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- describe the first continental congress
- fifty six delegates met in philadelphia and passed the galloway act; creation of a seperate american parliament by colonial legislatures and eventually passed a range of measure including declaration of rights and acts condemning the british governments c
- describe the purpose of the declatory acts
stated that members of parliament, had the power to make laws, to bind the colonists and the people of america, basically they said they could make laws wenever
- describe the significance of the letters from a farmer in pensylvania
- dickersons letters were about a more peacefull resistant to the british, especially their taxes
- describe the townshend acts
it created new duties on colonial imports of glass, paint, lead, paper, and tea with revenue to be spent on
- explain lord rockhams relationship to the stamp act
- lord rockham replaced grenvel and responded to the stamp act by repealing it and then instaled the declatory act.(parliament had power to make laws)
- what was bostons reaction to the stamp act, who stopped andrew oliver
- massachusets approached it by calling each colony to send delegates to the stamp act congress in new york. however a small group called loyal nine stopped andrew oliver and forced him to resign, before the next shipments of stamps arrived
- what was paul reveeres connections with the boston massacre
- paul revere and another messanger went from lexington to concord to deliever the message that the british were commign, which allowed the minute men to gather
- what was the purpose of the proclamation of 1763, and its effects on colonists
- it forbade colonists from moving west of the appalician state and land east for indians, it failed because the colonists hated the law, the wealthy thought the british were trying to limit the amount of profit and poor thought they were trying to prevent
- what was the responce of south carolina to the threat of possible slave revolts
- south carolina passed the negro acts, because the african americans were outnumbering the slave owners. the act served to prevent rebellion by limiting weapons, group meetings, and enforcing their restrictsions.
- who were the paxton boys
- the paxton boys were the ones who marched to philidelphia to demand increased protection on the frontier because the lack of support from the british, they took it into their own hands