio
- noun: A misunderstanding attended by ill feeling, perplexity, or strife.
- altitude
- noun: Vertical distance or elevation above any point or base-level, as the sea.
- discipline
- verb: To train to obedience.
- amorous
- adjective: Having a propensity for falling in love.
- insentient
- adjective: Lacking the power of feeling or perceiving.
- prescient
- adjective: Foreknowing.
- competent
- adjective: Qualified.
- privy
- adjective: Participating with another or others in the knowledge of a secret transaction.
- insight
- noun: Intellectual discernment.
- vainglory
- noun: Excessive, pretentious, and demonstrative vanity.
- ministry
- noun: A service.
- primer
- noun: An elementary reading-book for children.
- tenet
- noun: Any opinion, principle, dogma, or doctrine that a person believes or maintains as true.
- provocation
- noun: An action or mode of conduct that excites resentment.
- callow
- adjective: Without experience of the world.
- sentience
- noun: Capacity for sensation or sense-perception.
- introspect
- verb: To look into.
- potentate
- noun: One possessed of great power or sway.
- bric-a-brac
- noun: Objects of curiosity or for decoration.
- fulminate
- verb: To cause to explode.
- enthusiastic
- adjective: Full of zeal and fervor.
- gossamer
- adjective: Flimsy.
- dermatology
- noun: The branch of medical science which relates to the skin and its diseases.
- parallelism
- noun: Essential likeness.
- piecemeal
- aderb: Gradually.
- laud
- verb: To praise in words or song.
- sense
- noun: The signification conveyed by some word, phrase, or action.
- inceptive
- adjective: Beginning.
- gaily
- aderb: Merrily.
- incompatible
- adjective: Discordant.
- metonymy
- noun: A figure of speech that consists in the naming of a thing by one of its attributes.
- secretive
- adjective: Having a tendency to conceal.
- fruition
- noun: Fulfillment.
- laudatory
- adjective: Pertaining to, expressing, or containing praise.
- abnegate
- verb: To renounce (a right or privilege).
- foresee
- verb: To discern beforehand.
- dissipation
- noun: The state of being dispersed or scattered.
- diatribe
- noun: A bitter or malicious criticism.
- demulcent
- noun: Any application soothing to an irritable surface
- Britannia
- noun: The United Kingdom of Great Britain.
- irreverential
- adjective: Showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration, especially for sacred things.
- ludicrous
- adjective: Laughable.
- dowry
- noun: The property which a wife brings to her husband in marriage.
- inconstant
- adjective: Changeable.
- jugular
- adjective: Pertaining to the throat.
- agile
- adjective: Able to move or act quickly, physically, or mentally.
- ichthyosaurs
- noun: A fossil reptile.
- naturally
- aderb: According to the usual order of things.
- provincial
- adjective: Uncultured in thought and manner.
- imperil
- verb: To endanger.
- neopaganism
- noun: A new or revived paganism.
- supersede
- verb: To displace.
- querulous
- adjective: Habitually complaining.
- unlawful
- adjective: Illegal.
- pact
- noun: A covenant.
- medial
- adjective: Of or pertaining to the middle.
- semicivilized
- adjective: Half-civilized.
- optician
- noun: One who makes or deals in optical instruments or eye-glasses.
- resistless
- adjective: Powerless.
- solstice
- noun: The time of year when the sun is at its greatest declination.
- symphonious
- adjective: Marked by a harmonious or agreeable mingling of sounds.
- pommel
- verb: To beat with something thick or bulky.
- leisure
- noun: Spare time.
- ampere
- noun: The practical unit of electric-current strength.
- deceit
- noun: Falsehood.
- trident
- noun: The three-pronged fork that was the emblem of Neptune.
- pavilion
- noun: An open structure for temporary shelter.
- reinstate
- verb: To restore to a former state, station, or authority.
- plasticity
- noun: The property of some substances through which the form of the mass can readily be
- perambulate
- verb: To walk about.
- nude
- adjective: Naked.
- systematic
- adjective: Methodical.
- unavoidable
- adjective: Inevitable.
- hypothesis
- noun: A proposition taken for granted as a premise from which to reach a conclusion.
- merciless
- adjective: Cruel.
- anthropology
- noun: The science of man in general.
- eulogize
- verb: To speak or write a laudation of a person's life or character.
- Baconian
- adjective: Of or pertaining to Lord Bacon or his system of philosophy.
- domain
- noun: A sphere or field of action or interest.
- subvert
- verb: To bring to ruin.
- tutelar
- adjective: Protective.
- archangel
- noun: An angel of high rank.
- glacial
- adjective: Icy, or icily cold.
- intercessor
- noun: A mediator.
- ponderous
- adjective: Unusually weighty or forcible.
- choleric
- adjective: Easily provoked to anger.
- usury
- noun: The demanding for the use of money as a loan, a rate of interest beyond what is allowed by law.
- tacit
- adjective: Understood.
- devious
- adjective: Out of the common or regular track.
- crevice
- noun: A small fissure, as between two contiguous surfaces.
- exhaust
- verb: To empty by draining off the contents.
- comprehensive
- adjective: Large in scope or content.
- immersion
- noun: The act of plunging or dipping entirely under water or another fluid.
- terse
- adjective: Pithy.
- liqueur
- noun: An alcoholic cordial sweetened and flavored with aromatic substances.
- accompaniment
- noun: A subordinate part or parts, enriching or supporting the leading part.
- vigilance
- noun: Alert and intent mental watchfulness in guarding against danger.
- pendulum
- noun: A weight hung on a rod, serving by its oscillation to regulate the rate of a clock.
- predecessor
- noun: An incumbent of a given office previous to another.
- conciliate
- verb: To obtain the friendship of.
- irreverence
- noun: The quality showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration, especially for sacred things.
- prolific
- adjective: Producing offspring or fruit.
- vegetative
- adjective: Pertaining to the process of plant-life.
- sarcasm
- noun: Cutting and reproachful language.
- efflorescence
- noun: The state of being flowery, or a flowery appearance.
- cacophony
- noun: A disagreeable, harsh, or discordant sound or combination of sounds or tones.
- Titanic
- adjective: Of vast size or strength.
- intricate
- adjective: Difficult to follow or understand.
- instructive
- adjective: Conveying knowledge.
- outcast
- noun: One rejected and despised, especially socially.
- entrails
- noun: pl. The internal parts of an animal.
- arrangement
- noun: The act of putting in proper order, or the state of being put in order.
- introductory
- adjective: Preliminary.
- stupendous
- adjective: Of prodigious size, bulk, or degree.
- inroad
- noun: Forcible encroachment or trespass.
- scrupulous
- adjective: Cautious in action for fear of doing wrong.
- grandeur
- noun: The quality of being grand or admirably great.
- defensive
- adjective: Carried on in resistance to aggression.
- luxuriate
- verb: To live sumptuously.
- lawmaker
- noun: A legislator.
- assent
- verb: To express agreement with a statement or matter of opinion.
- reticent
- adjective: Habitually keeping silent or being reserved in utterance.
- imply
- verb: To signify.
- hypocrite
- noun: One who makes false professions of his views or beliefs.
- acquaintance
- noun: Release or discharge from indebtedness, obligation, or responsibility.
- bewilder
- verb: To confuse the perceptions or judgment of.
- fumigate
- verb: To subject to the action of smoke or fumes, especially for disinfection.
- infirmity
- noun: A physical, mental, or moral weakness or flaw.
- verbatim
- aderb: Word for word.
- sapient
- adjective: Possessing wisdom.
- assessor
- noun: An officer whose duty it is to assess taxes.
- flagrant
- adjective: Openly scandalous.
- caste
- noun: The division of society on artificial grounds.
- canary
- adjective: Of a bright but delicate yellow.
- epidemic
- noun: Wide-spread occurrence of a disease in a certain region.
- flection
- noun: The act of bending.
- effect
- noun: A consequence.
- inapt
- adjective: Awkward or slow.
- curable
- adjective: Capable of being remedied or corrected.
- leniency
- noun: Forbearance.
- embolism
- noun: An obstruction or plugging up of an artery or other blood-vessel.
- tenor
- noun: A settled course or manner of progress.
- afoot
- aderb: In progress.
- machinery
- noun: The parts of a machine or engine, taken collectively.
- festive
- adjective: Merry.
- wholly
- aderb: Completely.
- remodel
- verb: Reconstruct.
- ingraft
- verb: To set or implant deeply and firmly.
- melodious
- adjective: Characterized by a sweet succession of sounds.
- armful
- noun: As much as can be held in the arm or arms.
- multiplicity
- noun: the condition of being manifold or very various.
- militia
- noun: Those citizens, collectively, who are enrolled and drilled in temporary military organizations.
- suggestive
- adjective: Stimulating to thought or reflection.
- retch
- verb: To make an effort to vomit.
- adverse
- adjective: Opposing or opposed.
- obstreperous
- adjective: Boisterous.
- preempt
- verb: To secure the right of preference in the purchase of public land.
- sapid
- adjective: Affecting the sense of taste.
- virile
- adjective: Masculine.
- perfunctory
- adjective: Half-hearted.
- distillation
- noun: Separation of the more volatile parts of a substance from those less volatile.
- recitation
- noun: The act of reciting or repeating, especially in public and from memory.
- vociferous
- adjective: Making a loud outcry.
- serviceable
- adjective: Durable.
- pedagogics
- noun: The science and art of teaching.
- captivate
- verb: To fascinate, as by excellence. eloquence, or beauty.
- untimely
- adjective: Unseasonable.
- Martian
- adjective: Pertaining to Mars, either the Roman god of war or the planet.
- stiletto
- noun: A small dagger.
- rhapsody
- noun: Rapt or rapturous utterance.
- ultramundane
- adjective: Pertaining to supernatural things or to another life.
- frigid
- adjective: Lacking warmth.
- conjugal
- adjective: Pertaining to marriage, marital rights, or married persons.
- poignancy
- noun: Severity or acuteness, especially of pain or grief.
- eugenic
- adjective: Relating to the development and improvement of race.
- feminine
- adjective: Characteristic of woman or womankind.
- Jingo
- noun: One of a party in Great Britain in favor of spirited and demonstrative foreign policy.
- epitaph
- noun: An inscription on a tomb or monument in honor or in memory of the dead.
- cornucopia
- noun: The horn of plenty, symbolizing peace and prosperity.
- onset
- noun: An assault, especially of troops, upon an enemy or fortification.
- bole
- noun: The trunk or body of a tree.
- bomb
- noun: A hollow projectile containing an explosive material.
- physiognomy
- noun: The external appearance merely.
- judicious
- adjective: Prudent.
- diverse
- adjective: Capable of various forms.
- novellette
- noun: A short novel.
- blazon
- verb: To make widely or generally known.
- affiliate
- noun: Some auxiliary person or thing.
- aspirant
- noun: One who seeks earnestly, as for advancement, honors, place.
- forgery
- noun: Counterfeiting.
- fealty
- noun: Loyalty.
- militarism
- noun: A policy of maintaining great standing armies.
- deign
- verb: To deem worthy of notice or account.
- cadence
- noun: Rhythmical or measured flow or movement, as in poetry or the time and pace of marching troops.
- accost
- verb: To speak to.
- metempsychosis
- noun: Transition of the soul of a human being at death into another body, whether human or beast.
- plenitude
- noun: Abundance.
- prescience
- noun: Knowledge of events before they take place.
- detriment
- noun: Something that causes damage, depreciation, or loss.
- peremptory
- adjective: Precluding question or appeal.
- creamery
- noun: A butter-making establishment.
- pervert
- noun: One who has forsaken a doctrine regarded as true for one esteemed false.
- caustic
- adjective: Sarcastic and severe.
- volant
- adjective: Flying or able to fly.
- astute
- adjective: Keen in discernment.
- prophesy
- verb: To predict or foretell, especially under divine inspiration and guidance.
- chaos
- noun: Any condition of which the elements or parts are in utter disorder and confusion.
- decalogue
- noun: The ten commandments.
- acrimonious
- adjective: Full of bitterness.
- retrospective
- adjective: Looking back on the past.
- salutation
- noun: Any form of greeting, hailing, or welcome, whether by word or act.
- dastard
- noun: A base coward.
- egotist
- noun: One given to self-mention or who is constantly telling of his own views and experiences.
- preestablish
- verb: To settle or arrange beforehand.
- recapitulate
- verb: To repeat again the principal points of.
- fondle
- verb: To handle tenderly and lovingly.
- patronymic
- adjective: Formed after one's father's name.
- connive
- verb: To be in collusion.
- quintet
- noun: Musical composition arranged for five voices or instruments.
- frolicsome
- adjective: Prankish.
- indignity
- noun: Unmerited contemptuous conduct or treatment.
- nurture
- noun: The process of fostering or promoting growth.
- transfusion
- noun: The act of pouring from one vessel to another.
- pageant
- noun: A dramatic representation, especially a spectacular one.
- epidermis
- noun: The outer skin.
- lurid
- adjective: Ghastly and sensational.
- emphasize
- verb: To articulate or enunciate with special impressiveness upon a word, or a group of words.
- debonair
- adjective: Having gentle or courteous bearing or manner.
- sequacious
- adjective: Ready to be led.
- biograph
- noun: A bibliographical sketch or notice.
- perfumery
- noun: The preparation of perfumes.