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Comm 304 Final Exam


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What does it mean if we say that a measure is accurate? a. It\'s unreliable b. It\'s reliable c. It\'s invalid d. It\'s valid
It\'s valid
Which of the following is an advantage of self-report measures compared with others\' reports? a. Increases reliability of responses b. Allows for measurement of accretion c. Less likely to give socially desirable answers d. Provides insight into inte
d. Provides insight into internal feelings
What level of measurement is represented by questions that use a Likert scale? a. Nominal b. Ordinal c. Interval d. Ratio
Which of the following is an example of observational measurement of a book\'s popularity that looks at erosion? a. Number of fingerprints in first chapter b. Number of missing pages c. Number of doodles in the margins d. Number of stains on the cov
Number of missing pages
A researcher is interested in evaluating whether Americans watch more TV than people from other nations. To test this, he conducts a survey of people from Pennsylvania, asking about their level of television viewing. Which of the following is the reason w
The study does not measure one variable
Consider the following hypothesis: Age is positively related to hours spent watching the Price is Right. Which of the following would be the independent variable? a. Positively related b. Age c. Hours watching the Price is Right d. TV viewing as indi
When question wording pushes individuals to respond in a particular way, this represents what flaw in question wording? a. Clarity b. Type II error c. Random error d. Bias
You measure the number times a Twitter post is \"re-tweeted\", or passed on to others via tweet, to determine the popularity of the post. This would be an example of measurement at the ___level. a. Nominal b. Ordinal c. Interval d. Ratio
Consider the following: \"Those who walk more steps in the average week will weigh less.\" This hypothesis proposes what kind of relationship between number of steps walked and weight? a. Negative relationship b. Positive relationship c. Neutral relati
Negative relationship
A researcher used the following scale to measure people\'s attitude toward mobile phones. Unimportant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Important What kind of scale does this represent? a. Thurstone scale b. Guttman scale c. Likert scale d. Semantic differential scale
Semantic differential scale
Which of the following traits of response options in closed-ended questions is critical to ensuring we are measuring a one-dimensional variable? a. Logical scale b. Mutually exclusive c. Exhaustive d. Unbiased wording
Mutually exclusive
Which of the following would be a conceptual definition of aggression? a. How many times a child hits, punches or kicks another child on the playground b. How loud a punishment noise a participant assigns their partner c. How much a behavior shows a d
How much a behavior shows a desire to dominate or harm others
Describe any two of the four characteristics of all research. For each, explain why this helps make research a better way of answering questions.
Systematic, Replication
Which of the following is used in calculating a confidence interval? a. Standard error b. Correlation coefficient c. Regression intercept d. Sampling distribution mean
Standard error
What does the unstandardized regression coefficient tell us? a. The strength of the linear relationship between the IV and DV b. The amount the DV would change if the IV changed by 1 c. The value for the DV when the IV is equal to zero d. The extent t
The amount the DV would change if the IV changed by 1
What would a correlation coefficient (r) of -.8 tell us? a. The variables show a strong positive relationship b. The variables show a weak positive relationship c. The variables show a strong negative relationship d. The variables show a weak negati
The variables show a strong negative relationship
With a 67% confidence level, a poll finds a confidence interval of 48% to 52%. What would the confidence interval be for a 95% confidence level? a. 49-51% b. 48-52% c. 47-53% d. 46-54%
If two variables show a bivariate, or zero-order, relationship but are not related after the introduction of a control variable, what does this imply? a. The relationship is suppressed b. The relationship is spurious c. The relationship is causal d.
The relationship is spurious
DV-Level of measurement for Chi-square
DV-Level of measurement for t-test
DV-Level of measurement for ANOVA
DV-Level of measurement for correlation
DV-Level of measurement for regression
interval/ration (dichotomous linear regression
IV- Level of measurement, limitations, and number of IVs
Nominal, no restrictions, 1 IV
IV- Level of measurement, limitations, and number of IVs (t-test)
Nominal, only 2 values, 1 IV
IV- Level of measurement, limitations, and number of IVs (ANOVA)
Nominal, any # of values, any # of IVs
IV- Level of measurement, limitations, and number of IVs (correlation)
Interval/ratio or dichotomous, any # of values, any # of IVs
Test statistic obtained (chi-square)
Test statistic obtained (t-test)
Test statistic obtained (ANOVA)
Test statistic obtained (correlation)
Test statistic obtained (regression)

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