MedTerm 10
undefined, object
copy deck
- mechano-
- machine
- dynam-
- power
- osmo-
- odor
- traumat-
- wound
- trich-
- hair
- maxill-
- upper jawbone
- an-, a-
- without, not
- phak-
- lens
- pre-
- in front of, before
- strict-
- to draw tight
- turbin-
- shaped like a top
- ameb-
- change
- semi-
- half
- neo-
- new
- hormone-
- to excite
- therm-
- heat
- syn- or sym-
- together
- vuls(e)-
- twitch or pull
- post
- after
- metr-
- uterus
- tegument
- covering or skin
- pan-
- all
- poly-
- many
- ramus
- branch
- neuro-
- nerve