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interpreter vobac #1


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Court interpreter’s task
be able to interpret w/ exactitude verbatim, linguistic + paralinguistic (pauses, emotion, hedges) to enable judge and jury to react in the same manner to a non-english speaking witness as to one who speaks english. make it the same as if they spoke English.
Court interpretation
source language faithfully rendered into TL while accommodating syntactic and symantic patterns of the TL. Sound natural, no distortion, no explanation or paraphrasing needed. All hedges false, starts, and repetitions should be conveyed. Register and tone should be conserved.
7 error categories
1. literal translation 2. Language proficiency-lexical(vocab) or grammar errors 3.register distortion 4. distortion of meaning 5. omission 6.adding info 7.ethical issues. 8.paralinguistic elements.
6 obstacles for the interpreter
1.ambiguity 2.words that have multiple meanings 3.less precision in TL(ex: Spanish family relationships) 4. different sets of words to describe the same thing. 5. Idioms and metaphors 6.syntax
9 techniques for problem solving.
1.translate literally 2.transposition (change speech or word order) 3.modulation-shifting point of view 4.equivalence- replace the SL situation with a comparable TL situation. 5.adaptation 6.amplification 7.explicitation (make something explicit in TL that was implicit in SL) 8.compression 9.compensation-conveying message in different form or at a different level of communication.
When might you use sight translation in either language?
eng-span- complaint or information, police reports, probation reports, waiver/plea forms, advisement of rights, application form for PD. Span-eng- birth/death certificates, criminal records, letters, medical reports
Process for sight translation
1.ask for time! 2.scan document 3.look for key words and phrases and connectors (but, however, etc) 4.chunk it 5.look for pitfalls (make sure a subject and verb in each sentence, chop it up if you have to.) use “interpreter correction”
When might you use simultaneous
in a hearing type environment
When might use consecutive
depositions, witnesses, attorney-client interview, pa witness interviews, judge questions defendant, doctors, psychologists
Code switching
switching between languages. You can say: “interpreter is giving a phonetic rendition”
5 levels of register
frozen(formulaic language), formal (judges/attorneys), consultative(giving info, explaining stuff to jury), casual (a witness), intimate(well you know, etc)
what do you do with an unfamiliar term
ask to look it up, ask for permission to clarify, ask to consult your colleague
how to maintain appearance of impartiality
no conflicts of interest, no convos with defendant/witness, don’t give opinion, don’t talk to jury, confidentiality, no legal advice
3 sources of law
constitution, case law, legislature
2 major legal systems
1, common law (us, other English speaking) 2. civil law
criminal vs civil law
criminal law seeks punishment, civil law compensation
miranda rights
Tiene la derecha de guardar silencio. Si usted no guarda silencio, todo lo que diga puede ser usado como prueba en su contra. Usted tiene el derecho de tener un abogado presente durante el interrogatorio. Si no dispone de los fondos para contratar a un abogado, se le nombrará uno, antes de
El bromuro es utilizado como calmante—to passive voice sustitúyase el infinitivo en pasive por un nombre abstracto
El bromuro se utiliza como calmante.
Luis temia ser odiado por sus compañeros—to passive voice sustituir el participio pasivo por un sustantivo.
Luis temia el odio de sus compañeros.
Los hijos son mimados por sus madres.---change to passive vioce dándoles un giro activo o reflejo, y conservando el mismo sujeto.
Los hijos son objeto del mimo de sus madres.
The cupboard was built by the carpenter in one week.
El ebanista contruyó el armario en una semana. (if the “doer” is specified, change the phrase to active voice as long as you do not change the emphasis.)
All the necessary paper was bought.
Se compró todo el papel necesario. (If the “doer” is no specified a)use the “se” b)use the third person plural c)leave in the passive voice)
She was killed/shot.
La mataron/dispararon . (If the “doer” is no specified a)use the “se” b)use the third person plural c)leave in the passive voice)
The game was called off due to the rain.
El partido fue suspendido a causa de la lluvia. . (If the “doer” is no specified a)use the “se” b)use the third person plural c)leave in the passive voice)
Organisms are moved by gravity
Los cuerpos obedecen a la gravidad. (change the verb altogether)
I really don’t mind being hated by those men.
Poco me importa el odio de esos hombre (change the verb to a noun)
This picture was painted by you.
Este cuadro es obra suya.
To rule(a judge)
vista incoatoria
criminal case
causa/caso penal
criminal plaintiff
la parte acusadora
civil case
causa/caso civil
civil plaintiff
demandante, la parte demandante, la parte actora
Waive and give up
Probation officer
agente de libertad condiciónal
Civil respondent
la parte demandada
demandante, la parte demandante
el acusado
Standard of Proof.
criterio probatorio(from prueba)
Beyond a reasonable doubt
fuera de toda duda razonable, sin que quede ⬦, sin que quepa, más alla de⬦, sin lugar a ⬦
Preponderante of evidence
preponderancia de la prueba, la mayoria de las pruebas
The people(in the court)
los presentes
Place(the court)
tribunal (but also means the legal system)
is only used for “corte suprema” o “corte de apelaciones”
Grand jury
jurado indagador
asientos para el público
Counsel table
la mesa de los abogados
Jury box
tribuna/sección de los jurados
Witness stand
banquillo de los testigos
despacho del juez
Side bar conference
consulta en el estrado
Court reporter
celdas(in the courthouse)
secretario/a, actuaria
The record
el acta, las actas
Prosecutor/da/ prosecuting attorney
el fiscal
The people
el estado
The prosecution
la fiscalía
Defense attorney
abogado defensor
Public defender, court appointed attorney
abogado de oficio
Investigating officer
agente encargado de la investigación
Jury room
sala de deliberaciones
Court room
sala de audiencia/tribunal
Court house
el juzgado
lista de causas/casos
Line number
número en la lista.
words used together
Memory techniques
rehearsal, make it meaningful, active listening, making associations, visualization, chunking, registering
cateos(a person), registro
decomiso, confiscar
órden (de arresto/detención/captura) o de registro
To issue
Probable cause
motivo fundado
juramento (prestar juramento)
detención, arrestar, apprehender
decomiso, confiscar, incautar, decomisar
Held to answer
acusado formalmente, enjuiciado
delito grave
delito menor
acusación formal, documento acusativo/inculpatorio
documento acusatorio
Double jeopardy
doble injuiciamento
Government/prosecution witness
testigo de cargo/ de la fiscalía
Defense witness
testigo de descargo/ de la defensa
Due process of law
debido proceso judicial/debido guarantias procesales
Criminal prosecutions
causas penales
The accused/defendant
el acusado, inculpado, imputado
Impartial jury
jurado imparcial
cometer, perpetrar, delguir(commit a crime)
The nature and cause of the accusation
la índole y el motivo de la acusación
Compulsory process
poder citatorio
Assistance of counsel
asistencia jurídico, asesoramiento legal
Excessive bail
fianza excesiva
Cruel and inusual punishment
castigos crueles y desusados

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