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Neuro psych


undefined, object
copy deck
Bodamer 47
people w anomia - same only for faces - prosopagnosia
De Renzi 86
are faces harder?
De Renzi 87
Prosopagnostic patient - could disting dogs, coins, breeds - used colour and featural info?
Bruyer 83
Mr W - recog cows but not faces
Assal 84
MR X could recognt cows or faces
McNeil & Warrington 93
WJ - prosopagnosic, could recog sheep, learn sheep not faces
Young 93
32 ex-servicemen w brain lesions ; face id; fam decision; simultaneous face matching; sequential face matching; expression matching; expression recog
RH lesion
unfam faces only deficit
5 LH lesion
expression deficit
Bruce and Young
Valerie - right temp lobe prob - prosopagnosic
Young Hellawell & Dehann 88
DH : forced face to name matching ; associative priming- fam judge RT to name following face prime
FU- PIN = disrupted so only ltd activation but enough to prime
Bauer 84
famous and non famous but no capgras
Ellis & Young 90
Proso - ventral damage, Capgras- dorsal damage
replaced by imposters
person diguising self
rapid appearance change - look like someone else; occur through epilepsy
Ellis 97
SCR to fam face- amy, SCR to tones cingulate
Ellis 2000
capgras do show associative priming
Covert recog
autonomic recog
Hirstein & Ramachandran 97
Patient imposter- not when phoned
Lewis 2001
patient HL : capgras for faces only
Prob w capgras-
prob to prior PIN level
Capgras 23
Don't normally show SCR response
David 93
capgras allows us to see probs w cog models
Ellis and de pau 94
capgras result from neuro, toxic, other organic
De Pau 94
Traditional explanations of capgras - hard to explain
Ellis 96
Object capgras
Haxby 2000
Prosopagnosia- face recog after loss of right inferotemporal region
Tranel 95
failed to respond to other emotional stim
Renault 89
CNS measures
Intact overt & absence covert
Ellis and Young
9SCRs 2 low tone - capgras normal response: therefore not CNS
Telephone OK
Routes to recog
ventral- lontitudinal fasciculus btw visual cortex and limbic system
Obj perception- shape and colour
Spatial location/ place
Breen 2000
if saw familiar chair vs chair!
Coltheart 97
Breen doesn't describe how to fail to receive confirmation; delusion
Farah 93
info reintergrated: data identified by comparing joint info
James 50
When know person have automatic "glow"
Stone & Young 97
Bias in favour of observational adequacy
Young 99
Delusion manifest after abnormality- attribution stage therefore change in SCR
Bruce and Young model
see pic
Young and Burton 99
Lesions lead to graded degredation of info processing
Critchley 2000
SCR correl w amy
Tranel 85
SCR after faces
Ellis 93
Covert recog= SCR - prosopag
Visual imparement
see pic
Tasks to learn proso capg
name learning, face interference, name face pairing
Bauer 86 - evidence for dual route
autonomic recognition not found in apperceptive patients - unable to activate stored visual info for face
Tranel &b Demasio
Covert recog in prosopag w SCR
Damasion & Damasio 95
unsure if diff btw appercept due to anatomical localisation or extent of lesion
Bauer, Verfaellie 88
80% accurate of face match - face perception intact-
Tranel & Damasio 98
Associative prosopag- normal SCRs
Baron cohen 2000
not only pathway for autonomic response - SCR can come from frontal lobe lesions
Ungerlider *& Mishkin 82
Visual pathways: lesion studies, ventral and dorsal p-ways, lesion inferior temp lobe, visual deficit, 2d vs 3D, parietal lobe lesions - no deficit, landmark lesions
Breen, Coltheart & Caine 1999
Pins or affective come from FRU
2 routes to face recog
Milner & goodale 95
amy holds emotion info
Milner 91
DF: visual agnosia : could reach for stuff : hand slot etc : not able to say where put hand in slot - unable to percieve orientating
Goodale 94
RV: couldn't describe obj shape - motor function ok
Tranel & demasio
Show patient, had SCr from familiar objects
Match face
Ventral temporal lobe
Ventral pathway prob
Herstin & Ramachandran 97
spoke to parents on phone
Farah 90
Prosopags- weak SCR- long rctn time, covert recog - not normal recog - tested covertly
(Burton et al., 1991
published, a key question has been whether overt and covert face recognition are
same impairment that causes prosopagnosia may explain an impairment in sequential (but not simultaneous) matching of unfamiliar faces
Schweinberger& Burton 2002
Bobes used no time delay between the sequentially presented faces
Schweinberger& Burton 2003
Bobes- critisism, still don't know whether unfamiliar andfamiliar faces are processed by the same mechanisms.
Schweinberger& Burton 2004
Bobes-it would have been interesting to see whether ERP findings would support a normal timing of familiar face perception in FE

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