Learned Word
undefined, object
copy deck
- certify
- guarantee as meeting a certain standard
- ostracism
- the act of excluding someone from society by general consent
- innate
- possessed at birth; inborn
- abyss
- very deep or bottomless
- deterioration
- process of changing to an inferior state
- abide
- dwell; abide by: comply with; put up with; tolerate;
- malnourish
- provide with insufficient quality
- tumultuous
- noisy and chaotic
- conflagration
- a widespread fire
- palpable
- Easily felt or touched
- excel
- to be superior or distinguished.
- blatant
- extremely (offensively) obvious; loudly offensive
- archetypal
- characteristic of the original model or perfect example
- inheritance
- properyt or money willed to a person
- vulgarize
- act in a vulgar manner
- designate
- assign a name or title to
- bizarre
- very unusual in manner style or appearence; strange; odd
- endowment
- the capital that provides income for an insitution; natural abilities or qualities
- quotas
- established limits by governments on the number of immigrants who can enter a country each year
- reassure
- to restore confidence
- congenital
- innate; something you are born with
- pithy
- concise and full of meaning
- influx
- a flowing in; a rush of something
- sound
- in excellent physical condition
- appalling
- causing shock or horror
- pseudonymity
- The state or character of using a fictitious name.
- insane
- having or showing a very abnormal and very sick state of mind
- reverberate
- be reflected as heat, sound, or light or shock waves
- altruistic
- unselfish, concerned with the welfare of others
- asylum
- an institution for the care of elderly people, children, ect.; a place of safety
- germinate
- cause to grow or sprout
- psychopathic
- with a dangerous mental disorder
- uphold
- support against an opponent
- clannish
- characteristic of a clan especially in being unified
- indigenous
- originating where it is found
- crucible
- a metal container used to heat object to high temperatures
- budget
- a sum of money allocated for a particular purpose
- disperse
- cause to become widely known
- concoct
- to make up or invent
- assume
- take to be the case or to be true
- endorse
- give support or one's approval to
- epilepsy
- abnormal electrical activity in the brain causes a temporary loss of control of mind and body
- convict
- to prove or judge to be guilty
- imbecile
- a fool, someone who lacks good judgement
- eugenics
- the study of methods of improving genetic qualities by selective breeding (especially as applied to human mating)
- reactionary
- opposing progress, politically ultraconservative,diehard
- encompass
- include in scope
- credence
- belief, mental acceptance
- indigent
- poor enough to need help from others
- heredity
- The passing of characteristics from parents to children.
- status quo
- the current situation or condition
- sap
- to deplete or weaken gradually
- ensure
- be careful or certain to do something
- degradation
- changing to a lower state
- persistent
- continuing to exist; not stopping
- advocate
- v. to recommend; plead for
- integral
- necessary to complete something
- tenet
- a religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof
- maudlin
- sentimental, emotional
- originate
- come into existence
- windfall
- sudden unexpected luck
- lavish
- plentiful; abudant; extravagant
- purport
- to give the impression of being [pretend be]
- sterilize
- clean
- Nordic
- the northern family of Germanic languages that are spoken in Scandinavia and Iceland
- muddled
- mixed up; confused
- benign
- good natured, kindly, favorable, not malignant
- per se
- by the fact itself
- specter
- some object or source of terror or dread
- slovenly
- untidy, dirty, careless
- deficient
- inadequate in amount or degree
- alarming
- causing alarm or fear
- astounding
- very surprising
- desperately
- with great urgency