undefined, object
copy deck
- Poll
- community voting
- System
- cron and caching
- Dblog
- Capture system events in log
- Roles
- "Roles are sets of permissions that can be applied to individual users. Users can take on more than one role. Two roles, authenticated user (those users that sign up for an account) and anonymous users (those either without an account or not logged in) are supplied by default with Drupal installations, but they can be configured and the first user can create additional roles.",
- Search
- an internal site search system
- Permissions
- "Permissions control access to content creation, modification and site administration. Administrators assign permissions to roles, then assign roles to users. The first user id of a Drupal site (uid=1) automatically receives all permissions, no matter what role that user belongs to. Anonymous user is uid0.",
- Page
- post static pages
- Blog
- a blog for every user
- Watchdog
- monitor your site
- PHP Filter
- Include PHP code in posts
- Throttle
- congestion control
- Category
- "the more recent ""user friendly"" name for Taxonomy and new name for the menu item. It was changed a couple of versions back because newbies seemed to be scared of the word ""Taxonomy""","but the ambiguousness of the word ""Category"" seems to have created more confusion than it solved."
- Comment
- allow comments on content
- Vocab
- a collection of terms that share some sort of relationship with each other. The vocab isn't part of any hierarchy as such.,
- Taxonomy
- the name of the whole system and the name of the module that implements it. This used to be the name of the menu item in the admin menu.,
- Legacy
- remapping of old-style URLs
- Code Freeze
- "Refers to a date at which no new features can go in the next version of Drupal, unless specific dispensations have been made by the core committers, and even then only when the impact on other systems is minimal. At this time focus in coding Drupal core shifts to bug fix and usability improvements. It is the time when contributed module developers can begin working on updating their code to work with the next version of Drupal."
- BlogApi
- post from blog tools
- Color
- Allows the user to change the color scheme of certain themes
- Aggregator
- publishing syndicated content
- Upload
- collaborate with files
- User
- access and management settings
- Help
- context-sensitive guidance
- Core or Drupal core
- Refers to the Drupal files and modules included with the Drupal project download.,
- Menu
- customize site navigation
- Update status
- Notifications about new versions of Drupal and contributions
- Theme Engine
- "A theme engine is a set of scripts that interprets code and makes theming your site easier. This takes the dynamically generated content and outputs to HTML. Drupal has three theme engines in addition to being able to write a theme that bypasses the theme engine. The default theme engine for 4.6 and previous is xTemplate, for 4.7 it is phpTemplate. See the theme engines section of downloads for contributed engines.",
- Profile
- extending user account information
- Locale
- multi-language support
- Story
- post static pages
- Drupal
- Drupal sites directory server
- Trigger
- Assign actions to system events
- Path
- readable URLs
- Term
- a category or tag or keyword ie what gets assigned to nodes. Terms can be children and parents of each other to create hierarchies. Terms are the only hierarchical part of the system.,
- Block
- controlling content in the sidebars
- Contact
- a way for users to get in touch
- Book
- structured document publishing
- Forum
- create threaded discussions
- Node
- "Almost all content in Drupal is stored as a node. When people refer to ""a node"" all they mean is a piece of content within Drupal, it could be a poll, a story, a book page, etc.",
- Content translation
- translating posts to different languages
- Ping
- notify services of changes
- Module
- "A module is a piece of code which extends Drupal to provide a specific piece of functionality. Core modules are those included with the main download of Drupal. Contributed (or ""contrib"") modules are available for separate download from the modules section of downloads. Be sure that the version of the contrib module you wish to use matches your version of Drupal releases section lists modules by Drupal version",
- Filter
- For handling filtering of content.,
- Statistics
- "tracking referrers, page hits, etc."
- Taxonomy
- A way to organize your content
- Filter
- Input formats for user content
- Template
- A HTML-writer-readable file that is mostly HTML with special codes to substitute in values provided by a engine.,
- Style
- A CSS file (or files) replacing the default CSS of a theme or engine. Appears in the theme selection list with the same precedence as themes and templates.,
- Taxonomy
- "Taxonomy is literally ""the science of classification"". Drupal uses taxonomy to describe the category system, which you can use to classify and organize content on your web site. In Drupal a taxonomy is a set of categories. There is additional information on the taxonomy system in the documentation.",
- Syslog
- OS-integrated logging
- Theme
- "A theme is a file or (usually) collection of files (php, theme, css, jpg, gif, png), which together determine the look and feel of your site. These files are often used by one of the theme engines available for Drupal which is a PHP file of functions which turn arguments into HTML markup. Drupal modules define themeable functions which can be overridden by the theme file. There are additional themes available in the themes section of downloads.",
- Node
- the content
- Tracker
- viewing new and updated content
- Block
- "Blocks are the navigational or content additions that generally live on the left or right side of a page when you view it in your browser. With 4.6, block placement can be controlled by the theme, with 4.7 block placement can be placed elsewhere via the admin settings. Blocks are not nodes, they are just a way of positioning data within a page. The look of blocks can be controlled by each theme by defining the block($subject, $content, $region = ""main"") method.",