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Geography Unit I and II Review


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absolute location
The exact position of a place on Earth, usually communicated by longitude and latitude readings
The multi-layered band of gases that surrounds the Earth
An imaginary line around which a planet turns
cardinal direction
compass points - north, south, east, or west
compass rose
One the essential components of a map; shows the four cardinal directions
An imaginary line that circles the globe at its widest point; the Equator divides the Earth into two halves called hemispheres; the Equator is used as a reference point from which north and south latitudes are measured
a process by which water, wind, or ice wears away landforms and carries the material to another place
high latitudes
The regions between the Artic Circle and the North Pole and the Antartic Circle and the South Pole
Human-environment Interaction
This is a theme of geography that describes how people affect the environment and the physical characteristicws of their surroundings and how the environment affects them.
The section of the map that explains the symbols for the map features; also called a legend
latitude lines
The series of imaginary lines, also called parallels, that circle the Earth parallel to the Equator; used to measure a distance north and south of the Equator in degrees
longitude lines
The series of imaginary lines, also called meridians that run north and south from one pole to the other; used to measure a distance east or west of the Prime Meridian in degrees

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