2nd 50
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- xerophagy
- the eating of dry food, especially food that's cooked without oil
- aliment
- a source of materials to nourish the body; food; nutriment; sustenance
- pedestrian
- dull, mediocre, commonplace; a person who is going someplace on foot
- deracinate
- to pull out by the roots; to extirpate or uproot; to isolate or displace a person from their native or accustomed environment
- ameliorate
- to improve or make more bearable
- terminus
- the finishing point; the end; a boundary; a border; a limit; a post or stone marking a boundary; either end of a railroad or other transportation line; also, the station house, town, or city at that place
- sanguineous
- bloodred; of, relating to, or involving bloodshed; bloodthirsty; of, relating to, or containing blood
- reticulate
- resembling a net or network; especially having veins, fibers, or lines crossing; being or involving evolutionary change dependent on genetic recombination involving diverse interbreeding populations
- tyro
- a beginner; someone who hasn't got any experience doing a particular thing
- actuate
- to put into mechanical motion or action; activate; to move or incite to action
- arcane
- mysterious or obscure, known only to a privileged few
- dystopia
- an imaginary place or society in which the condition of life is extremely bad, as from deprivation, squalor, oppression or terror; a work describing such a place or society
- goad
- a long pointed stick used to prod animals, into motion; something that stimulates or urges somebody into action; a spur; to urge or provoke with or as if with a long pointed stick
- loquacious
- very talkative
- habile
- having general ability; skillful
- sciolism
- superficial knowledge; a superficial show of learning
- impel
- to urge or force to action by exerting moral pressure; to urge or drive forward; propel
- victual
- any food suitable for human consumption
- pabulum
- any substance that can be used as food; insipid intellectual nourishment
- foment
- to stir up or promote the growth of, especially something negative; incite; rouse; to treat by applying warm water or medicated liquid
- verjuice
- the sour juice of unripe grapes, crab apples; sour in temper
- deleterious
- harmful, injurious
- aliterate
- one who is capable of reading but not interested in it
- macroscian
- one casting a long shadow; one who inhabits polar regions
- sultry
- very hot and humid; sensuous
- recalcitrant
- stubbornly resistant to authority
- platitudinarian
- one who utters platitudes or trite remarks
- grandiloquent
- using a lot of big words or a pompous style to impress others or to cover up the fact that you have little to say
- viand
- an article of food; a choice or delicious dish; provisions; food; victuals
- provender
- food for domestic livestock; feed; a stock or supply of foods
- galvanize
- to stimulate with an electric current, especially nerves or muscles; to stimulate or excite; to coat a metal, especially iron or steel, with rust-resistant zinc
- patrician
- a person of high social rank, good background, an aristocrat
- prosaic
- ordinary, lacking in imagination, pedestrian
- politic
- of or pertaining to polity, or civil government; political; ingenious in devising and advancing a system of management
- riant
- smiling, cheerful
- wastrel
- a wasteful person, especially one who wastes money; a spendthrift; an idler, slacker, or good-for-nothing
- minacious
- menacing or threatening in nature
- jentacular
- relating to breakfast
- mystagogue
- one who teaches mystical doctrines or one who inititates others into a mystery cult
- myrmidon
- a loyal follower, especially one who executes orders without question, protest, or pity
- contumelious
- rudely contemptuous
- inane
- nonsensical, lacking substance
- perfervid
- extremely or excessively passionate
- macaronic
- involving a mixture of languages
- valetudinarian
- a weak or sickly person, especially one morbidly concerned with his or her health; infirm
- craven
- a coward, cowardly
- proviso
- a clause in an agreement that restricts or limits another clause
- warison
- a bugle call to attack
- cibarious
- relating to food; edible
- bagnio
- a building where prostitutes are available; a brothel; a building containing public baths; a prison for slaves