bio roots
undefined, object
copy deck
- A, An
- without
- anthro
- pertaining to joints
- bi
- both, two, or double
- bio
- life
- blasto
- embryonic layer or cell
- cardio
- pertaining to the heart
- cata
- breaking down
- cephalo
- relating to the head
- chloro
- green
- chromo
- color
- cyto
- cell
- derm
- pertaining to the skin
- ecto
- outside
- endo
- inside
- epi
- above or on top of, upon
- exo
- outside
- hetero
- different
- homo
- same, alike
- hydro
- water
- hyper
- too much, excess
- hypo
- too little, below
- infra
- below, inferior
- inter
- between
- intra
- within
- iso
- same, equal
- latero
- side
- leuco
- white or colorless
- macro
- large
- medial
- middle
- meso
- in the middle
- micro
- small
- mono
- one, single
- myo
- pertaining to muscle
- nephro
- pertaining to the kidney
- neuro
- pertaining to the nerves
- osteo
- pertaining to bone
- os
- bone
- para
- along side of
- peri
- around
- photo
- light
- pneumo
- pertaining to lungs, concerning air
- poly
- many, multiple
- pre OR pro
- before
- pulmo
- pertaining to the lungs
- re OR retro
- back or again
- sarco
- pertaining to flesh
- soma
- pertaining to the body
- sub
- under
- supra
- above or superior
- trans
- across
- vaso
- pertaining to tubes vessels or ducts