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-Expression of Emotion through color and light
+Used by:
=Van Gogh
-"Formal" scientific Design
+Used by:
=Seura (dot theory)
=Cezanne (color planes)

Post-Impressionalist Art
-Scene from Tahitian Life
- Paul Gaugin
+Flatness and sipmlicity=simple life

Post-Impressionalist Art
-Three Tahitian Women

Post-Impressionalist Art
-Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?
-Life cycle
-Figures grounded
Vincent Van Gogh
+Distorted Perception of reality
+Disorganized thinking
-sold only one painting

Post-Impressionalist Art
-The Night Cafe
-Van Gogh
-distorted perception

Post-Impressionalism Art
-The Starry Night
-Van Gogh
-Thick brushstrokes creates texture
-Bright primary colors
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
-Admirer of Degas (Degas resented Lautrec)
-A self-exiled dward who hung out with the entertainers, prostitutes and social outcasts in Paris

Post-Impressionalism Art
-At the Moulin Rouge
-puts himself in painting
-Degas colors
George Seurat
-"the Notary"
-Pointillism (Divisionism): dots of pure color placed close to each other. The eye mixes the pure colors together to present shades of color
-Only painted 7 large paintings in his ten year career
-Died of menegist

Post-Impressionalism Art
-Bathing at Asniers
+bland, formal style

Post-Impressionalism Art
-The Bridge at Courbevoie

Post-Impressionalism Art
-A Sunday on the Grande Jatte
-took him only 2 years to paint
Paul Cezanne
-"Mr. Geometry"
-Lifelong admirere of Delacroix
-Tutored by Pissaro
-After his artwork, much becomes less representational towards personal

Post-Impressionalism Art
-Mount Sainte Victoire
-painted this mountain 30 times

Post-Impressionalism Art
-The Large Bathers
-incomplete looking

Post-Impressionism Art
-Still Life with Fruit

Post-Impressionism Art
-Still Life with a Ginger Jar and Eggplant

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