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lymphatic system


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a response to an allergen, which is an antigen that produces a hypersensitivity reaction that includes immediate inflammation but does not elicit other immune responses.
a condition of blood in which the presence of red blood cells is of unequal size.
chemicals that act against bacteria, which are usually administered to defeat a bacterial infection
proteins released by activated B cells (known as plasma cells), which selectively bind to antigens during an immune response.
a chemical agent that reduces the clotting process normally present in blood
any foreign substance, usually a protein, in which an immune response is directed against The term is an abbreviation of \"antibody-generating
B cell
one of the two types of lymphocytes, B cells respond to an infection by secreting antibodies they require the infection of a would caused by various anerobic bacteria that produces a fermentation gas, necrosis, and septicemia
a measure of the percentage of red blood cells in a volume of blood. It is obtained from centrifuging a sample of blood, which separates blood cells.
the field of medicine that addresses conditions associated with blood
inherited disorder that results in an excessive accumulation of iron deposits in the body
inherited disorder that results in excessive accumulation of iron deposits in the body
an abundant protein in red blood cells that has a high bonding affinity for oxygen and carbon dioxide
rupture of the red blood cell membrane
an inherited bleeding disorder that results from defective clotting proteins involved in blood coagulation
loss of blood from the circulation
stoppage of bleeding
human immunodeficiency virus
the virus that causes AIDS, abbreviated HIV
abnormally low potassium levels in the blood
the status of being immune or successfully resistant from infection
the procedure by which an individual is rendered immune to a particular antigen
a condition resulting from a defectibe immune response
the study of concerned with immunity and allergy
cancer of the blood-forming tissue in bone, red bone marrow
blood cells specializing in protecting the body from infection, also called white blood cells (WBCs)
a yellowish fluid channeled through lymphatic capillaries, vessels, and trunks, similar in composition to plasma
lymph nodes
pea-sized organs ghat are filled with white blood cells As lymph flows through, their white blood cells filter out foreign material, Nodes that are actively fighting an infection often well, producing \"swollen glands\" that can be felt to aid in a diagnosis.
inflammation of the lymph nodes
the process of x-ray photography of the lymph nodes following injection of a contrast medium
lymphatic capillaries
micoroscopic blind-ended vessels into which interstitial fluid diffuses. Theyare present in most tissues and often parrallel blood capillaries
lymphatic nodules
clusters of lymphatic tissue, composed of white blood cells. They are located embedded within the walls of the large intestine also known as Peyer\'s patches
lymphatic trunks
large vessels that carry lymph to the subclavian veins near the heart
lymphatic vessels
vessels that carry lymph from lymphatic capillaries to lymphatic trunks. they are similar to structure to veins, and link lymph nodes to form a chain that leads toward the heart
a white blood cell, or lukocyte, that is agranular and contains a large, oval nucleus two types exist T cells and B cells
a malignant solid tumor of lymphoid tissue
the destruction of red blood cells or bacteria
abnormally large-sized red blood cells
literally \"large eater\" large white blood cells that phagocytize unwanted foreign particles
abnormally small-sized red blood cells
a viral disease characterized by enlarged lymph nodes an increase in number of mononuclear blood cells (monocytes and lymphocytes) sore throat and fatigue
bone marrow disorder characterized by the proliferation of abnormal stem cells which usually developes into a form of leukemia
white blood cells that fight infection by phagocytizing unwanted foreign particles
any parasitic microorganism that causes disease, such as a virus, bacterium protozoan or fungus
pernicious anemia
a deficient delivery of oxygen to tissues as a result of an inadequate dietary provision of folic acid and/or iron for red blood cell replacement
removal of blood from a donor that is separated into blood components with one protion retained for use and remainder returned to the donor. It includes plasmapheresis, in which plasma is used leukopheresis in which white blood cells are used, and plateletpheresis which uses platelets
any infectious disease of wide prevalence or excessive mortality it also refers specifically to an acute infectious disease caused by the bacterium Yersinis pestis and characterized by high fever, skin eruptions internal hemorrhage and pneumonia also called bubonic plague
the fluid portion of the blood
cell fragments in the blood that facilitate the formation of blood clots during hemostasis also called thrombocytes
large irregularly shaped red blood cells in a blood sample
abnormal increase in the number of erythrocytes in the blood
the condition of bacteria in the bloodstream
the fluid portion of plasma after fibrinogen has been removed
a soft oblong organ located lateral and slightly posterior to the stomach in the abdominal cavity the speen serves as a storage site for red blood cells and white blood cells
abnormal enlargement of the spleen
the presence of staphlococci bacteria in the blood which is the literal meaning of the term commonly called a staph infection it is a frequent complication to normal healing it is also the most common cause of food poisoning skin inflammation osteomyelitis, and nosocomial infections
T - Cell
a type of lymphocyte that mounts an immune response that includes activation of other white blood cells direct destruction of foreign cells and establishing a momory of the infectin to create immunity T-cell activity is called an innate immune response
thoracic duct
the main lymphatic trunk located alongside the aorta as it extends from the diaphragm behind the heart it unites iwth the left subclavin vein where it channels about 3/4 of the body\'s lymph drainage into the bloodstream
a procedure in which a thrombus (lodged blood clot) is dissolved
a tumor orginating in the thymus gland
inflammation of a tonsil usually the palatine tonsil an inflamed pharyngeal tonsil is less common and is called an adenoid
excision of one or more tonsils usually the palatine tonsils
small oval organs in the throat region that are filled with white blood cells that fight infection they include one pharyngeal tonsil in the upper throat which may be called adenoids when it swells with infection two palatine tonsils near the union of the oral cavity (mouth) and throat and two lingual tonsils at the back of the tongue
derived from the Greek work for poison it is a poisonous substance produced by a cell or tissue a toxin may act upon the nervous system called a neurotoxin upon the blood called a hemotoxin within cells called an endotoxin or outside of cells called exotoxin
the inoculation of a culture that has reduced virulence as a means of providing a cure or a prophylaxis (prevention)
any preparation used to activate an immune response
white blood count
a clinical procedure in which white blood cell concentration is determined in a sample of blood

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