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Java Ch 4

More Object Concepts


undefined, object
copy deck
this Reference
reference to an object that is passed on to any object's nonstatic class method
Fundamental Classes
basic classes contained in the java.lang package that are automatically imported into every program you write
Class Variables
static variables that are shared by every instantiation of a class
using one term to indicate diverse meanings, or writing multiple methods with the same name but with different arguments
objects memory address
Symbolic Constant
field that holds a fixed value
Optional Classes
reside in packages that must be explicitly imported into your programs
library of classes
Class Methods
static methods that do not have a 'this' reference
code between pair of curly braces
portion of a program within which you can refer to the variable
Methods Signature
combination of the method name and the number, types, and order of arguments
Library of Classes
folder that provides a convenient grouping for classes

Deck Info

