SAT Vocab Prep 18
undefined, object
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- hustle
- verb: To move with haste and promptness.
- concurrence
- noun: Agreement.
- intoxicant
- noun: Anything that unduly exhilarates or excites.
- convulsion
- noun: A violent and abnormal muscular contraction of the body.
- landscape
- noun: A rural view, especially one of picturesque effect, as seen from a distance or an elevation.
- pyx
- noun: A vessel or casket, usually of precious metal, in which the host is preserved.
- mutation
- noun: The act or process of change.
- eradicate
- verb: To destroy thoroughly.
- cadenza
- noun: An embellishment or flourish, prepared or improvised, for a solo voice or instrument.
- cornice
- noun: An ornamental molding running round the walls of a room close to the ceiling.
- intermediate
- adjective: Being in a middle place or degree or between extremes.
- accurate
- adjective: Conforming exactly to truth or to a standard.
- symmetrical
- adjective: Well-balanced.
- ulterior
- adjective: Not so pertinent as something else to the matter spoken of.
- Calvinism
- noun: The system of doctrine taught by John Calvin.
- conjoin
- verb: To unite.
- probity
- noun: Virtue or integrity tested and confirmed.
- impetuous
- adjective: Impulsive.
- demonstrator
- noun: One who proves in a convincing and conclusive manner.
- omniscience
- noun: Unlimited or infinite knowledge.
- automaton
- noun: Any living being whose actions are or appear to be involuntary or mechanical.
- contemporaneous
- adjective: Living, occurring, or existing at the same time.
- brandish
- verb: To wave, shake, or flourish triumphantly or defiantly, as a sword or spear.
- facial
- adjective: Pertaining to the face.
- append
- verb: To add or attach, as something accessory, subordinate, or supplementary.
- modification
- noun: A change.
- pertinacious
- adjective: Persistent or unyielding.
- tutorship
- noun: The office of a guardian.
- illiberal
- adjective: Stingy.
- vindicate
- verb: To prove true, right, or real.
- trait
- noun: A distinguishing feature or quality.
- galore
- adjective: Abundant.
- philosophy
- noun: The general principles, laws, or causes that furnish the rational explanation of anything.
- prodigy
- noun: A person or thing of very remarkable gifts or qualities.
- minute
- adjective: Exceedingly small in extent or quantity.
- suspicious
- adjective: Inclined to doubt or mistrust.
- henpeck
- verb: To worry or harass by ill temper and petty annoyances.
- vassal
- noun: A slave or bondman.
- paternity
- noun: Fatherhood.
- conformation
- noun: General structure, form, or outline.
- cosmopolitanism
- noun: A cosmopolitan character.
- writing
- noun: The act or art of tracing or inscribing on a surface letters or ideographs.
- insurrection
- noun: The state of being in active resistance to authority.
- sterling
- adjective: Genuine.
- germane
- adjective: Relevant.
- abduction
- noun: A carrying away of a person against his will, or illegally.
- efface
- verb: To obliterate.
- artful
- adjective: Characterized by craft or cunning.
- permanent
- adjective: Durable.
- harmonious
- adjective: Concordant in sound.
- referable
- adjective: Ascribable.
- lunacy
- noun: Mental unsoundness.
- supposition
- noun: Conjecture.
- pungent
- adjective: Affecting the sense of smell.
- procrastinate
- verb: To put off till tomorrow or till a future time.
- morale
- noun: A state of mind with reference to confidence, courage, zeal, and the like.
- intersect
- verb: To cut through or into so as to divide.
- collector
- noun: One who makes a collection, as of objects of art, books, or the like.
- voracious
- adjective: Eating with greediness or in very large quantities.
- tangency
- noun: The state of touching.
- corrosive
- noun: That which causes gradual decay by crumbling or surface disintegration.
- potential
- noun: Anything that may be possible.
- dissection
- noun: The act or operation of cutting in pieces, specifically of a plant or an animal.
- littoral
- adjective: Of, pertaining to, or living on a shore.
- plenteous
- adjective: Abundant.
- stipend
- noun: A definite amount paid at stated periods in compensation for services or as an allowance.
- Antarctic
- adjective: Pertaining to the south pole or the regions near it.
- equalize
- verb: To render uniform.
- offshoot
- noun: Something that branches off from the parent stock.
- fledgling
- noun: A young bird.
- light-hearted
- adjective: Free from care.
- mishap
- noun: Misfortune.
- dutiful
- adjective: Obedient.
- abbey
- noun: The group of buildings which collectively form the dwelling-place of a society of monks or nuns.
- superabundance
- noun: An excessive amount.
- bosom
- noun: The breast or the upper front of the thorax of a human being, especially of a woman.
- benison
- noun: Blessing.
- tyranny
- noun: Absolute power arbitrarily or unjustly administrated.
- prodigal
- noun: One wasteful or extravagant, especially in the use of money or property.
- disparage
- verb: To regard or speak of slightingly.
- diacritical
- adjective: Marking a difference.
- forth
- aderb: Into notice or view.
- giddy
- adjective: Affected with a whirling or swimming sensation in the head.
- machinist
- noun: One who makes or repairs machines, or uses metal-working tools.
- submersible
- adjective: Capable of being put underwater.
- impersonal
- adjective: Not relating to a particular person or thing.
- consistency
- noun: A state of permanence.
- velvety
- adjective: Marked by lightness and softness.
- debatable
- adjective: Subject to contention or dispute.
- consonance
- noun: The state or quality of being in accord with.
- reconnoiter
- verb: To make a preliminary examination of for military, surveying, or geological purposes.
- rondo
- noun: A musical composition during which the first part or subject is repeated several times.
- freshness
- noun: The state, quality, or degree of being fresh.
- maudlin
- adjective: Foolishly and tearfully affectionate.
- Norman
- adjective: Of or peculiar to Normandy, in northern France.
- up-keep
- noun: Maintenance.
- simultaneous
- adjective: Occurring, done, or existing at the same time.
- retaliate
- verb: To repay evil with a similar evil.
- indulgent
- adjective: Yielding to the desires or humor of oneself or those under one's care.
- sinuosity
- noun: The quality of curving in and out.
- accusation
- noun: A charge of crime, misdemeanor, or error.
- diversity
- noun: Dissimilitude.
- promenade
- verb: To walk for amusement or exercise.
- causal
- adjective: Indicating or expressing a cause.
- gynecology
- noun: The science that treats of the functions and diseases peculiar to women.
- heinous
- adjective: Odiously sinful.
- pagan
- noun: A worshiper of false gods.
- interposition
- noun: A coming between.
- abominate
- verb: To hate violently.
- acquiescence
- noun: Passive consent.
- decaliter
- noun: A liquid and dry measure of 10 liters.
- immeasurable
- adjective: Indefinitely extensive.
- transcendent
- adjective: Surpassing.
- picayune
- adjective: Of small value.
- propel
- verb: To drive or urge forward.
- proletarian
- noun: A person of the lowest or poorest class.
- foreground
- noun: That part of a landscape or picture situated or represented as nearest the spectator.
- sonnet
- noun: A poem of fourteen decasyllabic or octosyllabiclines expressing two successive phrases.
- perennial
- adjective: Continuing though the year or through many years.
- impermissible
- adjective: Not permissible.
- salience
- noun: The condition of standing out distinctly.
- upheaval
- noun: Overthrow or violent disturbance of established order or condition.
- voluptuous
- adjective: having fullness of beautiful form, as a woman, with or without sensuous or sensual quality.
- poetaster
- noun: An inferior poet.
- vivacity
- noun: Liveliness.
- audition
- noun: The act or sensation of hearing.
- proficiency
- noun: An advanced state of acquirement, as in some knowledge, art, or science.
- invalidate
- verb: To render of no force or effect.
- parody
- verb: To render ludicrous by imitating the language of.
- hoarse
- adjective: Having the voice harsh or rough, as from a cold or fatigue.
- underlie
- verb: To be the ground or support of.
- durance
- noun: Confinement.
- bolero
- noun: A Spanish dance, illustrative of the passion of love, accompanied by caste nets and singing.
- iconoclast
- noun: An image-breaker.
- mischievous
- adjective: Fond of tricks.
- handwriting
- noun: Penmanship.
- parley
- verb: To converse in.
- matricide
- noun: The killing, especially the murdering, of one's mother.
- foreclose
- verb: To bar by judicial proceedings the equitable right of a mortgagor to redeem property.
- misunderstand
- verb: To Take in a wrong sense.
- hydra
- noun: The seven- or nine-headed water-serpent slain by Hercules.
- ameliorate
- verb: To relieve, as from pain or hardship
- pyre
- noun: A heap of combustibles arranged for burning a dead body.
- infinite
- adjective: Measureless.
- palsy
- noun: Paralysis.
- bridle
- noun: The head-harness of a horse consisting of a head-stall, a bit, and the reins.
- intercede
- verb: To mediate between persons.
- dignitary
- noun: One who holds high rank.
- precedential
- adjective: Of the nature of an instance that may serve as a guide or basis for a rule.
- idiom
- noun: A use of words peculiar to a particular language.
- technography
- noun: The scientific description or study of human arts and industries in their historic development.
- irreversible
- adjective: Irrevocable.
- blithe
- adjective: Joyous.
- alienation
- noun: Estrangement.
- auricle
- noun: One of the two chambers of the heart which receives the blood from the veins.
- fancier
- noun: One having a taste for or interest in special objects.
- intermission
- noun: A recess.
- treatise
- noun: An elaborate literary composition presenting a subject in all its parts.
- anemometer
- noun: An instrument for measuring the force or velocity of wind.
- negligence
- noun: Omission of that which ought to be done.
- inaccurate
- adjective: Not exactly according to the facts.
- fishmonger
- noun: One who sells fish.
- impute
- verb: To attribute.
- alder
- noun: Any shrub or small tree of the genus Alumnus, of the oak family.
- impregnate
- verb: To make pregnant.
- uppermost
- adjective: First in order of precedence.
- gratify
- verb: To please, as by satisfying a physical or mental desire or need.
- committal
- noun: The act, fact, or result of committing, or the state of being
- cite
- verb: To refer to specifically.
- pollen
- noun: The fine dust-like grains or powder formed within the anther of a flowering plant.
- inane
- adjective: Silly.
- infest
- verb: To be present in such numbers as to be a source of annoyance, trouble, or danger.
- embark
- verb: To make a beginning in some occupation or scheme.
- liturgy
- noun: A ritual.
- antediluvian
- adjective: Of or pertaining to the times, things, events before the great flood in the days of Noah.
- ostracism
- noun: Exclusion from intercourse or favor, as in society or politics.
- predominant
- adjective: Superior in power, influence, effectiveness, number, or degree.
- vignette
- noun: A picture having a background or that is shaded off gradually.
- portfolio
- noun: A portable case for holding writing-materials, drawings, etc.
- minimize
- verb: To reduce to the smallest possible amount or degree.
- cursory
- adjective: Rapid and superficial.
- condensation
- noun: The act or process of making dense or denser.
- perjure
- verb: To swear falsely to.
- duplex
- adjective: Having two parts.
- disrobe
- verb: To unclothe.
- pompous
- adjective: Marked by an assumed stateliness and impressiveness of manner.
- ruminant
- adjective: Chewing the cud.
- vincible
- adjective: Conquerable.
- iciness
- noun: The state of being icy.
- contraband
- noun: Trade forbidden by law or treaty.
- underexposed
- adjective: Insufficiently exposed for proper or full development, as negatives in photography.
- bass
- adjective: Low in tone or compass.
- atrocious
- adjective: Outrageously or wantonly wicked, criminal, vile, or cruel.
- arrear
- noun: Something overdue and unpaid.
- lateral
- adjective: Directed toward the side.
- presage
- verb: To foretell.
- lustrous
- adjective: Shining.
- insuperable
- adjective: Invincible.
- perfidy
- noun: Treachery.
- dislocate
- verb: To put out of proper place or order.
- reprehension
- noun: Expression of blame.
- disobedient
- adjective: Neglecting or refusing to obey.
- fabricate
- verb: To invent fancifully or falsely.
- refute
- verb: To prove to be wrong.
- momentary
- adjective: Lasting but a short time.
- actuate
- verb: To move or incite to action.
- poignant
- adjective: Severely painful or acute to the spirit.
- epode
- noun: A species of lyric poems.
- eminent
- adjective: High in station, merit, or esteem.
- epilogue
- noun: The close of a narrative or dramatic poem.
- inspector
- noun: An official appointed to examine or oversee any matter of public interest or importance.
- centimeter
- noun: A length of one hundredth of a meter.
- unbiased
- adjective: Impartial, as judgment.
- irruption
- noun: Sudden invasion.
- Pan-American
- adjective: Including or pertaining to the whole of America, both North and South.
- conscious
- adjective: Aware that one lives, feels, and thinks.
- contingent
- adjective: Not predictable.
- coniferous
- adjective: Cone-bearing trees.
- capitulate
- verb: To surrender or stipulate terms.
- sophistry
- noun: Reasoning sound in appearance only, especially when designedly deceptive.
- gibe
- verb: To utter taunts or reproaches.
- quadruple
- verb: To multiply by four.
- plummet
- noun: A piece of lead for making soundings, adjusting walls to the vertical.
- millet
- noun: A grass cultivated for forage and cereal.
- bombard
- verb: To assail with any missile or with abusive speech.
- signification
- noun: The meaning conveyed by language, actions, or signs.
- misrule
- verb: To misgovern.
- ultimatum
- noun: A final statement or proposal, as concerning terms or conditions.
- supernatural
- adjective: Caused miraculously or by the immediate exercise of divine power.
- extenuate
- verb: To diminish the gravity or importance of.
- polemics
- noun: The art of controversy or disputation.
- complaisant
- adjective: Agreeable.
- hydrodynamics
- noun: The branch of mechanics that treats of the dynamics of fluids.
- retrogression
- noun: A going or moving backward or in a reverse direction.
- persist
- verb: To continue steadfast against opposition.
- manufacturer
- noun: A person engaged in manufacturing as a business.
- deface
- verb: To mar or disfigure the face or external surface of.
- legitimacy
- noun: Accordance with law.
- islet
- noun: A little island.
- nationality
- noun: A connection with a particular nation.
- ambrosial
- adjective: Divinely sweet, fragrant, or delicious.
- recede
- verb: To move back or away.
- ruffian
- adjective: A lawless or recklessly brutal fellow.
- intemperance
- noun: Immoderate action or indulgence, as of the appetites.
- reproduce
- verb: To make a copy of.
- macadamize
- verb: To cover or pave, as a path or roadway, with small broken stone.
- venerate
- verb: To cherish reverentially.
- aversion
- noun: A mental condition of fixed opposition to or dislike of some particular thing.
- vivify
- verb: To endue with life.
- feudal
- adjective: Pertaining to the relation of lord and vassal.