Adverbs in Esperanto (Intermediate)
Because they are so easy to form, one finds far more adverbs in Esperanto than in most languages. Although, like English, Esperanto can use a phrase to express the adverbial idea, it prefers to use a single word. Find the shortest way possible to express the English adverbial phrases in Esperanto.
undefined, object
copy deck
- last month
- pasintmonate
- at first glance
- unuavide
- in various ways
- diversmaniere
- in this city
- ĉi-urbe
- by car
- aŭtomobile
- in the evening
- vespere
- without stopping
- senhalte
- in other words
- alivorte
- some day
- iutage
- to the west (westward)
- okcidente
- to the south (southward)
- sude
- by fax
- fakse
- in the morning
- matene
- in the coming year
- venontjare
- on the train (by train)
- vagonare, trajne
- without a word
- senvorte
- by telephone
- telefone
- at the same moment
- sammomente
- on the spot
- surloke
- through the window
- trafenestre
- at home
- hejme
- in this region
- tiuregione
- on that night
- tiunokte
- this evening
- ĉi-vespere
- after the fact
- postfakte
- in my opinion
- miaopinie
- to the north (northward)
- norde
- at the same time
- samtempe
- in our country
- nialande
- to the east (eastward)
- oriente