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Nursing exam 3


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At 7 weeks the cervix is bluish-purple. Is this normal?
Yes by 6-8 weeks estrogen causes chadwicks sign
Does blood pressure increase or decrease during the 2nd trimester?
decrease (from relaxin)
At term, what is the average uterine blood flow?
500 ml/min
Which is normal glucosuria or proteinuria?
What is ptyalism?
increased saliva
Name one neurological change.
carpal tunnel syndrome, acroesthesia, or lightheadedness, faintness, or syncope
Late prenatal care can be a sign of what?
substance abuse
Name three presumptive indicators
missed menstrual period, home preg test positive, quickening, amenorrhea, nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness....
Name three probable indicators
uterine enlargement, braxton Hicks, uterine souffle, ballotement, positive preg, test
Name three positve indicators
fetal heartbeat, fetal movement, visualization
name 4 first trimester discomforts
frequency, bladder pressure, nausea & vomiting, and breast tenderness 7 enlargement
The birth plan interview should take place during what trimester
A women has hemorrhoids is considered normal during which trimester?
A women that has a normal BMI gains 35 lbs during pregnancy is this normal? what is the normals?
yes. 25 -35
toddlers have a good perception of time. true or false
when should you start an exercise program.
3 months before becoming pregnant
Name four types of childbirth education class.
preconception, early preg., exercise, childbirth prep, c/s birth, VBAC, Breastfeeding, parenting, postpartum
What is used to count fetal number
amniotic fluid volume should be__ml at term?
What is the normal biophysical profile

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