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ABeka Science 7 - Chapter 1 - Bold Words


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(p.27) What is a "self-pumping" well called?
Artesian well
(p.26)Where do plant roots get their oxygen they need?
Pore spaces
(p.27) What is the upper surface of the saturated ground known as?
Water table
(p. 22) Nitrogen moved from the air to the soil to be used by plants and returned to the atmosphere to be used again is called ?
Nitrogen cycle
(p. 22) When nitrogen is combined with other elements it forms a compound known as ?
(p.23) Where does bacteria live?
(p.23) What does anaerobic mean?
They thrive in the absence of oxygen
(p.23) What is essential for cell division and cell growth?
(p.16) Name the soil which is course and grity with large particles that may be easily seen and allows air and water into the soil.
(p.16) Smaller than sand, this type of soil feels similar to flour or talcum powder. Some particles may be seen only with a microscope.
(p.16) What type of soil has the smallest and most tightly packed particles?
(p. 16) What are pedologists?
Scientist who study soil.
(p.16) What soil contains a high weight percentage of silt?
Silty soil
(p.16) What type of soil contains a high weight percentage of sand?
Sandy soil
(p. 16) What soil has particles that are packed closely together, macking it difficult for water and air to move through?
Clayey soil
(p.18) Name the two types of pH substances scientists use to describe the soil.
Acidic, basic, or neutral.
(p.21) Define nutrients.
Mineral and organic portions of the soil which supply nourishment for plants.
(p.3.) What did the early scientist beleive about God?
Most of them believed that God created us.
(p.3) What is the pupose of science?
to carefully observe nature and to try to discover the laws of creation so these laws can be put to work for the benefit of mankind.
(p.4) Why was bacon important?
he was important to the development of natural science because he promoted learning and introduced the scientific method of studying nature.
(p.4) What is the scientific method?
It is a systematic way in which scientists gather and pursue scientific knowledge.
(p.4) What are the three main parts of the scientific method?
Hypothesizing, observing, and experimenting.
(p.6) Name the six steps of the scientific method.
1. State the problem
2. Gather information
3. Formulate a hypothesis
4. Test your hypothesis
5. Record and analyze
6. State the conclusion
(p.6) What is an experimental group?
the group on which a test is performed
(p.6) What is a control group?
the group used as a standard for comparison.
(p.6) What is a constant?
conditions present in both the control group and the experimental group throughout the experiment.
(p.7.) What are variables?
conditions present only in the experimental group.
(p.7) What do you do when you are testing a hypothesis?
always limit the number of variables to one
(p.9) What is an environment?
The surrondings of an organism or group of organisms.
(p.9) What is a mineral?
material not derived from living organisms.
(p.9) What are organic?
material derived from living organisms.
(p.10) What does decompose mean?
to break down, to leave behind.
(p.10) What does humus mean?
rich organic particals
(p.10) What does recycling mean?
using materials again and again
(p.10) What does weathering mean?
rocks are broken down into soil
(p.10) What does subsoil mean?
Weathered particles wash down through the topsoil and settle into a lower layer.
(p.11) What does bedrock mean?
Below the soil lies a layer of solid rock.
(p.12) What is exfoliation?
rocks continually crack, pieces break away as large boulders or pebbles.
(p.12) What is quartz?
the most common mineral in the earth's crust
(p.13) What is chemical weathering?
changes the composition of the original material.
(p.13) What is erosion?
The natural process by which wind, streams, or ice (glaciers) carry away fragments caused by weathering.
What is a "self-pumping" well called?
Artesian well

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