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Chptr 8 & 9 History 8 study guide

History test study guide for test 11/18/08. Don't forget to study the government tree!


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New Political Parties- Democrats and the National Republicans
NR- Adams and Clay. Democrats took up state's rights and sectionalism.
Battle of New Orleans
a battle that didn't need to happen. the war of 1812 was already over. January 8, 1815.
Old Ironsides
a ship who sides were so strong canons would bounce off of them. USS Constitution
voting for the candidate who would help your "section" most.
Era of Good Feelings
James Monroe's second tem. called that because of very little conflict, cooperation with all sections of the country. lots of national growth. GUNG HO AMERICA!
Jefferson's presidency
Events: Alexander Hamilton killed. Embargo Act. Louisiana Purchase. American ships bombard the coast of Tripoli to stop the looting of the Barbary Pirates
War Hawks
a group of southern and western people who wanted to go to war with Britian
Nat Turner
Leader fo the Abolitionist movement. radical abolitionist. lead a revolt which killed 60 white slave owners who were mostly women and children. Violently hung...
Harrison and Tyler
Tippecanoe and Tyler too. whig party. Harrison died 31 days after taking office. Tyler abandoned except for Daniel Webster.
Problems with the National Bank
controlled and collected all the governments money. This gave it great influence over other banks and the nations money supply.
Black Hawk War
return of Sac and Fox indians led to war. indians lost. returned to west.
Elections of 1824
1 party- Democratic Republicans. 4 Candidates- Andrew Jackson/ Tennessee, Henry Clay/ Kentucky, William Crawford/ Georgia, John Quincy Adams/ Massachusetts. No candidate got the majority vote so top 3 got sent to the House of Rep. Henry Clay, Speaker of the House, threw his support to John Quincy Adams. He won and Henry Clay was appointed secretary of state. called the corrupt bargain.
Protective Tariff Issue
benefitted the North at the expense of the South. called the Tariff of Abominations.
Panic of 1837
sparked by death of National Bank.
Exploration of Lousiana Purchase
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark set out with a 27 man crew from St. Louis on May14, 1804. Met the Chinook, Teton Sioux, Shoshoni, and Mandan Indians. Found the Pacific Ocean on November 7, 1805.
Oliver Perry
man who defeated the British at the Battle of Lake Erie
Jackson's Presidency
common man's president. strict constitutionalist. followed the advice of his friends (kitchen cabinet). Killed the nation bank b/c he thought it was unconstitutional. Championed sound money backed by gold.
Monroe Doctrine
prohibited future colonization in the New World by Europe. present independent republics be left alone. US not interfere with European Affairs.
John Quincy Adams presidency
negative characterization- dogged by Jackson's supporters. Positive- Improved roads, harbors, and bridges.
Wilderness Road
a trail Daniel Boone forged in 1769 to help with western expansion
Missouri Compromise
written by Henry Clay. admitted Maine as a free state and Missouri as a slave state. Prohibited slavery north of Latitude 36'30" in the rest of the Louisiana Territory.
Daniel Webster
greatest orator of the Senate. Christian.
Trail of Tears
way of trip to OK. sad time. 1/4 of Cherokees died along the way.
Martin Van Buren
president who inherited problems with the Jackson presidency. Panic of 1837. negative characterization.
Zebulon Pike
Lietenant Pike discovered a mountain thought to be a cloud. 14110 ft summit named Pike's Peak. Also discovered Americans already living in TX.
Provisions of the Northwest Land Ordinance
Religious freedom, freedom of speech, right to trial by jury, prohibited slavery, called for public schools where Bible was part of the curriculm
Compromise Tariff of 1833
lowered duties (tariffs) on foreign goods over a period of 10 years.
VP under Jackson. liked states rights. resigned and became a senator of South Carolina.
admitted under James Monroe in 1819.
The Prophet
Indian cult leader who heard about an eclipse on a certain day. claimed he could put the sun out and bring it back. Indians thought he had great power. organized the indian side of the War of 1812
Abolitionist movement
wanted to abolish slavery
Embargo Act
stopped all trade with other nations. led to an economic depression.
Indian Removal
wanted to remove indians from the southeast to Oklahoma.
Adams Onis Treaty
ceded Florida into the USA. Spain gave up land claims to the Pacific Northwest.
the Prophet's brother.
Leaders of the Abolitionist Movement
Fredrick Douglass & Nat Turner
Virginia Dynasty
Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809), James Madison (1809-1817), James Monroe (1817-1825). All presidents from virginia.
Battle of Tippecanoe
battle in the War of 1812. Indians lost.
New Madrid Quake
the largest earthquake ever and it changed the course of the Mississippi River
Cumberland Gap
an area where Daniel Boone forged Wilderness Road in 1769
Henry Clay
Speaker of the House. Great Compromiser
Nicolas Biddle
director of the National Bank. granted loans to congressmen. extended the power of the National Bank.
Nulification Doctrine
the idea that states can nullify a law.
William Henry Harrison
future president who defeated the Indians at the Battle of Tippecanoe
Louisiana Purchase
On April 30, 1803, the US more than doubled when the French offered the whole region for 15000000 dollars. That's 827,987 square miles at less than $.04 and acre!
War of 1812
The Propher had stirred up lots of Indians. Gathered at Tippecanoe Creek. British Canada supplied them weapons. William Henry Harrison defeated them.
Treaty of Ghent
ended the War of 1812
new political party from the haters of Andrew Jackson. in england the whigs thought the King was to strong. called Jackson Kind Andrew the 1st b/c they thought he was too strong.

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