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Law and Government


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-pnce parliament is formed, a speaker is elected
-this person only votes when there is a tie in the House
-acts as a referee between gov't members and opposition members.
Supreme Court
-highest and most powerful court in the U.S.
-has power to overturn decisions made in lower courts and to declare laws unconstitutional
notwithstanding clause
-clause in the Canadian Constitution that allows Parliament or the legislature of a province to allow an act to stand even though it goes against the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Governor General
One who governs a large territory. Representative of the queen.
Prime Minister
The official head of a cabinet. Canada has a prime minister.
A prime minister.
The upper house of the U.S. government.
House of Commons
The lower house of parliament in the U.S.
A written plan for a new law, to be debated in Congress.
Britsh North America Act (BNA)
-Canada became own country with BNA Act
-new laws must be passed in England
Cabinet/Privy Council
-chosen by prime minister
-decide government policy
-have responsibility for particular departments of government.
-don't like change
-freedom of the individual is important.
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
-Canadian Constitution created out of BNA Act
-inside is Charter of Rights and....
-is basis for all law and governence in Canada.
Caucus/Caucus Meeting
-members of each party meet
-discuss policies and bills being proposed
-held privately
-members voice their opinions.
-governed by totalitarian government
-goods owned in common
-no private property
-doing everything for society, not for individual
Constitutional Monarchy
-powers of ruler are restricted to those in constitution and laws of nation
-one person rule
-ruler has total control
-absolute monarchs are also dictatorships.
A theory by which the means of protection and distribution are owned by society rather than by individuals.
Is a social system based on individual rights.
When the government demands total obedience from citizens and controls all aspects of society.
-totalitarian government
-one group has complete control
-individual freedom and liberty is eliminated
Pure Democracy
A democracy in which the power to govern lies directly in the hands of the people rather than their representatives.
Representative Democracy
Government in which people elect representatives who hold the decision making power.
A type of government in which a ruler, such as a king or queen, inherits his or her position.
A system in which the talented are chosen and moved ahead on the basis of their achievement.
-controlled by one central power or authority
-each state also has its own government and can make its own laws.
Free Vote
-prime minster declares "free vote"
-each member of governing party vote by their own opinion
-usually held around moral issues and bills
Legislative Assembly
-is like the "House of Commons"
-total members ->79(MLA's)
Majority Government
-party that has a majority of the seats (more than 151)
-generally expected to pass all bills it proposes.
A rule made by the government that must be obeyed.
The people who rule or govern a country or state.
rule of law
The principle that people are governed by laws, and that no person is above the law.
-liberal is one who believes in more government action to meet individual needs
-rights of the individual are important
-should be protected only as it does not interfere with someone else's freedoms
Structures such as roads, railways, powergrids, and communications links that are basic to the life of society.
Common Law
Law that is based on rulings made by judges in court cases.
Lieutenant Governor
-formal head of the government of a Canadian province
-appointed by fed. gov.
-representative of the Queen.
Residual powers
In Canada's Constitution, any powers that are not specifically listed are held by the federal government or the Crown.
Complete independence and self-government.
Magna Carta
-signed in England by King John I
-gave British protection from unreasonable arrest and the right to a fair trial
-also sets limits on the gov't power
Motion of non-confidence
-occurs in the House of Commons
-if the motion if passed, the government has lost the confidence of the House
-the government must then either resign or call an election by asking the governor general
-form of government in which the power is in the hands of a few persons or small group who have the combined power of a dictator
Question Period
-at the end of the day
-members of the government and opposition debate over a current issue or recent event and Canada's role in it
-a form of government in which the people have the power to elect representatives who manage the government
-republics often have presidents
Individual areas that are represented by members of Parliament in the House of Commons. ex. South Surrye, Surrey Central, North Surrey.
Minority Government-> Coalition
A government in which the ruling party has less than half the seats in the legislature.
Opposition Party
Party has second greatest number of seats in the House. Named official opposition.
Party Solidarity
Each party's goal to present a joint front on issues, policies, proposed bills. especially the government.
individual who makes sure all party MP's attend votes, and vote according to party policy
Refuse to cast a ballot when voting.

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