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Chapter 19 The Age of Industry


undefined, object
copy deck
complete change or turning around
J.P Morgan
banking industry
Samuel Morse
electric telegraph
Guglielmo Marconi
wireless telegraph and radio
Age of Industry
began from Industrial Revolution 1760-1900
Robert Fulton
first practical steamship
Karl Benz
invented first modern automobile
love of mankind
private ownership of the means of producition
Eli Whitney
cotton gin
Alexander Graham Bell
telephone in 1876
John Dalton
atomic theory
Rudolf Diesel
diesel engine
James Hargreaves
spinning jenny
factory system
many people employed to produce manufactured goods in a systematic way for wages
John D. Rockefeller
oil industry
James Clerk Maxwell
foundation for electrical engineering
James Watt
steam engine
John Deere
steel plow
Cyrus Field
first successful transatlantic telegraph cable
Thomas Alva Edison
"Wizard of Menlo Park"
Sir Humphry Davy
miner's safety lamp
Enclosure Movement
landowners enclose their land with fences or hedges in order to raise sheep
Jethro Tull
seed drill
Pierre and Marie Curie
polonium and radium
George Stephenson
first practical steampowered locomotive; railroad
Richard Arkwright
spinning frame
Adam Smith
wrote "Wealth of Nations"
Cyrus McCormick
Lord Kelvin
laws of thermodynamics
Joseph Lister
Michael Faraday
discovered relationship between electricity and magnetism leading to invention of electric motor and electric generator
Protestant work ethic
way of life based on Biblical teaching that God expects all men to work and all work is a noble duty to be performed toward God
Edward Jenner
developed the first vaccine
free trade
trade without government interference
John Kay
flying shuttle
Samuel Crompton
spinning mule
domestic system
work done in small private shops, usually within the home
Henry Ford
improved first modern automobile
Industrial Revolution
time of dramatic changes in agriculture, industry, and technology
Edmund Cartwright
power loom
Bessemer and Kelly
developed the iron to steel process
Louis Pasteur
germ theory of disease
substinence farming
growing just enough food to feed own families
Gottlieb Daimler
internal combustion engine
Andrew Carnegie
steel industry; wrote "Gospel of Wealth"

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