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Anesthesia II


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List the 6 classifications for assessing patient risks.
Class 1: healthy patient
Class 2: mild to moderate systemic disease disturbance
Class 3: severe systemic disturbance or disease
Class 4: Life threatening, severe systemic disease or disorders
Class 5: Morbid patient with little to no hope of survival
Class 6: Braindead patient; organ procurement
When several methods for general anesthesia are used in combination, this is called _____.
balanced anesthesia
Describe the 4 stages of the depth of anesthesia.
Stage 1: amnesia stage; initial administration of an anesthetic agent
Stage 2: loss of consciousness; aka excitement and delirium phase
Stage 3: surgical anesthesia stage; patient is unresponsive to painful stimuli and sensation
Stage 4: overdose stage; dilated and nonreactive pupils; marked hypotension
This stage of general anesthesia involves altering the patient's level of consciousness, from the conscious (alert) state to the unconscious (asleep) state with depressed reflexes.
Induction phase
During this stage of general anesthesia surgical intervention takes place.
Maintenance phase
This stage of general anesthesia occurs as the surgical intervention is being completed. The goal of this stage is to have the patient as awake as possible at the end of the surgical intervention.
Emergence phase
During this stage of general anesthesia the patient returns to the optimum level of consciousness and well-being.
Recovery phase
Inhalation of foreign material such as saliva or gastric contents.
Application of the cricoid pressure is also called the _____.
Sellick's maneuver
Sellick's maneuver, or cricoid pressure is performed to reduce the risk of _____.
____ is designed to prevent the stomach contents from ejection during vomitting.
Sellick's maneuver
Anesthetic agents that are inhaled and pass to the bloodstream via pulmonary function are called _____.
inhalation agents
A nonflammable, potent, rapid-acting inhalation agent generally considered nonirritating to the respiratory tree.
Halothane (Fluothane)
A nonflammable, stable, halogenated ether similar in properties to Halothane.
Enflurane (Ethrane)
A mildly pungent, musty smelling halogenated inhalation agent.
Isoflurane (Forane)
One of the newer halogenated inhalation agents on the market and requires the use of a heated vaporizer for administration.
Desflurane (Suprane)
An odorless inhalation agent that does not cause irritation to the respiratory tree.
Sevoflurane (Ultane)

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