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Developmental Levels of Grasping


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Expain what it is?
Infant places between fingertips or fingernails, distal thumb joint flexed.

Explain what it is?
Between ventral surfaces of thumb and index finger, distal thumb joint extended, beginning of thumb opposition.

Explain what it is?
different version at 6mo

Explain grasp?
Object held with the opposed thumb and fingertips, space visible between with wrist extended.

Explain grasp?
Fingers on far side of object press it against opposed thumb and radial side of palm with wrist straight.

Fingers on top of surface of object press it inot center of palm with thumb adducted.

Visually attends to object, approaches if within 1 in., contact results in hand pulling object back to squeeze precariously against the other hand or body, no thumb involvement.

Held with precise opposition of distal phalanges of thumb, index, and middle fingers, ring and little fingers flexed to form a stable arch, wrist slightly extended, grasped distally, MCP joints stabalized during fine, localized movements of PIP joints.

Held with crude approximation of thumb, index, and middle fingers, ring and little fingers only slightly flexed, grasped proximally with continuous adjustments by other hand, no fine localized movements of digit components; hand moves as a unit.

Held with fingers, wrist neutral with slight ulnar deviation, and forearm pronated; arm moves as a unit.

Held with fisted hand, wrist slightly flexed and slightly supinated away from mid-position; arm moves as a unit.

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