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kettering - ventilation


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What are acceptable bedside pulmonary function masurements
Vt= 5-8 (below 5 unacceptable)
VC 10XVT (<2 X VT unacceptable
RR 8-12 >20 or <8 bad
VE 5-6 >10 bad
MIP -80 (<-20 bad)
Static Comp 60-100 <25 bad)
What does an increase in Peak Pressure mean?
-Increase airway resistance
- Needs suctioning or bronchodilator
What does an increase in plateau pressure mean?
-Decrease static compliance
- Lungs stiffer due to loss of volume from atelectasis or shunting
- Decrease FRC (needs PEEP
What is airway resistance
Difference between peak pressure and plateua pressure
What can affect mean airway pressure (Paw)
Peak Inspiratory Pressure, rate, IT time, PEEP, peak frlow,
tidal volume, inflation hold
What does SIMV mode do?
-provides minimum minute vent
- Reduces barotrauma
- Used with tachypnea to avoid hyperventilation
When is pressure control ventilation used?
-When PIP is high (>50)
- with IPPV or IRV (inverse- PT requires high Fi02 (>60%) or high PEEP (>15)
How do you normalize a high PacO2
1. Decrease dead space
2. Increase tidal volume
3. Increase Resp. Rate
How do you normalize a low PacO2
1. Increase deadspace
2. Decrease RR
3. Decrease tidal volume
What is the target PaCO2 for head injury patients
25-30 mmHg
How do you increase a low Pa02
1. Increase Fi02 by 5-10% (up to 60%)
2. Increase PEEP by 5 unless unacceptable side affects occur
How do you decrease a low Pa02
1. Decrease Fi02 to less that 60%
2. Decrease PEEP
What is expiratory retard
- Expiratory resistance
- Opposite of PEEP
- Pursed lip breathing
- Used with COPD patients to prevent airway collapse
When is PEEP/CPAP therapy used
- Increase FRC
- Improved oxygenation caused by shunting
- therapy is 10-30 cm H20 and more
How should sigh volumes be set
Volume seat at double the Vt of less
What would cause a low pressure alarm in a ventilator
1. A leak in the vent circuit
2. not enough flow
3. ET tube cuff leak
What would cause a high pressure alarm in a ventilator
1. equipment obstruction (vent circuit)
2. Pt obstruction (et tube, pneumo, increase Raw, secretions
What would cause the low exhaled volume alarm to go off
1. Equipment disconnect (vent circuit)
2. Low spontaneous tidal volume
What does mophine sulfate cause
a decrease rr and tidal volume
What does valuim/versed cause
anti-anxiety sedative, anticonvulsant
What deos Pavulon (Pancuronium Bromide)
causes total muscle relaxation
What does Curare (Tubocurarine) cause
What does anectine (succin) cause
- fast acting drug lasts 3-10 minutes
- given primarity for intubation
What are the lowest settings on the vent prior to extubation
-SIMV 4 breaths/minite
- Fi02 of 40%
- Peep 5

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