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Sociology - Socialization


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anticipatory socialization
the process of social learning directed toward gaining a desired position. It is where someone adopts the social patterns of some group in anticipation of gaining acceptance
stages of cognitive development
sensory-motore, pre-operational, concrete operational, and formal operational
the inability to take another's perspective; a lack of objectivity generally associated with Piaget's pre-operational stage
institutional agents of socialization
family, schools, peer groups, and the mass media
the most important agent of socialization; kids depend on it especially before school
peer group
a social group made of people with common interests, social positions, and ages; provides an escape from parental supervision
concrete operational stage
ages 7-12; child deals with concrete problems in the presence of objects in logical ways (manipulating numbers, etc.)
sensory-motor stage
ages 0-2; trial & error learning, children lack object permanence
a social behaviorist who integrated biological and environmental factors in personality development
third part of freud's model of personality; presence of culture within the individual; internalized values and norms of our culture, it is our ability to understand and rationalize why we can't have what we want, how we ought to behave, moral interjection, guilt/pride, and understanding right from wrong.
hidden curriculum
teaches important cultural values like competition, rigid formality, and success based on performance rather than love; important aspect of school socialization
delinquent peer groups
groups of kids who seek out each other; they all have in common a lack of "proper" socialization from their families
stages of accepting death
denial, anger, negotiation, resignation, and acceptance
looking glass self
others represent a mirror in which we perceive ourselves as they see us; it's the idea that the self is based on how others respond to us OR how we think about ourselves is inseparable from the way others see us (am I thin/does this make me look fat?).
guy who came up with the looking glass self
a biology guy, not a sociology guy
how attitudes, behaviors, and values are demonstrated (the observation and emulation of other in-group members' behavior)
second part of freud's model of personality; conscious efforts to balance immediate pleasure seeking drives with the demands of society (can't always have what you want); operates on the Reality Principle.
negative impacts of tv
programs our attitudes and beliefs, preserves gender stereotypes (men in power, women in submissive roles), preserves class stereotypes (poor=ignorant), preserves white race dominance by having the few appearing minorities mode appropriate behavior (cosby), potentially promotes violence
first part of freud's model of personality; human's basic drives unconsciousness demand for immediate gratification; operates on the "pleasure principle"
most violent behavior is learned (true/false?)
pre-operational stage
ages 2-7; child can't perform mental operations & lack conservation of mass; they're ego-centric and they lack objectivity
total institution
people isolated from the rest of society and controlled by administrative staff (prison, mental hospital, etc).
success based on performance rather than love
good & bad: kids come to value themselves again in a positive or negative way (part of hidden curriculum)
formal operational stage
ages 11/12+; though some never reach it, child applies formal logic, thinks in abstract & consequential, processes if/then, shows concern for society, becomes empathetic & introspective
rigid formality
parking, punctuality, respect for authority, regimented class periods, etc.
category of people with a common characteristic---usually age
problems with schools
this agent of socialization requires a kid to have verbal, social, and moral skills to cope in a cooperative environment; not all kids have it because they have bad families
deliberately controlled environment to radically alter someone's personality
agent of socialization that teaches things like diversity, competition, success based on performance, and rigid formality
mass media
you, radio and stuff; the chief means by which we construct our social reality
positive impacts of tv
entertainment, sells products, babysits, education, relaxation, increases exposure to other cultures
the process by which people acquire aqttitudes, behaviors, and values that define themselves as individuals and as members of groups
the ability to perceive that the substance's quantity remains the same despite a change in its shape; associated with piaget's pre-operational stage
socialize us to be certain things: strong/weak, safe/unsafe, smart/stupid, loved/tolerated, masculine/feminine, etc.

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