Confirmation Test
Confirmation test
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- What does it mean to evangelize?
- to proclaim the Gospel to the worldr
- What is Catholic social teaching based upon?
- the common good of all humans and the dignity of each human person
- What are the sacraments?
- Baptism, Holy eucharist, confirmation, reconciliation, anointing of the sick, matrimony, holy orders
- Who was Abraham?
- The father of God's chosen people
- What is spirituality?
- humanity's growing and loving relationship with God
- Who is the leader of our parish?
- Msgr. Karl
- What is the name given to objects, actions and blessing that help us grow in holiness?
- Sacramentals
- Why do we belong to a parish?
- to worship God and to serve others
- Who was our first pope?
- St. Peter
- What does Ascension Thursday commemorate?
- Jesus' ascension on the 40th day after Easter
- What is the mystery of the Incarnation?
- the mystery of God becoming human to accomplish our salvation
- What is ecumenism?
- unity among all christians
- Who is the highest teaching authority in the Church?
- the pope and the bishops
- What is a covenant?
- a promise with God
- Who is the leader of our diocese?
- Bishop Lori
- Who is the patron saint of our parish?
- St. Mary
- What prayer summarizes the beliefs of our faith?
- The Nicene Creed
- What is the Holy Trinity?
- the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit
- What is the assumption?
- mary was taken body and soul to heaven
- Who is a disciple?
- one who accepts Jesus' message and follows him faithfully
- What is a sacrament?
- an outward sign of God's grace in our lives
- Who created the sacraments?
- Jesus
- What is the Magesterium of the Church?
- the living, teaching office of the Church
- What was the theme of Jesus' mission on Earth?
- To proclaim the kingdom of God
- What is abortion and why is it against our Catholic faith?
- The deliberate termination of a pregnancy. Kills the unborn child and violates the fifth commandment.
- What must Catholics do during the Easter season?
- Recieve Communion
- What word also means "universal"?
- Catholic
- What is our diocese?
- Bridgeport
- Who appoints the bishop?
- the pope
- What is the catechumenate?
- The process by which people are fully initiated into the Catholic Church
- What three sacraments fully initiate you into the Catholic Church?
- Baptism, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation
- What are the spiritual works of mercy?
- instructing, advising, consoling, comforting, forgiving, patiently forebaring
- By what virtue are we all active members of the church?
- Baptism
- What are martyrs?
- Saints who have died for their faith
- What happens at conception?
- Life begins
- What is the "Greatest Commandment"?
- love god with your whole heart and to love your neighbor as yourself
- What is sin?
- Deliberate thought, word, deed or omission against God's law.
- What do we celebrate on Pentecost?
- The holy spirit coming to Jesus' disciples and to the whole world
- Who is our present pope?
- Benedict the sixteenth
- Whom did Chrish come to save?
- All of us
- Who are the members of the Church of God?
- We are all members of the Church of God
- What does a missionary do?
- spreads the Gospel of Jesus to others
- What was Vatican 2?
- it brought the church into the modern era
- What two things is Jesus Christ?
- God and Man
- What is the Paschal Mystery?
- The events of Jesus' suffering, death, resurrection and ascension
- What is transubstantiation?
- The bread and the wine really becoming Jesus' body and blood
- What is holiness?
- living in communion with God
- What is the Easter Triduum?
- Holy thursday, good friday, easter
- What will God always offer?
- Forgiveness
- Whait is the "communion of saints"
- all followers of god, dead and alive
- What year was the Vatican 2?
- 1962
- What are the two main parts of the bible?
- The old testament and the new testament
- Who is the leader of both our Catholic Church and is the bishop of Rome?
- the pope
- What is "conscience"?
- The interior voice inside us that knows right from wrong
- What are the corporal works of mercy?
- feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned, sheltering the homeless, burying the dead
- What is tradition?
- the passing down of the teachings from one generation to the next
- What is the Mass?
- The most important act of worship in the Church
- What are the primary liturgical seasons of the Church year?
- Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Ordinary Time
- Through who's inspiration was the bible written by?
- God
- Why does the church honor Mary?
- Because she is the Mother of God