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Human Ecology
The College of Human Ecology is dedicated to improving the human condition, whether through policy, nutrition, shelter and clothing, medicine, or the legal system.
What is DEA 150?
The study of how the physical enviorment affects human condition.
What is Plasticity?
The ability of an organism to respond to pysiologically or devolopmentally to an enviormental stress

ie: critical period for kittens
Give an example of Enviorment Efficiancy
Cornell Triangle Kitchen, this is optimum design to maximize space
Enviormental Determinism
Physical features of the enviorment determine culture. Not social conditions.

ie: tropics cause laziness
weather changes cause intellect
Cognitive Appraisal
Human responses to enviorment are mediated by symbolic latent meaning.
Manifest Function
explicit being, house, used for shelter
ie: igloo, tropical air circ
Latent Function
symbolic, home, emotional connection, comfort and identity
Miller/Maxwell view on Kitchen
Large,open, visual acsess,place for craft, movable seating, living room adjacent
McCracken Properties of Homeyness: Diminutive
managable proportions at human scale, encourages social interaction, suggests intimacy
McCracken Properties of Homeyness: Embracing
trees, heirchy of space, welcome mat, home shows your values
McCracken Properties of Homeyness: annuemonic
objects have personal significane, family pictures
McCracken Properties of Homeyness: Aesthetic
natural materials, divided light windows, shutters,
McCracken Properties of Homeyness: Authenticity
What makes the home real?
McCracken Properties of Homeyness: Informal
avoid modern objects/cottage like/beueatiful and humble
McCracken Properties of Homeyness: situating
person becomes part of the home
Mizuzah,kosher laws
Churches built like a cross
about direction, prayer rug,homes orientated inward so you can't see out
Southwest Pueblo
celestial patterns
architecture divided between sexes, two doors, no ornaments, very clean
Native American Kitchen
main place to meet
Anglo house whats imp?
Living room is center
Puerto Rican house whats imp?
Kitchen is center, living room is private
Nigs kitchen?
Akwekon patterns?
circular, dome represents celestial bodies, longhouse elements
User Designer Gap
The more we use builders the more the there is a gap between the designer and the user.
Incongruence with house
house does not fit with the needs of the person
ie: toilets too small for children
therioes of mans use of space as an elaboration of culture.

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