SAT vocab page 205-210
sat vocab page 205-210
undefined, object
copy deck
- nautical
- pertaining to ships or navigation
- magnate
- person of prominence or influence
- mundane
- worldly; everyday
- maxim
- proverb
- necromancy
- dealings with the dead
- malediction
- curse
- mutability
- ability to change in form
- myriad
- very large number
- matrix
- point of origin
- misrepresent
- give a false impression, serve unsatisfactorily as a representative
- mores
- moral standards, customs
- malignant
- injurious
- mote
- small speck
- misanthrope
- one who hates mankind
- miserly
- stingy
- lull
- soothe
- mortician
- undertaker
- natty
- neatly or smartly dressed
- mercenary
- interested in money or gain
- mottled
- blotched
- naiveté
- unsophisticated
- nettle
- annoy
- madrigal
- pastoral song
- malevolent
- wishing evil
- malaise
- uneasiness
- membrane
- thin soft sheet of a cell
- lustrous
- shining
- muted
- silent
- material
- made of physical matter, unspiritual, important
- microcosm
- small world
- martinet
- strict disciplinarian
- misconception
- mistaken idea
- malfeasance
- wrongdoing
- lumber
- move heavily or clumsily
- nebulous
- vague
- maudlin
- sentimental
- ludicrous
- ridiculous, laughable, absurd
- meander
- wind in its course
- molecule
- smallest particle
- mediate
- settle a dispute with help from an outsider
- martyr
- one who voluntarily suffers death for his or her cause, great sufferer
- monolithic
- solid, unyielding
- manifest
- obvious
- marked
- noticeable, targeted
- loquacious
- talkative
- modicum
- limited quantity
- mosaic
- picture made with small tiles
- merger
- combination
- mannered
- affected
- mitigate
- moderate
- materialism
- philosophy that matter is the only reality
- mnemonic
- pertaining to memory
- lugubrious
- mournful
- meager
- little amount
- nadir
- lowest point
- mellifluous
- sweetly or smoothly flowing
- mystify
- bewilder purposely
- malapropism
- comic misuse of a word
- lucid
- easily understood, clear, intelligible
- myopic
- nearsighted
- mishap
- accident
- maverick
- rebel
- maniacal
- insane
- mandate
- order
- nefarious
- very wicked
- marsupial
- mammals that nurse their offsprings in a pouch
- misnomer
- wrong name
- maul
- handle roughly
- magnanimous
- generous, great-hearted
- morose
- melancholy
- malingerer
- one who feigns illness to escape duty
- lunge
- quickly dive forward, thrust
- moodiness
- fits of depression
- misapprehension
- misunderstanding
- menagerie
- collection of wild animals
- morbid
- gruesome descriptions
- milieu
- environment; means of expression
- mischance
- ill luck
- lope
- gallop slowly
- monetary
- pertaining to money
- misgivings
- doubts
- maim
- injure
- methodical
- systematic
- migratory
- wandering
- masochist
- person who enjoys his own pain
- mettle
- courage, spirit
- lunar
- pertaining to the moon
- narrative
- relating to telling a story
- nascent
- beginning to exist
- multifaceted
- having many aspects
- mercurial
- changing
- malady
- illness
- mediocre
- ordinary
- mesmerize
- hypnotize
- nepotism
- favoritism
- montage
- photo composition
- low
- moo
- muddle
- confuse
- mincing
- affectedly dainty
- luscious
- pleasing to taste or smell
- metamorphosis
- major transformation
- narcissist
- conceited person
- meek
- quiet and obedient
- lout
- clumsy person
- motley
- multi-colored, mixed
- marred
- damaged
- luster
- shine
- multifarious
- varied
- mollify
- soothe
- mandatory
- obligatory
- mawkish
- mushy and gushy, sentimental
- mode
- way of doing something
- manipulate
- operate with one's hand
- musky
- having the odor of musk
- navigable
- big enough for ship to pass through, able to be steered
- monochromatic
- having only one color
- modulate
- regulate
- lurk
- stealthily lie in waiting
- misdemeanor
- minor crime
- machinations
- evil schemes or plots
- mirth
- laughter
- matriculate
- enroll
- medley
- mixture
- migrant
- wandering
- minutiae
- petty details
- monotony
- sameness
- moentous
- very important
- melancholy
- gloomy
- maladroit
- clumsy
- monarchy
- government with only one ruler
- monastic
- relating to monks
- malleable
- capable of being shaped by pounding
- negligence
- neglect
- metallurgical
- pertaining to the art of removing metals from ores
- metaphysical
- pertaining to speculative philosophy
- murky
- dark and gloomy
- molt
- shed hair or feathers
- mammoth
- big
- lucrative
- profitable
- matriarch
- woman who rules a family
- missile
- object to be thrown
- meticulous
- very careful
- miasma
- heavy, vaporous atmosphere
- nauseate
- cause sickness
- marshal
- put in order
- negate
- cancel out
- mutinous
- rebellious
- meditation
- reflection, thought
- mural
- wall painting
- memento
- reminder
- minute
- extremely small
- malicious
- hateful
- monosyllabic
- having only one syllable
- mobile
- movable
- mendicant
- beggar
- malodorous
- foul-smelling
- luxuriant
- abundant, rich
- mirage
- unreal reflection
- mendacious
- lying
- muse
- ponder
- multiplicity
- having many numbers
- nemesis
- someone seeking revenge
- negligible
- easily disregarded
- mortify
- humiliate
- malcontent
- person dissatisfied with current affairs
- neophyte
- beginner
- lummox
- big, clumsy, often stupid person
- moratorium
- legal delay of payment
- malefactor
- evildoer, criminal
- martial
- warlike
- marquee
- canopy above an entrance
- metaphor
- comparison
- neologism
- new words or phrases
- muggy
- warm and damp
- momentum
- quantity of motion
- maternal
- motherly
- mushroom
- expand or grow rapidly
- motif
- theme
- manifesto
- declaration
- minuscule
- extremely small
- malign
- speak evil of
- magnitude
- greatness
- maritime
- bordering on the sea
- muster
- gather
- luminous
- shining
- maelstrom
- whirlpool
- multiform
- having many forms
- mimicry
- imitation
- moribund
- dying
- molten
- melted
- musty
- spoiled by age
- miscellany
- mixture of writings on various subjects
- marital
- pertaining to marriage
- meddlesome
- interfering
- mock
- ridicule
- mire
- entangle
- multilingual
- having many languages
- mammal
- vertebrate whose female suckles its young
- mentor
- teacher
- missive
- letter
- misconstrue
- interpret incorrectly
- metropolis
- large city
- lurid
- wild, gruesome
- luminary
- celebrity
- militant
- combative
- munificent
- very generous
- mite
- very small object
- menial
- suitable for servants
- monumental
- massive