Intro and Sagittal Brain
undefined, object
copy deck
- brain and spinal chord develop embryologically from what type of structure
- tube
- proencephelon consists of
telencephelon (top)
diencephelon (below) - below the diencephelon is the ______
- mesencephelon
- below the mesencephelon is the ______ which consists of ______ & _______
- rhombencephelon consists of metencephelon (superior) & myencephelon
- below the myencephelon is the _________
- spinal chord
- rostral means
- towards snout
- caudal mans
- towards tail
- the brainstem consists of (inferior to superior)
- medula, pons, midbrain
- The prominent posterior (dorsal) part of the midbrain is the
- tectum
- The 4th ventricle
- overlies the pons and rostral 1/2 of the medulla
- The cerebral aqueduct passes through
- the midbrain
- Cerebellum overlies
- the 4th ventricle
- Diencephalon
-just rostral to midbrain
-at the core of the cerebral hemisphere - 3 parts of the diencephelon
- thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus
- The thalami are usually
- connected across the midline by a mass intermedia
- 3rd ventricle
- lies between the thalami and surrounds the massa intermedia
- Anterior wall of 3rd ventricle (lamina terminalis) includes
- anterior commissure
- Components of epithalamus
- pineal gland and posterior commissure
- Parts of the hypothalamus include
- mammillary bodies & pituitary stalk
- A major landmark just rostral and inferior to hypothalamus
- is optic chiasm
- A large white matter tract arching over the thalamus is
- the body of the fornix
- Underlying the gray matter is the largest white matter structure
- corpus callosum
- Stretching between the corpus callosum and fornix is a thin semitransparent membrane which separates the left & right lateral ventricles
- septum pellucidum
- Four of the brain lobes can be seen in mid-sagittal section
frontal - The epithalamus
- not an integrated funtional unit, but has structures which function in several systems
- Pineal gland
-a small gland floating in CSF between midbrain & corpus callosum
-It is attached to the brain by a stalk with dorsal and ventral walls
- The 3rd ventricle extends up into the stalk - On the dorsomedial thalamus is a bump (habenula) overlying the ________
- habenular nucleus
- Arching over the dorsomedial thalamus is the
- stria medullaris thalami
- The _______ is in the dorsal wall of the pineal stalk
- habenular commissure
- Stria medullaris thalami arches over the
- dorsomedial thalamus
- Stria medullaris thalami
- is a complex afferent fiber bundle to the habenula
- Habenular commissure probably includes both
- commissural and decussating fibers
- The pineal gland projects into
- a large subarachnoid space
- Because it develops calcifications ("brain sand"), at one time it proved instrumental as a landmark to plane film radiologists. These calcifications are also visable on CT.
- pineal body
Pineal tumor compresses what?
What symptoms will it cause? -
the midbrain tectum (rostral part is visual system) which in turn compresses (closes) the cerebral aqueduct.
Produces simultaneous symptoms of hydrocephalus (increased CSF pressure) and eye movement disorders - Posterior commissure
- attaches between the ventral wall of the pineal stalk and the midbrain tectum near the junction of the 3rd ventricle and cerebral aqueduct
- Fibers interconnect various nuclei involved in the visual system - PC fibers interconnect
- midbrain nuclei involved in the visual system