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Unit 2: Cytology and Mitosis


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Actice transport
The movement of materials against the concentration gradient. Uses energy.
Third part of mitosis: Sister chromatids are pulled apart into individual chromosomes.
Cell Membrane: Carbohydrates
Attach to proteins and act as identification molecules.
Cell Membrane: Cholestrol
Helps maintain integrity and fluidity of cell, keeps it from getting "mushy" and lipids from crystalizing.
Cell Membrane: Lipids
Lipid Bilayer is made of two layers of lipids with hyrophillic heads and hydrophobic tails. Fors a flexible barrier, called phospholipids b/c head is phosphorus and tail is fattty acid chain.
Cell Membrane: Proteins
Embedded in Lipid Bilayer, form channels and pumps to allow materials through.
Cell wall, cell membrane
Wall protects plant cell, membrane determines what goes in and out of cell.
Used in cell division.
Cytoplasm splits, cell membrane forms, chromosomes turn back into chromatin. Two identical daughter cells are produced, and cell starts cell cycle over again.
Jelly like substance that holds organelles.
Diaphram? Stage? Condenser?
D- the plate under the stage. S-the place where you put the specimen. C- The knob on the stage.
Particles move from an area of high concentration to low concentration to create equal librium.
Process in which calls take in materials by using pockets in cell membrane and form vacuole within cell.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Transports materials.
Cell packages materials in vacuole, and lets it exit through cell membrane.
Facilitated Diffusion
Protein channels open up and let large molecules through.
G1 Phase
First part of interphase: Cell grows, makes new proteins and organelles.
G2 Phase
Third part of interphase: Cell prepares for division. Animals make centrioles.
Golgi Apparatus
Stores and packages proteins.
Hooke, Schwann, Schleiden, Virchow, Leewunhoek?
Hooke looked at cork under microscope, Schwann said all animals have cells, Schleiden said all plants have cells, Virchow said all new cells come from exsisting cells, Leewunhoek looked at organisms in pond water.
Integral vs. Peripheral Proteins
Integral goes through entire membrane, peripheral only is seen on one half.
Digests particles and dead organelles.
Second Part of Mitosis: Nuclear Chromosomes line up in middle, spindle fibers attach to centromeres.
Mitochondria, Chloroplasts
Mitochondria makes ATP, choloroplasts convert sunlight into energy
Mosaic Model
USed to describe cell membrane, as the many different molecules make it look "mosaic".
Nucleus, Nucleolus, Nuclear envelop
Nucleus controls cell and holds genetic info, Nucleolus makes ribosomes, Nuclear envelope protects nucleus.
Diffusion of water molecules across a cell membrane.
Pinocytosis vs. Phagocytosis
Pino - taking in liquids, Phago- taking in solids.
Plant cell vs. Animal cell?
Plant cells have chloroplasts and a cell wall and are square. Animal cells have centrioles and a smaller vacuole, and are round.
Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes?
Prokaryotes have no nucleus and are smaller and simpler[bacteria]. Eukaryotes have a nucleus and are larger and more complex[animals/plants].
First part of Mitosis: Nuclear Envelope breaks down, chromatin condenses into chromosomes, sister chromatids pair up centrioles start to separate and form spindle fibers.
Makes proteins.
S Phase
Second part of interphase: DNA is duplicated
Fourth part of mitosis: Nuclear membrane forms and holds chromosomes, cell begins to split, creating a cleavage furrow.
Stores water and other materials.
What are the three assumptions of the cell theory?
All living things are made of cells. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living things. New cells are made from exsisting cells.
What are the three things a microscope does to an image?
Flip, magnify, and turn it upside down.
What do all cells have in common?
A cell membrane and genetic material.

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