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Japans 166


undefined, object
copy deck
ingashi (印画紙)
printing paper
ingenmame (隠元豆)
a kidney bean
inga o fukumeru (因果を含める)
to tell a person to resign oneself to one's fate
inritsu (韻律)
a meter, a rhythm
inochi ni kakawaru (命にかかわる)
to be fatal, to be a matter of life and death
insanna (陰惨な)
insekikankei de aru (姻戚関係である)
to be related by marriage
inochigake no (命がけの)
insatsu suru (印刷する)
to print
inoshishi (猪)
a wild boar
inori (祈り)
a prayer, grace
inpei suru (隠蔽する)
to conceal, to hide
inginna (慇懃な)
ingana (因果な)
unfortunate, unlucky
inkaten (引火点)
the flash(ing) point
inpo (インポ)
impotence; an impotent
inga (陰画)
a negative picture, a negative
inochigake de (命がけで)
at the risk of one's life
goseikō o inoru (御成功を祈る)
Good luck (to you)!
insaidātorihiki (インサイダー取引)
insider trading
inkyoku (陰極)
the cathode, the negative pole
insatsu (印刷)
inkōkataru (咽喉カタル)
catarrh of the throat
inga (因果)
cause and effect; fate, misfortune, ill luck
inochi atte no monodane (命あっての物種)
while there is life, there is hope
inochibiroi o suru (命拾いをする)
to have a narrow escape
inreki (陰暦)
the lunar calendar
insatsubutsu (印刷物)
printed matter
ingaritsu (因果律)
the law of causality
inponna (淫奔な)
lewd, lustful, wanton [-> 淫乱な]
inginbureina (慇懃無礼な)
inryōsui (飲料水)
drinking water
inrei (引例)
an example, an instance; a quotation
inkenna (陰険な)
crafty, treacherous
ingana koto ni wa (因果なことには)
as ill luck would have it
inkina (陰気な)
gloomy, melancholy, dismal
inoru (祈る)
to pray, to offer a prayer, to wish
innaikaiha (院内会派)
a voting group/bloc
inochi no sentaku o suru (命の洗濯をする)
to recreate oneself
inga (印画)
printing; a print
insatsuki (印刷機)
a printing machine/press
ingai no (院外の)
outside the House/Diet, nonparliamentary
inkenna yatsu (陰険な奴)
a sly fox
inginni (慇懃に)
ingōna (因業な)
ingaōhō (因果応報)
retribution, nemesis
inkei (陰茎)
the penin
inko (鸚哥)
a parakeet
infure (インフレ)
akuseiinfure (悪性インフレ)
vicious inflation
inkanshōmei (印鑑証明)
a certificate of one's seal impression
inochi (命)
life, one's span of life
inka suru (引火する)
to catch fire
inochishirazu no (命知らずの)
inochigoi o suru (命乞いをする)
to ask/plead for one's life
inga to akirameru (因果とあきらめる)
to resign oneself to one's fate
innen o tsukeru (因縁をつける)
to invent a pretext for a quarrel
insekijishoku suru (引責辞職する)
to take the responsibility upon oneself and resign
inintōchikoku (委任統治国)
a mandatory power
inja no ie (隠者の家)
a hermitage
inniku (印肉)
an inkpad, stamp ink
inochikaragara nigeru (命からがら逃げる)
to escape with bare life
inokoru (居残る)
to remain behind, to stay behind, to work overtime
inmon (陰門)
the vulva
inseki suru (引責する)
to take the responsibility upon oneself
innō (印嚢)
the scrotum
inkintamushi (陰金田虫)
inseki (姻戚)
a relative by marriage
onkashiyasui (引火しやすい)
ingo (隠語)
a secret language, an argot, cant, slang
inintōchiryō (委任統治領)
a territory under mandate; mandated territories
inin suru (委任する)
to leave, to entrust, to delegate
innai de (院内で/の)
inside the House/Diet
inranna (淫乱な)
lewd, lustful, hot [-> 淫奔な]
inryoku (引力)
gravitation, attraction, magnetism
insatsuchū (印刷中)
to be in (the) press
injunkosokuna (因循姑息な)
innen to akirameru (因縁とあきらめる)
to resign oneself to one's fate
innen (因縁)
a connection/relation; an origin, a history; destiny
ininjō (委任状)
a letter of attorney
insei no (陰性の)
negative, [気質が] gloomy
ingaidan (院外団)
lobbyists, nonparliamentary members
inryō (飲料)
a drink, a beverage, a liquor
inkaku (陰核)
the clitoris
innaikansen (院内感染)
in-hospital infection
ingin (慇懃)
inkashokubutsu (隠花植物)
a flowerless plant, a cryptogam
inkyo (隠居)
retirement; a retired person
inochishirazu (命知らず)
a daredevil
inmō (陰毛)
pubic hair
inochitori no (命取りの)
insatsujo (印刷所)
a printing house/shop

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