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chapter 15 test bank questions


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The level of measurement that classifies and rank orders objects in terms of the degree to which they possess the attribute of interest is:
Religion is measured on the:
Nominal scale
Which of the two variables - temperature in Fahrenheit degrees or weight in kilograms - uses a higher level of measurement?
~Temperature in Fahrenheit degrees
~Weight in kilograms
~Both are the same
~Insufficient information to make a
Weight in kilograms
It is not meaningful to calculate an arithmetic average with data from which of the following?
Nominal measures
Nominal and ordinal measures
Ordinal measures
None of the above
Nominal and ordinal measures
Degrees such as associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctorate correspond to a measure on which of the following scales?
A) Nominal
B) Ordinal
C) Interval
D) Ratio
If the bulk of scores on a test occurred at the upper end of the distribution, the distribution could be described as:
Negatively skewed
A group of 100 students took a test. The mean was 85, the standard deviation was 5, and the scores were normally distributed. About how many scores fell between 80 and 90?
A parameter is a characteristic of a:
The mode is an index of:
Central tendency
The measure of variability that takes into account all score values is the:
Standard deviation
The measure of central tendency that is most stable is the:
Which of the following is an example of a bivariate descriptive statistic?
A) Frequency distribution
B) Mean
C) Range
D) Correlation coefficient
Correlation coefficient
One of the characteristics of a normal distribution is that:
~It is bimodal
~95% of the values are within two standard deviations above and below the mean
~The values are positively skewed
~The mean is 100
95% of the values are within two standard deviations above and below the mean
The symbol S represents:
The mean
The use of inferential statistics permits the researcher to:
Draw conclusions about a population based on information gathered from a sample
The standard deviation of a sampling distribution is called a:
Standard error
The steps involved in using test statistics include all the following except:
~Determining the appropriate statistic to be used
~Selecting a level of significance
~Determining the degrees of freedom
~Calculating the theoretical distri
Calculating the theoretical distribution for the test statistic
A major factor that affects the standard error of the mean is the:
Sample size
For which of the following levels of significance is the risk of making a type II error greatest?
A) .10 B) .05 C) .01 D) .001
If a researcher calculated a t-statistic to be -2.2, and the tabled t value (for a df of 60 and level of significance of .05) is 2.0, the researcher would:
Accept the null hypothesis
A statistical procedure that is used to determine whether a significant difference exists between four group means on a dependent variable measured on an interval scale is the:
If a researcher wanted to determine whether observed proportions from sample data differed significantly from expected proportions, the statistic would be a(n):
Chi-squared test
When both the independent and dependent variables are measured on a ratio scale, the appropriate test statistic is a(n):
Pearson's r
A researcher wanted to predict whether nursing home residents would or would not experience a fall based on 10 characteristics (e.g., age, presence or absence of dementia, etc.). The appropriate analysis would involve:
A)Multiple regression
Discriminant function analysis
A researcher wanted to compare men and women in terms of satisfaction with nursing care, controlling for age and severity of illness. The appropriate analysis would involve:
Suppose a researcher found a multiple correlation of .40 between candy intake and age on the one hand, and dental caries on the other. The amount of variability that could be accounted for in dental caries by candy intake and age is:
A) 4%
In analysis of covariance, a covariate is generally:
An extraneous variable
The multivariate procedure that reduces a large set of data into a more compact set of measures is:
Factor analysis

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