SAT Vocab Prep 17
undefined, object
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- prospector
- noun: One who makes exploration, search, or examination, especially for minerals.
- impulsion
- noun: Impetus.
- gullible
- adjective: Credulous.
- repetition
- noun: The act of repeating.
- judiciary
- noun: That department of government which administers the law relating to civil and criminal
- misadventure
- noun: An unlucky accident.
- misapprehend
- verb: To misunderstand.
- regenerate
- verb: To reproduce.
- frizzle
- verb: To cause to crinkle or curl, as the hair.
- propeller
- noun: One who or that which propels.
- coddle
- verb: To treat as a baby or an invalid.
- interrogative
- adjective: Having the nature or form of a question.
- obese
- adjective: Exceedingly fat.
- earthenware
- noun: Anything made of clay and baked in a kiln or dried in the sun.
- superintend
- verb: To have the charge and direction of, especially of some work or movement.
- predict
- verb: To foretell.
- abidance
- noun: An abiding.
- presumptuous
- adjective: Assuming too much.
- putrescent
- adjective: Undergoing decomposition of animal or vegetable matter accompanied by fetid odors.
- pillory
- noun: A wooden framework in which an offender is fastened to boards and is exposed to public scorn.
- superadd
- verb: To add in addition to what has been added.
- heterogeneity
- noun: Unlikeness of constituent parts.
- outskirt
- noun: A border region.
- scholastic
- adjective: Pertaining to education or schools.
- blatant
- adjective: Noisily or offensively loud or clamorous.
- ado
- noun: unnecessary activity or ceremony.
- encomium
- noun: A formal or discriminating expression of praise.
- dutiable
- adjective: Subject to a duty, especially a customs duty.
- bore
- verb: To weary by tediousness or dullness.
- spinster
- noun: A woman who has never been married.
- torturous
- adjective: Marked by extreme suffering.
- vulgarity
- noun: Lack of refinement in conduct or speech.
- analyze
- verb: To examine minutely or critically.
- pudgy
- adjective: Small and fat.
- sedate
- adjective: Even-tempered.
- emeritus
- adjective: Retired from active service but retained to an honorary position.
- forfeit
- verb: To lose possession of through failure to fulfill some obligation.
- amputate
- verb: To remove by cutting, as a limb or some portion of the body.
- pseudonymity
- noun: The state or character of using a fictitious name.
- arborescent
- adjective: Having the nature of a tree.
- defiant
- adjective: Characterized by bold or insolent opposition.
- monotonous
- adjective: Unchanging and tedious.
- crusade
- noun: Any concerted movement, vigorously prosecuted, in behalf of an idea or principle.
- concede
- verb: To surrender.
- counter-claim
- noun: A cross-demand alleged by a defendant in his favor against the plaintiff.
- preponderant
- adjective: Prevalent.
- buffoon
- noun: A clown.
- alcoholism
- noun: A condition resulting from the inordinate or persistent use of alcoholic beverages.
- yearling
- noun: A young animal past its first year and not yet two years old.
- reparation
- noun: The act of making amends, as for an injury, loss, or wrong.
- dissertation
- noun: Thesis.
- distinction
- noun: A note or designation of honor, officially recognizing superiority or success in studies.
- negligee
- noun: A loose gown worn by women.
- forerun
- verb: To go before as introducing or ushering in.
- expand
- verb: To increase in range or scope.
- dictum
- noun: A positive utterance.
- mealy-mouthed
- adjective: Afraid to express facts or opinions plainly.
- intermittent
- adjective: A temporary discontinuance.
- votive
- adjective: Dedicated by a vow.
- arbor
- noun: A tree.
- urgency
- noun: The pressure of necessity.
- exegesis
- noun: Biblical exposition or interpretation.
- hillock
- noun: A small hill or mound.
- aggravate
- verb: To make heavier, worse, or more burdensome.
- frowzy
- adjective: Slovenly in appearance.
- tantalize
- verb: To tease.
- amalgam
- noun: An alloy or union of mercury with another metal.
- opinion
- noun: A conclusion or judgment held with confidence, but falling short of positive knowledge.
- cauterize
- verb: To burn or sear as with a heated iron.
- curt
- adjective: Concise, compressed, and abrupt in act or expression.
- unbecoming
- adjective: Unsuited to the wearer, place, or surroundings.
- exceed
- verb: To go beyond, as in measure, quality, value, action, power, skill, etc.
- precedence
- noun: Priority in place, time, or rank.
- laggard
- adjective: Falling behind.
- concur
- verb: To agree.
- annual
- adjective: Occurring every year.
- technicality
- noun: Something peculiar to a particular art, trade, or the like.
- partible
- adjective: Separable.
- partition
- noun: That which separates anything into distinct parts.
- scuttle
- verb: To sink (a ship) by making holes in the bottom.
- cower
- verb: To crouch down tremblingly, as through fear or shame.
- outlast
- verb: To last longer than.
- pretension
- noun: A bold or presumptuous assertion.
- influential
- adjective: Having the power to sway the will of another.
- metaphysician
- noun: One skilled in metaphysics.
- electrotype
- noun: A metallic copy of any surface, as a coin.
- donate
- verb: To bestow as a gift, especially for a worthy cause.
- migratory
- adjective: Wandering.
- sorcery
- noun: Witchcraft.
- theoretical
- adjective: Directed toward knowledge for its own sake without respect to applications.
- salutary
- adjective: Beneficial.
- came
- noun: A leaden sash-bar or grooved strip for fastening panes in stained-glass windows.
- logical
- adjective: Capable of or characterized by clear reasoning.
- creed
- noun: A formal summary of fundamental points of religious belief.
- mismanage
- verb: To manage badly, improperly, or unskillfully.
- denizen
- noun: Inhabitant.
- disavowal
- noun: Denial.
- aldermanship
- noun: The dignity, condition, office, or term of office of an alderman.
- explicit
- adjective: Definite.
- odoriferous
- adjective: Having or diffusing an odor or scent, especially an agreeable one.
- resistive
- adjective: Having or exercising the power of resistance.
- vicarious
- adjective: Suffered or done in place of or for the sake of another.
- phonology
- noun: The science of human vocal sounds.
- irk
- verb: To afflict with pain, vexation, or fatigue.
- retrace
- verb: To follow backward or toward the place of beginning, as a track or marking.
- epicycloid
- noun: A curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls upon another circle.
- havoc
- noun: Devastation.
- ration
- verb: To provide with a fixed allowance or portion, especially of food.
- effulgence
- noun: Splendor.
- aggravation
- noun: The fact of being made heavier or more heinous, as a crime , offense, misfortune, etc.
- conduce
- verb: To bring about.
- hostility
- noun: Enmity.
- tirade
- noun: Harangue.
- enumerate
- verb: To name one by one.
- diminution
- noun: Reduction.
- gumption
- noun: Common sense.
- convalescent
- adjective: Recovering health after sickness.
- commissariat
- noun: The department of an army charged with the provision of its food and water and daily needs.
- inept
- adjective: Not fit or suitable.
- vegetal
- adjective: Of or pertaining to plants.
- indiscreet
- adjective: Lacking wise judgment.
- pellucid
- adjective: Translucent.
- verify
- verb: To prove to be true, exact, or accurate.
- oakum
- noun: Hemp-fiber obtained by untwisting and picking out loosely the yarns of old hemp rope.
- outweigh
- verb: To surpass in importance or excellence.
- disseminate
- verb: To sow or scatter abroad, as seed is sown.
- orgies
- noun: Wild or wanton revelry.
- principality
- noun: The territory of a reigning prince.
- submission
- noun: A yielding to the power or authority of another.
- shrinkage
- noun: A contraction of any material into less bulk or dimension.
- probate
- adjective: Relating to making proof, as of a will.
- countryman
- noun: A rustic.
- decorate
- verb: To embellish.
- inundate
- verb: To fill with an overflowing abundance.
- telephony
- noun: The art or process of communicating by telephone.
- amenable
- adjective: Willing and ready to submit.
- univalence
- noun: Monovalency.
- Nemesis
- noun: A goddess; divinity of chastisement and vengeance.
- velocity
- noun: Rapid motion.
- relish
- verb: To like the taste or savor of.
- assassin
- noun: One who kills, or tries to kill, treacherously or secretly.
- nomic
- adjective: Usual or customary.
- antecedent
- noun: One who or that which precedes or goes before, as in time, place, rank, order, or causality.
- cogent
- adjective: Appealing strongly to the reason or conscience.
- ascetic
- adjective: Given to severe self-denial and practicing excessive abstinence and devotion.
- luminary
- noun: One of the heavenly bodies as a source of light.
- racy
- adjective: Exciting or exhilarating to the mind.
- nowhere
- aderb: In no place or state.
- fallacious
- adjective: Illogical.
- emanate
- verb: To flow forth or proceed, as from some source.
- coincident
- adjective: Taking place at the same time.
- typical
- adjective: Characteristic.
- melodrama
- noun: A drama with a romantic story or plot and sensational situation and incidents.
- festal
- adjective: Joyous.
- passible
- adjective: Capable of feeling of suffering.
- antidote
- noun: Anything that will counteract or remove the effects of poison, disease, or the like.
- ultimate
- adjective: Beyond which there is nothing else.
- subjacent
- adjective: Situated directly underneath.
- vertical
- adjective: Lying or directed perpendicularly to the horizon.
- gratuitous
- adjective: Voluntarily.
- presentment
- noun: Semblance.
- dauntless
- adjective: Fearless.
- predatory
- adjective: Prone to pillaging.
- supercilious
- adjective: Exhibiting haughty and careless contempt.
- icon
- noun: An image or likeness.
- hypodermic
- adjective: Pertaining to the area under the skin.
- cognizant
- adjective: Taking notice.
- squalid
- adjective: Having a dirty, mean, poverty-stricken appearance.
- exasperate
- verb: To excite great anger in.
- borough
- noun: An incorporated village or town.
- secondary
- adjective: Less important or effective than that which is primary.
- plenary
- adjective: Entire.
- engender
- verb: To produce.
- disputation
- noun: Verbal controversy.
- ordinal
- noun: That form of the numeral that shows the order of anything in a series, as first, second, third.
- simulate
- verb: Imitate.
- non-existent
- noun: That which does not exist.
- transience
- noun: Something that is of short duration.
- brine
- noun: Water saturated with salt.
- ballad
- noun: Any popular narrative poem, often with epic subject and usually in lyric form.
- alternative
- noun: Something that may or must exist, be taken or chosen, or done instead of something else.
- reseat
- verb: To place in position of office again.
- caprice
- noun: A whim.
- medicine
- noun: A substance possessing or reputed to possess curative or remedial properties.
- indistinct
- adjective: Vague.
- hoodwink
- verb: To deceive.
- piteous
- adjective: Compassionate.
- quandary
- noun: A puzzling predicament.
- temporize
- verb: To pursue a policy of delay.
- inherence
- noun: The state of being permanently existing in something.
- fetus
- noun: The young in the womb or in the egg.
- maize
- noun: Indian corn: usually in the United States called simply corn.
- complacence
- noun: Satisfaction with one's acts or surroundings.
- hiatus
- noun: A break or vacancy where something necessary to supply the connection is wanting.
- inarticulate
- adjective: Speechless.
- pestilent
- adjective: Having a malign influence or effect.
- premonition
- noun: Foreboding.
- leaven
- verb: To make light by fermentation, as dough.
- brimstone
- noun: Sulfur.
- generality
- noun: The principal portion.
- raucous
- adjective: Harsh.
- dissolute
- adjective: Lewd.
- convoy
- noun: A protecting force accompanying property in course of transportation.
- punctilious
- adjective: Strictly observant of the rules or forms prescribed by law or custom.
- impersonate
- verb: To appear or act in the character of.
- outburst
- noun: A violent issue, especially of passion in an individual.
- labyrinth
- noun: A maze.
- homogeneous
- adjective: Made up of similar parts or elements.
- hesitation
- noun: Vacillation.
- altar
- noun: Any raised place or structure on which sacrifices may be offered or incense burned.
- synopsis
- noun: A syllabus or summary.
- feudalism
- noun: The feudal system.
- microscopy
- noun: The art of examing objects with the microscope.
- deforest
- verb: To clear of forests.
- dissuade
- verb: To change the purpose or alter the plans of by persuasion, counsel, or pleading.
- appease
- verb: To soothe by quieting anger or indignation.
- succinct
- adjective: Concise.
- tireless
- adjective: Untiring.
- gastric
- adjective: Of, pertaining to, or near the stomach.
- euphony
- noun: Agreeableness of sound.
- patriotism
- noun: Love and devotion to one's country.
- scope
- noun: A range of action or view.
- animadversion
- noun: The utterance of criticism or censure.
- deist
- noun: One who believes in God, but denies supernatural revelation.
- stolid
- adjective: Expressing no power of feeling or perceiving.
- pitiful
- adjective: Wretched.
- default
- noun: The neglect or omission of a legal requirement.
- day-man
- noun: A day-laborer.
- mislay
- verb: To misplace.
- oblivion
- noun: The state of having passed out of the memory or of being utterly forgotten.
- educe
- verb: To draw out.
- militant
- adjective: Of a warlike or combative disposition or tendency.
- genealogist
- noun: A tracer of pedigrees.
- intestate
- adjective: Not having made a valid will.
- disinfect
- verb: To remove or destroy the poison of infectious or contagious diseases.
- athwart
- aderb: From side to side.
- cudgel
- noun: A short thick stick used as a club.
- trivial
- adjective: Of little importance or value.
- mite
- noun: A very small amount, portion, or particle.
- bale
- noun: A large package prepared for transportation or storage.
- humbug
- noun: Anything intended or calculated to deceive or mislead.
- linguistics
- noun: The science of languages, or of the origin, history, and significance of words.
- emit
- verb: To send or give out.
- refractory
- adjective: Not amenable to control.
- wrangle
- verb: To maintain by noisy argument or dispute.
- repentance
- noun: Sorrow for something done or left undone, with desire to make things right by undoing the wrong.
- fraternal
- adjective: Brotherly.
- penitence
- noun: Sorrow for sin with desire to amend and to atone.
- ambulate
- verb: To walk about
- foreign
- adjective: Belonging to, situated in, or derived from another country.