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CH 17/18/19 US HISTORY


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TR's Square Deal, 3 "C's"
control of corporations, conservation, consumer protection
Anthracite Coal Strike
Large strike by coal miners led by Miner's Union president George F. Baer
Northern Securities Case
The Northern Securities Company was a holding company in 1902. The company was forced to dissolve after they were challenged by Roosevelt, his first trust-bust.
The Jungle
Written by Upton Sinclair, described his investigations about the meat-packing industry.
Meat Inspection Act
Required federal inspection of meat processing to ensure sanitary conditions.
Pure Food and Drug Act
Banned interstate shipping of impure food and deliberate mislabeling of food and drugs.
Newlands Reclamation Act
Created a plan to develop irrigation projects.
A process in which citizens can put a proposed new law directly on the ballot in the next election by collecting voters signatures on a petition.
A process that allows citizens to approve or reject a law passed by the legislature
Permits voters to remove public officials before the next election.
Secret Ballot
a voting method in which no one knows how anyone else has voted
Direct Primary
An election in which citizens vote to select nominees for upcoming elections.
16 Amendment
Gave congress power to levy an income tax.
17 Amendment
Provided for the direct election of senators.
18 Amendment
Prohibit the sale of alcohol.
19 Amendment
Granted full woman suffrage.
A term to describe progressive writers who played a key role in alerting the public to wrongdoings in politics and business.
Mother Jones
-Irish immigrant -Woman in labor reform -Helped found the International Workers of the World "Join the union, boys!"
Florence Kelly
-Woman in labor reform -Joined Jane Aadams's Hull house -Later became secretary of NCL
Hull House
Settlement home designed as a welfare agency for needy families. It provided social and educational opportunities for working class people in the neighborhood as well as improving some of the conditions caused by poverty. jane aadams
International Ladies Garmet Workers Union
women who bonded together for fewer hours and higher wages
Pinchot Affair
Taft chose Ballinger for secretary of the interior, which angered conservationists b/c Ballinger did not agree with them. His views clashed with Pinchot's, head of the US Forest Service.
New Nationalism
TR's plan to support the Populist party in 1910 elections. He called for business regulations, welfare laws, workplace protection for women and children, income tax, and voting reform.
Bull Moose Party
Nickname for the Progressive Political Party.
New Freedom
Woodrow Wilson's strategy: promised to enforce antitrust laws without threatening economic competition.
Underwood Tariff
Pushed through Congress by Woodrow Wilson, this 1913 tariff reduced average tariff duties by almost 15% and established a graduated income tax
Federal Reserve Act
a 1913 law that set up a system of federal banks and gave government the power to control the money supply
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
attempt to control large trusts
Social Welfare Legislation
In 1850 in England adult male textile workers had a maximum 60 hour workweek, but this limit didn't go to other industries until 1867. Laws protecting workers against dangerous chemicals didn't go into effect until 1891 and 1901.
National Woman Suffrage Association
militant suffragist organization founded by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
Congressional Union
radical organization formed in 1913 and led by Alice Paul that campaigned for a constitutional amendment guaranteeing women's suffrage
Goals of Progressivism
1. Government should be more accountable to its citizens. 2. Government should curb the power and influence of wealthy interests. 3. Government should be given expanded powers so that it could become more active in improving lives of citizens. 4. Government should be less corrupt so they can handle an expanded role.
Central Powers
Germany, Austria Hungary, Ottoman Empire
France, Great Britain, Russia, Serbia, Italy, USA
Neutral Rights
the right to sail the seas and not take sides in a war
German weapon, submarine, gave them great advantage in marine war-fare.
British Passenger boat with American Citizens aboard sunk by German U-Boat. Angered Americans and pushed them further into war.
Sussex Pledge
Germen government promised that U-boats would warn ships before attacking. Then Germany ended Sussex Pledge.
Russian Revolution
Czar of Russia was forced to give up his throne and Russia turned into a republic.
Zimmerman Note
Letter that British intercepted from Germany and showed the US. It was a letter to Mexico that said they wanted to be allies, wanted to go to war with US, and promised Mexico their territory back.
Trench Warfare
war from inside trenches enemies would try killing eachother with machine guns and tanks, and poison gas
American Expository Force
Selective Service Act
Authorized a draft for young men in the military force.
Armenian Genocide
Ottoman empire deported and murdered Armenians whom they suspected of disloyalty to the government.
Liberty/Victory Loans
US government borrowed money by selling these bonds that helped support the Allies.
War Industries Board
Headed by Bernard Baruch, over-saw the nations war-related production.
Sedition Act
Treaty of Versailles
Wilsons 14 Points
League of Nations
Ratification Fight
Banana Republic
Treaty of Paris
Spanish-American War
de Lome Letter
USS Maine
Rough Riders
Emilio Aguinaldo
Yellow Press
Hearst, Pulitzer
Teller Amendment
Platt Amendment
Guantanamo Bay
Open Door Policy
Boxer Rebellion
Panama Canal
Roosevelt Corollary
Dollar Diplomacy
Mexican Revolution
Henry Cabot Lodge
republican senator
Great White Fleet

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